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install Oracle PHP Extension (oracle OCI8) - instantclient for Mac OS 10.12.6 - homebrew environnement - on PHP 7.2


This procedure is tested on Mac OS X 10.12.6

PHP 7.2 installed with Homebrew.


Download the following files from Oracle website (yes, you need to create an account and accept terms):

Create and unzip all theses files into a the directory /usr/local/instantclient/

Create symlinks

sudo ln -sfn /usr/local/instantclient/*.h /usr/local/include/
sudo ln -sfn /usr/local/instantclient/ /usr/local/bin/
sudo ln -sfn /usr/local/instantclient/*.dylib /usr/local/lib/
sudo ln -sfn /usr/local/instantclient/*.dylib.12.1 /usr/local/lib/
sudo ln -sfn /usr/local/lib/libclntsh.dylib.12.1 /usr/local/lib/libclntsh.dylib

Install extension with pecl

pecl install oci8

On success installation, you will have messages like the following:

Build process completed successfully
Installing '/usr/local/Cellar/php/7.2.7/pecl/20170718/'
install ok: channel://
Extension oci8 enabled in php.ini

If the script prompt you to provide the path to ORACLE_HOME directory, respond with:


And your are done, normally pecl will automatically load the extension in your php.ini. If not, add the following line to your php.ini:

Run php --ini to check your php.ini file location.

Then do test the setup by running php -v.

If you are having error code like the following:

Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '' (tried: /usr/local/Cellar/php/7.2.7/lib/php/20170718/ (dlopen(/usr/local/Cellar/php/7.2.7/lib/php/20170718/, 9): image not found), /usr/local/Cellar/php/7.2.7/lib/php/20170718/ (dlopen(/usr/local/Cellar/php/7.2.7/lib/php/20170718/, 9): image not found)) in Unknown on line 0

You can copy the generated to the target path. In above case as following:

cp /usr/local/Cellar/php/7.2.7/pecl/20170718/ /usr/local/Cellar/php/7.2.7/lib/php/20170718/

Then you should see no more error message when runninng php -v.

Restart your HTTP Server and test.

Enjoy (or try to...) !

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