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Created June 4, 2021 10:51
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const { promises: fs } = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
// find plugins in a directory, matching a pattern, ignoring registered plugins
function findPlugins(dir, pattern, registered) {
let segments = pattern.split('/');
let regexp = new RegExp(`^${segments.pop().replace('*', '.*')}`);
dir = path.join(dir, ...segments);
return fs.readdir(dir).then(f => f.reduce((plugins, dirname) => {
// exclude CLI's own directory and any directory not matching the pattern
if (dirname === 'cli' || !regexp.test(dirname)) return plugins;
try {
let { name, oclif } = require(`${dir}/${dirname}/package.json`);
// plugin's package.json have a percy oclif binary defined
if (!registered.includes(name) && oclif && oclif.bin === 'percy') {
return plugins.concat(name);
} catch {
// ignore directories without a package.json
return plugins;
}, []), () => []);
// automatically register/unregister plugins by altering the CLI's package.json within node_modules
async function autoRegisterPlugins() {
let nodeModules = path.resolve(__dirname, '../..');
let pkgPath = path.resolve(__dirname, 'package.json');
let pkg = require(pkgPath);
// if not installed within node_modules, look within own node_modules
/* istanbul ignore else: always true during tests */
if (path.basename(nodeModules) !== 'node_modules') {
nodeModules = path.resolve(__dirname, 'node_modules');
// ensure registered plugins can be resolved
let registered = pkg.oclif.plugins.filter(plugin => {
if (pkg.dependencies[plugin]) return true;
try { return !!require.resolve(plugin); } catch {}
return false;
// find unregistered plugins
let unregistered = await Promise.all([
findPlugins(nodeModules, '@percy/*', registered),
findPlugins(nodeModules, 'percy-cli-*', registered)
]).then(p => Array.from(new Set(p.flat())));
// if any unregistered or unresolved registered, modify plugin registry
if (unregistered.length || registered.length !== pkg.oclif.plugins.length) {
pkg.oclif.plugins = registered.concat(unregistered);
await fs.writeFile(pkgPath, JSON.stringify(pkg, null, 2) + '\n');
// auto register plugins before running oclif = () => autoRegisterPlugins()
.then(() => require('@oclif/command').run());
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Ezugudor commented Jun 4, 2021

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