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Forked from bennadel/code-1.cfm
Created August 8, 2024 20:52
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How My ColdFusion Code Snippet Color Coding Works
hint="This takes code samples and color codes for display.">
<!--- Define arguments. --->
<cfargument name="Code" type="string" required="true" />
// Define the local scope.
var LOCAL = StructNew();
// Create a pattern for parts of the code display.
LOCAL.Pattern = CreateObject( "java", "java.util.regex.Pattern" ).Compile(
// Create a pattern matcher based on our input.
LOCAL.Matcher = LOCAL.Pattern.Matcher( ARGUMENTS.Code );
// Create a buffer to build our return text.
LOCAL.Buffer = CreateObject( "java", "java.lang.StringBuffer" ).Init();
// Create some state values so that we can determine which actions
// we are supposed to take for each group.
LOCAL.State = StructNew();
LOCAL.State.InCF = false;
LOCAL.State.InHTML = false;
LOCAL.State.InAttribute = false;
LOCAL.State.InComment = false;
LOCAL.State.InScript = false;
// Loop over the matcher.
while( LOCAL.Matcher.Find() ){
// Get the gurrent group value.
LOCAL.Value = LOCAL.Matcher.Group();
// Check to see if we in script. If we are, we need
// to do things very differently.
if (LOCAL.State.InScript){
// Check to see if found a cloase cfscript tag and that we
// NOT in a comment tag.
if (REFindNoCase( "^</cfscript", LOCAL.Value )){
// Add the span.
LOCAL.Value = ("<span class=""cfmlcodecolor"">" & LOCAL.Value);
// Update the state.
LOCAL.State.InCF = true;
LOCAL.State.InScript = false;
// Check to see if we found a close tag.
if (
REFindNoCase( "/?>$", LOCAL.Value ) AND
// Add the span.
LOCAL.Value = (LOCAL.Value & "</span>");
// Update the state.
LOCAL.State.InCF = false;
} else {
// Check to see if we found a close list item.
if (REFindNoCase( "^</li", LOCAL.Value )){
// Close all existing span tags. Check states
// to see what we have going on.
if (LOCAL.State.InComment){
LOCAL.Value = ("</span>" & LOCAL.Value);
if (LOCAL.State.InCF){
LOCAL.Value = ("</span>" & LOCAL.Value);
if (LOCAL.State.InHTML){
LOCAL.Value = ("</span>" & LOCAL.Value);
if (LOCAL.State.InAttribute){
LOCAL.Value = ("</span>" & LOCAL.Value);
// Check to see if we found an open list item.
// If this is the case, we have to re-start any tags
// that we closed in the previous close list item.
if (REFindNoCase( "^<li", LOCAL.Value )){
// Re-start any existing span tags. Check states
// to see what we have going on.
if (LOCAL.State.InComment){
LOCAL.Value = (LOCAL.Value & "<span class=""commentcodecolor"">");
if (LOCAL.State.InCF){
LOCAL.Value = (LOCAL.Value & "<span class=""cfmlcodecolor"">");
if (LOCAL.State.InHTML){
LOCAL.Value = (LOCAL.Value & "<span class=""htmlcodecolor"">");
if (LOCAL.State.InAttribute){
LOCAL.Value = (LOCAL.Value & "<span class=""attributecodecolor"">");
// Check to see if found a comment.
if (LOCAL.Value EQ "<!--"){
// Add the span.
LOCAL.Value = ("<span class=""commentcodecolor"">" & LOCAL.Value);
// Update the state.
LOCAL.State.InComment = true;
// Check to see if found a close comment and that we
// are already in a comment.
if (
(LOCAL.Value EQ "-->") AND
// Add the span.
LOCAL.Value = (LOCAL.Value & "</span>");
// Update the state.
LOCAL.State.InComment = false;
// Check to see if found a cf tag and that we are NOT in
// a comment tag.
if (
REFindNoCase( "^<cf", LOCAL.Value ) AND
(NOT LOCAL.State.InComment)
// Check to see if we started a script tag.
if (REFindNoCase( "^<cfscript", LOCAL.Value )){
// Update the state.
LOCAL.State.InScript = true;
// Add the span.
LOCAL.Value = ("<span class=""cfmlcodecolor"">" & LOCAL.Value);
// Update the state.
LOCAL.State.InCF = true;
// Check to see if found a cloase cf tag and that we
// NOT in a comment tag.
if (
REFindNoCase( "^</cf", LOCAL.Value ) AND
(NOT LOCAL.State.InComment)
// Add the span.
LOCAL.Value = ("<span class=""cfmlcodecolor"">" & LOCAL.Value);
// Update the state.
LOCAL.State.InCF = true;
// Check to see if found an open HTML tag and that we
// are not in a comment.
REFindNoCase( "^<(?!cf)", LOCAL.Value ) AND
(NOT LOCAL.State.InComment)
// Add the span.
LOCAL.Value = ("<span class=""htmlcodecolor"">" & LOCAL.Value);
// Update the state.
LOCAL.State.InHTML = true;
// Check to see if we found a close tag.
if (
REFindNoCase( "/?>$", LOCAL.Value ) AND
(NOT LOCAL.State.InComment)
// Check to make sure that we are NOT in an attribute
// and NOT in a comment.
if (
(NOT LOCAL.State.InAttribute) AND
(NOT LOCAL.State.InComment)
// Check to see if we are in a CF tag.
if (LOCAL.State.InCF){
// Add the span.
LOCAL.Value = (LOCAL.Value & "</span>");
// Update the state.
LOCAL.State.InCF = false;
// Check to see if we are in a HTML tag.
if (LOCAL.State.InHTML){
// Add the span.
LOCAL.Value = (LOCAL.Value & "</span>");
// Update the state.
LOCAL.State.InHTML = false;
// Check to see if we found a quote.
if (LOCAL.Value EQ """"){
// Check to see if we are in a tag. This is the only time
// that we are going to want to do anything with it.
if (
// Now, check to see if we are starting or ending an
// attribute value.
if (NOT LOCAL.State.InAttribute){
// Add the span.
LOCAL.Value = ("<span class=""attributecodecolor"">" & LOCAL.Value);
// Update the state.
LOCAL.State.InAttribute = true;
} else {
// Add the span.
LOCAL.Value = (LOCAL.Value & "</span>");
// Update the state.
LOCAL.State.InAttribute = false;
// Add the replacement text.
LOCAL.Value.ReplaceAll( "([\\\$])", "\\$1" )
// Add the reset of the stuff to buffer.
// Return the string buffer.
return( LOCAL.Buffer.ToString() );
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