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Last active October 30, 2016 15:38
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Collecting information with Readline
/*Readline is a module that allows us to ask questions to our Terminal user.
The standard input(stdin) and standard output(stdout) objects that allow
us to easily control prompting a user with questions and saving those answers.
//create an instance of the readline object which will create the propmt.
var readline = require('readline');
var realPerson = {
name: '',
saying: []
//use readline to create the interface that takes in process.stdin & process.stdou
var rl = readline.createInterface(process.stdin, process.stdout);
// use that answer to set the real person's name = answer;
//in order to ask the question, we need to invoke rl.question
rl.question('What is the name of a real person', function(answer) {
// function that we can use to set the Readline prompt
rl.setPrompt(`What would ${} say? ('exit' to leave)` );
/*rl.on('line') is an event that will fire when the user submits an answer
This callback function, the second argument of the rl.on('line', function() will also be invoked once we have that answer
rl.on('line', function(saying) {
if( saying.toLowercase.trim() === 'exit') {
} else {
rl.setPrompt(`What else would ${} say? ('exit' to leave) `)
//rl.on('close') will listen for a close event.
rl.on('close', function() {
/*a %s in the console log is a placeholder for a string
So what it will do is it will replace the second argument that we have added with that string.
a %j in the console log will replace it variable with a JSON String.
console.log('%s is a real persons that says %j',, realPerson.sayings);
//invoke a process.exit to end the proces
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