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Created September 29, 2021 19:30
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How to write a basic website bug report
h2. Description
(describe the bug)
h2. URL
(is there an example URL where the bug is immediately visible?)
h2. Role
(what user or role are you logged in as?)
h2. Steps to reproduce
(steps to trigger the bug)
h3. Actual result
(what actually happened, i.e.: the undesired behaviour)
h3. Expected result
(what you expected to happen, i.e.: the desired behaviour)
h2. Screenshots
(screen captures of the bug)


(describe the bug)


(is there an example URL where the bug is immediately visible?)


(what user or role are you logged in as?)

Steps to reproduce

(steps to trigger the bug)

Actual result

(what actually happened, i.e.: the undesired behaviour)

Expected result

(what you expected to happen, i.e.: the desired behaviour)


(screen captures of the bug)

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