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Last active October 22, 2021 21:48
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Install CHT on clean install of macOS Big Sur 11.6 MacBook Pro (Intel)

CHT Install on clean install of macOS Big Sur 11.6 on MacBook Pro (Intel MacBook Pro 15-inch, Mid 2014)

  1. download docker desktop
  2. install docker desktop
  3. install homebrew (can do xcode too, but mabye homebrew is lighter weight? Oh...homebrew installs xcode?) which will in turn install git
  4. clone cht-core into ~/Documents/:
     cd ~/Documents&&git clone
  5. create an env file for your first CHT instance in ~/Documents/
    echo "COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME=my_first_project" > ~/Documents/cht_docker_env
    echo "CHT_HTTP=8080" >> ~/Documents/cht_docker_env
    echo "CHT_HTTPS=8443" >> ~/Documents/cht_docker_env
  6. run the CHT docker helper script
    cd ~/Documents/cht-core/scripts/docker-helper&& ./ -e ../../../cht_docker_env -d up
  7. success!
    │                     CHT Docker Helper: my_first_project                      │
    │CHT Health - Version                    Good - NA (jq not installed)          │
    │CHT URL                        │
    │FAUXTON URL                    │
    │                                                                              │
    │Project Containers                      2 of 2                                │
    │Global Containers / Medic Images         2 / 2                                │
    │Global load Average                      4.60 3.20 2.39                       │
    │                                                                              │
    │Last Action                             Installing certificate... │
    │                    Successfully started my_first_project                     │
    │                                 login: medic                                 │
    │                              password: password                              │
    │                                                                              │
    │                              Have a great day!                               │

* Note: helper script can't currently detect your LAN IP - see docs

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