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Last active May 15, 2023 06:47
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import { getSize, getSpace } from '@tamagui/get-token'
import { Moon } from '@tamagui/lucide-icons'
import {
} from '@tamagui/web'
import { cloneElement, useContext } from 'react'
export const ButtonContext = createStyledContext({
size: '$4' as SizeTokens,
export const ButtonFrame = styled(Stack, {
name: 'Button',
context: ButtonContext,
backgroundColor: '$background',
alignItems: 'center',
flexDirection: 'row',
hoverStyle: {
backgroundColor: '$backgroundHover',
pressStyle: {
backgroundColor: '$backgroundPress',
variants: {
size: {
'...size': (name, { tokens }) => {
return {
height: tokens.size[name],
borderRadius: tokens.radius[name],
gap:[name].val * 0.2,
paddingHorizontal: getSpace(name, {
shift: -1,
} as const,
defaultVariants: {
size: '$4',
type ButtonProps = GetProps<typeof ButtonFrame>
export const ButtonText = styled(Text, {
name: 'ButtonText',
context: ButtonContext,
color: '$color',
userSelect: 'none',
variants: {
size: {
'...fontSize': (name, { font }) => ({
fontSize: font?.size[name],
} as const,
const ButtonIcon = (props: { children: any }) => {
const { size } = useContext(ButtonContext)
const smaller = getSize(size, {
shift: -2,
const theme = useTheme()
return cloneElement(props.children, {
size: smaller.val * 0.5,
color: theme.color.get(),
export const Button = withStaticProperties(ButtonFrame, {
Props: ButtonContext.Provider,
Text: ButtonText,
Icon: ButtonIcon,
export const CustomButtonDemo = () => {
return (
<CustomButton size="$2" />
<CustomButton size="$3" />
<CustomButton />
<CustomButton size="$5" />
<CustomButton size="$6" />
<CustomButton size="$7" />
<Button size="$5">
<Button.Props size="$10">
{/* ensure that we can scope them like radix */}
<Button size="$10">
{/* this should create a new scope */}
<Button size="$2">
const CustomButton = (props: ButtonProps) => (
<Button {...props}>
<Moon />
* Button.Provider + Flattening ?
* 1. provider + flattening only works if you only use static variants or `...` functional variants
* 2. <Button.Provider size="$10" /> could flatten but not necessary, but outputs:
* - div className="provide_Button-size-10"
* - will generate CSS:
* .provide_Button-size-10 { --Button-size: var(--size-10) }
* 3. then Button with variant ...size would pre-generate all your ...size tokens?
* .provide_Button-size-10 .is_Button { height: var(--size-10); border-radius: var(--space-8); }
* .provide_Button-size-9 .is_Button { height: var(--size-9); border-radius: var(--space-7); }
* 4. this is ok to be non-atomic because its provided in context so anything set directly on button will override it
* - to be less specific somehow may need either :root on every other selector
* - or @layer
* - or maybe :where() but then its the same specificity right
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