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'Bypasses IE7+ c:\fakepath\file.txt problem | |
Function BrowseForFile() | |
With CreateObject("WScript.Shell") | |
Dim fso : Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") | |
Dim tempFolder : Set tempFolder = fso.GetSpecialFolder(2) | |
Dim tempName : tempName = fso.GetTempName() & ".hta" | |
Dim path : path = "HKCU\Volatile Environment\MsgResp" | |
With tempFolder.CreateTextFile(tempName) | |
.Write "<input type=file name=f>" & _ | |
"<script>f.click();(new ActiveXObject('WScript.Shell'))" & _ | |
".RegWrite('HKCU\\Volatile Environment\\MsgResp', f.value);" & _ | |
"close();</script>" | |
.Close | |
End With | |
.Run tempFolder & "\" & tempName, 1, True | |
BrowseForFile = .RegRead(path) | |
.RegDelete path | |
fso.DeleteFile tempFolder & "\" & tempName | |
End With | |
End Function | |
MsgBox BrowseForFile |
Function BrowseForFile() | |
Dim shell : Set shell = CreateObject("Shell.Application") | |
Dim file : Set file = shell.BrowseForFolder(0, "Choose a file:", &H4000, "C:\") | |
BrowseForFile = file.self.Path | |
End Function | |
MsgBox BrowseForFile |
Option Explicit | |
' Flags for the options parameter | |
Const BIF_returnonlyfsdirs = &H0001 | |
Const BIF_dontgobelowdomain = &H0002 | |
Const BIF_statustext = &H0004 | |
Const BIF_returnfsancestors = &H0008 | |
Const BIF_editbox = &H0010 | |
Const BIF_validate = &H0020 | |
Const BIF_browseforcomputer = &H1000 | |
Const BIF_browseforprinter = &H2000 | |
Const BIF_browseincludefiles = &H4000 | |
Dim file | |
file = BrowseForFolder( _ | |
"Select a file or folder to copy", _ | |
BIF_returnonlyfsdirs + BIF_browseincludefiles, _ | |
"") | |
If file = "-5" Then | |
WScript.Echo "Not possible to select files in root folder" | |
Else | |
If file = "-1" Then | |
WScript.Echo "No object selected; Cancel clicked" | |
Else | |
WScript.Echo "Object: ", file | |
End If | |
End If | |
' Using the shell's BrowseForFolder method to | |
' return the full path to the selected object | |
' title = Text shown in the dialog box | |
' flag = One of the values for controlling the | |
' BrowseForFolder behavior | |
' dir = Preselected directory (can be "") | |
Function BrowseForFolder(title, flag, dir) | |
On Error Resume Next | |
Dim oShell, oItem, tmp | |
' Create WshShell object. | |
Set oShell = WScript.CreateObject("Shell.Application") | |
' Invoke Browse For Folder dialog box. | |
Set oItem = oShell.BrowseForFolder(&H0, title, flag, dir) | |
If Err.Number <> 0 Then | |
If Err.Number = 5 Then | |
BrowseForFolder= "-5" | |
Err.Clear | |
Set oShell = Nothing | |
Set oItem = Nothing | |
Exit Function | |
End If | |
End If | |
' Now we try to retrieve the full path. | |
BrowseForFolder = oItem.ParentFolder.ParseName(oItem.Title).Path | |
' Handling: Cancel button and selecting a drive | |
If Err<> 0 Then | |
If Err.Number = 424 Then ' Handle Cancel button. | |
BrowseForFolder = "-1" | |
Else | |
Err.Clear | |
' Handle situation in which user selects a drive. | |
' Extract drive letter from the title--first search | |
' for a colon (:). | |
tmp = InStr(1, oItem.Title, ":") | |
If tmp > 0 Then ' A : is found; use two | |
' characters and add \. | |
BrowseForFolder = _ | |
Mid(oItem.Title, (tmp - 1), 2) & "\" | |
End If | |
End If | |
End If | |
Set oShell = Nothing | |
Set oItem = Nothing | |
On Error GoTo 0 | |
End Function |
@wonkawilly okay, you might be lucky and have MsComDlg.CommonDialog
available. You'll have to do some research on how to use it as I haven't touched this in ~10 years maybe and it won't work on my machines:
Function BrowseForFile(pstrPath, pstrFilter)
Set objDialog = CreateObject("MSComDlg.CommonDialog")
objDialog.Filter = pstrFilter
objDialog.InitDir = pstrPath
objDialog.MaxFileSize = 256
objDialog.Flags = &H80000 + &H4 + &H8
intResult = objDialog.ShowOpen()
BrowseForFile = objDialog.FileName
End Function
BrowseForFile "c:","*.vbs"
If that ends up working, let me know and we can add it to the list above.
