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/* Merge sort in C */ | |
#include<stdio.h> | |
#include<stdlib.h> | |
// Function to Merge Arrays L and R into A. | |
// lefCount = number of elements in L | |
// rightCount = number of elements in R. | |
void Merge(int *A,int *L,int leftCount,int *R,int rightCount) { | |
int i,j,k; | |
// i - to mark the index of left aubarray (L) | |
// j - to mark the index of right sub-raay (R) | |
// k - to mark the index of merged subarray (A) | |
i = 0; j = 0; k =0; | |
while(i<leftCount && j< rightCount) { | |
if(L[i] < R[j]) A[k++] = L[i++]; | |
else A[k++] = R[j++]; | |
} | |
while(i < leftCount) A[k++] = L[i++]; | |
while(j < rightCount) A[k++] = R[j++]; | |
} | |
// Recursive function to sort an array of integers. | |
void MergeSort(int *A,int n) { | |
int mid,i, *L, *R; | |
if(n < 2) return; // base condition. If the array has less than two element, do nothing. | |
mid = n/2; // find the mid index. | |
// create left and right subarrays | |
// mid elements (from index 0 till mid-1) should be part of left sub-array | |
// and (n-mid) elements (from mid to n-1) will be part of right sub-array | |
L = (int*)malloc(mid*sizeof(int)); | |
R = (int*)malloc((n- mid)*sizeof(int)); | |
for(i = 0;i<mid;i++) L[i] = A[i]; // creating left subarray | |
for(i = mid;i<n;i++) R[i-mid] = A[i]; // creating right subarray | |
MergeSort(L,mid); // sorting the left subarray | |
MergeSort(R,n-mid); // sorting the right subarray | |
Merge(A,L,mid,R,n-mid); // Merging L and R into A as sorted list. | |
free(L); | |
free(R); | |
} | |
int main() { | |
/* Code to test the MergeSort function. */ | |
int A[] = {6,2,3,1,9,10,15,13,12,17}; // creating an array of integers. | |
int i,numberOfElements; | |
// finding number of elements in array as size of complete array in bytes divided by size of integer in bytes. | |
// This won't work if array is passed to the function because array | |
// is always passed by reference through a pointer. So sizeOf function will give size of pointer and not the array. | |
// Watch this video to understand this concept - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CpjVucvAc3g | |
numberOfElements = sizeof(A)/sizeof(A[0]); | |
// Calling merge sort to sort the array. | |
MergeSort(A,numberOfElements); | |
//printing all elements in the array once its sorted. | |
for(i = 0;i < numberOfElements;i++) printf("%d ",A[i]); | |
return 0; | |
} |
Java Code!
public class Test {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int[] arr = {6,2,3,1,9,10,15,13,12,17};
for (int i : arr){
System.out.print(i+ " ");
public static void Merge(int[] left, int[] right, int[] arr){
int i = 0, j = 0, k = 0;
while (i < left.length && j < right.length){
if (left[i] < right[j]){
arr[k] = left[i];
else {
arr[k] = right[j];
while (i < left.length){
arr[k] = left[i];
k++; i++;
while (j < right.length){
arr[k] = right[j];
k++; j++;
public static void sort(int[] arr){
int n = arr.length;
if(n < 2) return;
int mid = n/2;
int[] left = Arrays.copyOfRange(arr,0, mid);
int[] right = Arrays.copyOfRange(arr, mid, n);
Merge(left, right, arr);
Thank you so much, sir.
Thanks alot sir, best explanation on internet.
