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mlidbom / Ergodox-ez-configurator-characters-map-swedish-qwerty.txt
Created March 22, 2018 14:08
Keyboard map for the Ergodox ez to create the various non 0-9,a-z characters for the swedish qwerty keymap.
Created using the instructions here:
+ <- -
´ <- =
å <- [
¨ <- ]
' <- \
ö <- ;
ä <- '
, <- ,
mlidbom / Ergodox-ez-international-character-map-instructions.txt
Last active May 3, 2019 10:49
Creating a character map for configuring your Ergodox Ez to work with keyboard maps other than English-US
Existing layouts:
Windows Swedish QUERTY:
Instructions for creating your own map:
1: Make sure you have another normal keyboard awailable and plugged in to retain the ability to type while creating the map :)
2: Download and flash the ergodox ez layout here:
3: Create an empty text document in the text editor of your choice.
4: For each key on the left hand of the layout, start from the top left and type each key followed by enter.