""" |
Dependencies: |
Python 2.7+ |
jsonrpclib: https://github.com/joshmarshall/jsonrpclib |
Instructions: |
Edit the litecoin.conf file to enable rpc (server=1) and set the rpcuser |
and rpcpassword to something nontrivial, difficult to guess, and long. |
Change the rpcport if you wish; by default litecoin should only accept |
rpc connections from localhost, so it is hopefully safe. Change the below |
values to match settings put in the config file. |
Give the address holding the litecoins to be distributed a unique label, |
this will be used to payout (unfortunately litecoin likes to pay via label, |
not address). Change addressLabel to match your selection. |
Create a text file in the same directory as this .py file to store share information. |
Use "address:shares" as the format, one per line. Example: |
mp4YaRWkNP8iHYMSvQmtF6Z22qUf4VnrZP:1 |
mo7RoBMawfcW9JryMTKk7aYEMzv2UQQfim:1 |
mtoDAWo4ccfLS8xQAw6zNgiFLoBVKqrsZv:1 |
moqzNPmxChi2kpT6khcxQkqZQ76woM5GQK:1 |
mq37recpNN7ACmrK1RPfW86GNDZHcEu8MR:10 |
Change sharesFile to match the name of the file you just created. Run this python file |
for every transaction you wish to make. |
""" |
addressLabel = "poolLTC" |
sharesFile = "shareholders.txt" |
rpcUser = "h" |
rpcPass = "h" |
rpcPort = 9332 |
## Do not edit below this line ## |
import jsonrpclib, xmlrpclib |
from decimal import Decimal |
print "Getting shares from %s..." % sharesFile |
sharesList = [(line.strip().split(":")[0], int(line.strip().split(":")[1])) for line in open(sharesFile)] |
totalShares = sum(s[1] for s in sharesList) |
if raw_input("Is %d shareholders with a total of %d shares correct? [y/N]: " % |
(len(sharesList), totalShares)).lower()[0] != "y": |
raise Exception("Please correct the shares file") |
print "Connecting to litecoin daemon at localhost:%d..." % rpcPort |
litecoinClient = jsonrpclib.Server("http://%s:%s@localhost:%d" % (rpcUser, rpcPass, rpcPort)) |
litecoinClient.help() #make sure we can connect to it |
labelAddresses = litecoinClient.getaddressesbyaccount(addressLabel) |
if len(labelAddresses) == 0: |
raise Exception("No address exists with label '%s'" % addressLabel) |
elif len(labelAddresses) > 1: |
raise Exception("More than one address exists with label '%s'" % addressLabel) |
elif raw_input("Use address %s to send funds? [y/N]: " % labelAddresses[0]).lower()[0] != "y": |
raise Exception("Incorrect address label, please change.") |
sharePayout = Decimal(raw_input("Payment per share: ")) |
if sharePayout * (10**9) % 10 != 0: |
raise Exception("More that 8 digits of precision given, implicit rounding. Please adjust share payout.") |
totalPayout = sharePayout * totalShares |
if Decimal(litecoinClient.getbalance(addressLabel)) < totalPayout: |
raise Exception("Not enough ltc in '%s', need %s. Please adjust share payout." % (addressLabel, totalPayout)) |
if raw_input("Is %s LTC per share for %s LTC total correct? [y/N]: " % (sharePayout, totalPayout)).lower()[0] != "y": |
raise Exception("Please adjust share payout.") |
addressShares = {address: float(shares*sharePayout) for (address, shares) in sharesList} |
if sum(addressShares.values()) != totalPayout: |
raise Exception("Something went horribly wrong...") |
#print addressShares |
print "Sending litcoins..." |
print "Success! TXID: %s" % litecoinClient.sendmany(addressLabel, addressShares) |
raw_input("Press any key to close the window") |