Python implementation, did variables with much wordings for a simpler follow-along,
def mergeSort(array):
arrayLength = len(array)
if arrayLength<2:
#cmpute array mid-point
mid = arrayLength//2
# create two lists/array and initialize with default values
leftArray= list(range(mid))
rightArray= list(range(arrayLength-mid))
# populate the two arrays with values from original array/list
for idx in range(mid):
leftArray[idx] = array[idx]
for idx in range(mid, arrayLength):
rightArray[idx-mid] = array[idx]
# call a mergeSort method recursively until the base case of len <2 is reached
# means one element is remaining in a given list
#then start merging picking left and right array from call stack
# meged array
return array
def merge(leftArray,rightArray,array):
leftArrayLength = len(leftArray)
rightArrayLength = len(rightArray)
# loop until the len of either array
while(leftIdx < leftArrayLength and rightIdx < rightArrayLength):
if leftArray[leftIdx] <= rightArray[rightIdx]:
array[arrayIdx] = leftArray[leftIdx]
leftIdx +=1
array[arrayIdx] = rightArray[rightIdx]
rightIdx +=1
arrayIdx +=1
# case when right array is exhausted before the left one
while leftIdx < leftArrayLength:
array[arrayIdx] = leftArray[leftIdx]
leftIdx +=1
arrayIdx +=1
# case when left array is exhausted before the left one
while rightIdx < rightArrayLength:
array[arrayIdx] = rightArray[rightIdx]
rightIdx +=1
arrayIdx +=1
# tests
testArray =[6,2,3,1,9,10,15,13,12,17]
expected = [1, 2, 3, 6, 9, 10, 12, 13, 15, 17]
assert mergeSort(testArray) == expected
Merge sort in java
`class mergeSortAlgorithms{
public void merge(int arr[], int start , int mid , int end){
//find the size of right and left halves
int n1 = mid - start +1;
int n2 = end - mid;
//make the temporary array equal to right and left halve
int left[] = new int[n1];
int right[] = new int[n2];
//fill the right and left halves
for(int i=0;i<n1;i++){
left[i] = arr[i+start];
for(int j=0;j<n2;j++){
right[j] = arr[mid+1+j];
//intialize variable
int i = 0 ,j=0, k = start;
//sort the array
while(i<n1 && j <n2){
if(left[i] < right[j]){
arr[k] = left[i];
arr[k] = right[j];
//copying the reamaining value of right and left halves
arr[k] =left[i];
arr[k] = right[j];
public void mergeSort(int arr[], int start ,int end){
//check if start greater than end
if(start < end){
int mid = (start+end)/2;
//divide into two halves recursively
//merge into two halves
public static void main(String[] args) {
//random array
int arr[] = {25,20,4,24};
//object of same class
mergeSortAlgorithms array = new mergeSortAlgorithms();
//call the mergesort function
//display sorted array
for (int i=0;i<arr.length ;i++ ) {
To compile and run online same program : click on this link :
To see code :
i did the array split in 1 loop
for(i = 0;i<mid;i++){
L[i] = A[i];
R[i] = A[mid+i];
if(n%2)R[i] = A[mid+i];
I had implemented the Merge sort class for the divide and conquer method. The main method is written different.
public class divideandconquer {
//Implement the sorting algorithm Merge Sort, which you will have to use in the
//algorithm for solving Closest-Points. (25%)
//Not implemented the sort() function. Instead of that
//Merge sort class
class Merge{
private static int k;
static void mergeSort(ArrayList A, int start, int end) {
//check condition if start greater than end
if(start < end) {
//using a formula
int mid = (start + (end-1)) / 2;
//Now we divide into two valves for multiple times
mergeSort(A, start, mid);
mergeSort(A, mid+1, end);
//merge into two valves
merge(A, start, mid, end);
public static void merge(ArrayList A, int startpoint, int midpoint, int endpoint ) {
//Calculate the size of left and right halves
int lefthalve = midpoint - startpoint + 1 ;
int righthvalve = endpoint - midpoint ;
//create a temporary sub-arrays and assigned to calculated left halves
int [] left = new int[lefthalve];
//create a temporary sub-arrays and assigned to calculated right halves
int [] right = new int [righthvalve];
//We fill our sorted right sub-arrays into temporaries
for (int leftIndex = 0; leftIndex < lefthalve; ++leftIndex) {
left[leftIndex] = A.get(startpoint+leftIndex);
//We fill our sorted left sub-arrays into temporaries
for (int rightIndex = 0; rightIndex < righthvalve; ++rightIndex) {
right[rightIndex] = A.get(midpoint + 1 + rightIndex);
//Initialize the variables, iterators containing current index of temp sub-arrays
int leftIndex = 0; int rightIndex = 0; int k=startpoint;
// copying from leftArray and rightArray back into array
//for (int i = start; i < end + 1; i++) {
while(leftIndex < lefthalve && rightIndex < righthvalve) {
if(left[leftIndex]<right[rightIndex]) {
A.set(k, left[leftIndex]);
else {
A.set(k, right[rightIndex]);
// if all the elements have been copied from rightArray, copy the rest of leftArray
while (leftIndex < lefthalve) {
A.set(k, left[leftIndex]);
// if all the elements have been copied from leftArray, copy the rest of rightArray
while (rightIndex < righthvalve) {
A.set(k, right[rightIndex]);
//applying getters and setters of defined k value
public static int getK() {
return k;
public static void setK(int k) {
Merge.k = k;
Java Code
public class MergeSort {