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Develop with heart

Mo Beigi mobeigi

Develop with heart
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jikamens /
Last active October 6, 2024 14:41 - Export/import DNS records from/to Namecheap
#!/usr/bin/env python3
""" - Export/import DNS records from/to Namecheap
This script can export DNS records from a domain in Namecheap to a YAML file or
import records from a YAML file in the same format into Namecheap. I use this
script to maintain my Namecheap DNS records in a source repository with change
history, i.e., "configuration as code" for my Namecheap DNS records.
lorenzodifuccia /
Created December 22, 2020 02:12
Encryption function used by Instagram (Browser App) to generate the 'enc_password' from PubKey (AES-GCM + SealedBox)
import base64
import struct
import datetime
import binascii
from urllib.parse import quote_plus
# pip install pycryptodomex
from Cryptodome import Random
from Cryptodome.Cipher import AES
jfeilbach /
Last active April 15, 2023 18:20
check if reboot needed on RHEL or Ubuntu


Should work on Amazon Linux as well

needs-restarting -r ; echo $?


needs-restarting -r || shutdown -r


npearce /
Last active November 27, 2024 13:47
Amazon Linux 2 - install docker & docker-compose using 'sudo amazon-linux-extras' command

UPDATE (March 2020, thanks @ic): I don't know the exact AMI version but yum install docker now works on the latest Amazon Linux 2. The instructions below may still be relevant depending on the vintage AMI you are using.

Amazon changed the install in Linux 2. One no-longer using 'yum' See:

Docker CE Install

sudo amazon-linux-extras install docker
sudo service docker start
NicolasBizzozzero /
Last active September 21, 2024 16:59
Python template of a comprehensive header, with shebang, docstring, GPLv3 license and all metadata.
#!/usr/bin/env python
""" Short description of this Python module.
Longer description of this module.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
EdOverflow /
Last active December 2, 2024 19:49
My tips for finding security issues in GitHub projects.

GitHub for Bug Bounty Hunters

GitHub repositories can disclose all sorts of potentially valuable information for bug bounty hunters. The targets do not always have to be open source for there to be issues. Organization members and their open source projects can sometimes accidentally expose information that could be used against the target company. in this article I will give you a brief overview that should help you get started targeting GitHub repositories for vulnerabilities and for general recon.

Mass Cloning

You can just do your research on, but I would suggest cloning all the target's repositories so that you can run your tests locally. I would highly recommend @mazen160's GitHubCloner. Just run the script and you should be good to go.

$ python --org organization -o /tmp/output
alexsasharegan / .htaccess
Created September 7, 2016 00:36
Apache Config for React Router
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^index\.html$ - [L]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-l
RewriteRule . /index.html [L]
dduvnjak /
Last active September 27, 2024 17:49
Add CloudFlare IP addresses to an EC2 Security Group using awscli
# first we download the list of IP ranges from CloudFlare
# set the security group ID
# iterate over the IP ranges in the downloaded file
# and allow access to ports 80 and 443
while read p
maxcnunes /
Created November 24, 2015 17:52
Curl - Get status code and response body
# store the whole response with the status at the and
HTTP_RESPONSE=$(curl --silent --write-out "HTTPSTATUS:%{http_code}" -X POST $URL)
# extract the body
HTTP_BODY=$(echo $HTTP_RESPONSE | sed -e 's/HTTPSTATUS\:.*//g')
# extract the status
HTTP_STATUS=$(echo $HTTP_RESPONSE | tr -d '\n' | sed -e 's/.*HTTPSTATUS://')
mobeigi / MD5 Collision Demo
Created April 3, 2015 03:48
MD5 Collision Demo
Block 1:
d131dd02c5e6eec4693d9a0698aff95c 2fcab58712467eab4004583eb8fb7f89
55ad340609f4b30283e488832571415a 085125e8f7cdc99fd91dbdf280373c5b
d8823e3156348f5bae6dacd436c919c6 dd53e2b487da03fd02396306d248cda0
e99f33420f577ee8ce54b67080a80d1e c69821bcb6a8839396f9652b6ff72a70
Block 2:
d131dd02c5e6eec4693d9a0698aff95c 2fcab50712467eab4004583eb8fb7f89