Another option might be CreateObject("UserAccounts.CommonDialog")
. This was available in Windows XP, and I think later versions up to win 7 if Microsoft Office was installed. It might have been killed though based on a security patch.
To integrate the information I shared before, in my little experience on Win7 32bit, IE11 installed, set meta tag for compatibility mode with IE9 into the in HTML (hta+vbs to be precise ), I have also tried these that also are NOT working:
- Set objDialog = CreateObject("MSComDlg.CommonDialog")
- Set objDialog = CreateObject("UserAccounts.CommonDialog")
Probably their support was removed with upgrades
The reported error is usually "The activex component cannot create the object "the object quoted into the CreateObject"
I would used the html standard approach
<input type="file" id="SelectScriptFile" accept=".ext1, .ext2, .extn" multiple />
but accept and multiple do not work on IE9 engine
I also tried to use into the main hta file even an iframe , pointing to the same folder where is saved the hta it self setting src attribute as:
With this approach I can select multiple files and I have amazing filters functionality built-in into the columns headers as in Windows Explorer, but I can't have directory tree, at all, at the side: to navigate i can just go deep down into sub dirs and I cannot even go up to the parent dir. Also I am not able to get the selected objects into the hta vbscript from the iframe itself: this is comprehensible for security reasons.
The following is partially working
<object id="FilePickerDialog" classid="CLSID:3050F4E1-98B5-11CF-BB82-00AA00BDCE0B"></object>
I can set filters and few other parameters like this in vbs
Dim strFileToOpenPath : strFileToOpenPath = FilePickerDialog.openFileDlg(CStr(fpdStartFilePath), CStr(fpdStartDirPath), CStr(fpdFilter), CStr(fpdOpenFileDlgTitle))
but multi file selection doesn't work, but at least I have filters. For multiple file select I will use a button to append new opened files with the user intervention, one by one, it will do the trick.
I would use IE11 mode into the meta tag but I loose other HTA functionalities in that mode so I implemented a compromise:
IE9 compatibility mode
the above object that supports filters
but not multiple file selection
implementing by vbs the possibility to append files one by one: it will not be to ugly for few files to be selected and appended.
I just stumbled upon the following which still works when dropped in an HTA:
It would need some design work to make it look pretty but there is a ViewOptions property available that might be partly useful.
There may even be a CLSID that represents the explorer url box, but I can't find my old forum posts on the internet archive at the moment.
At this point you'd be trying to create your own fully custom file browser that may not be worth the effort.
For the moment I am using the following code:
The script part:
Dim fpdStartFilePath : fpdStartFilePath = "the string path"
Dim fpdStartDirPath : fpdStartDirPath = "" 'This does not seems to work at all
Dim fpdFilter : fpdFilter = "My custom filters for example (" & FileExtDlgFilter & ")|" & FileExtDlgFilter & "|"
Dim fpdOpenFileDlgTitle : fpdOpenFileDlgTitle = "Open a file of type " & FileExtDlgFilter ' This is the title of the dialog
Dim strFileToOpenPath : strFileToOpenPath = FilePickerDialog.openFileDlg(CStr(fpdStartFilePath), CStr(fpdStartDirPath), CStr(fpdFilter), CStr(fpdOpenFileDlgTitle))
If Not strFileToOpenPath = "" Then
Dim strFileContent : strFileContent = FileReadContent(strFileToOpenPath)
End If
The html part:
<object id="FilePickerDialog" classid="CLSID:3050F4E1-98B5-11CF-BB82-00AA00BDCE0B"></object>
With such combination of VBScript and html (into a hta file) I get a full navigable Open File Dialog that allows me to:
- navigate throughout the integrated folder tree view and chose a folder to pick a file from (a single one);
- further filter the content of the folder by using the filters integrated into the columns headers;
- search for items with the Search function by typing a string into the relative Search text box
- pick a file;
- read that selected file content;
- elaborate the file content as I need to.
So it is an almost complete GUI: the limit is that I can't select more than one file at once: I haven't discovered yet if it is even possible to set a multi selection property to true for the dialog with such GUI object I don't know yet if it supports such selection mode. For the rest it works as expected opening the dialog and showing only the files that mach the extensions I need to be shown. Follows an example on how to set multiple file filters for the dialog:
Dim fpdFilter : fpdFilter = "HTML Files(*.html;*.htm)|*.html;*.htm|Text Files(*.txt;*.log)|*.txt;*.log|Image Files(*.jpg;*.gif)|*.jpg;*.gif|"
The syntax is a bit redundant but it allows to set a description that is shown for each option of the drop down file type selector and what is the relative value of each option that is the filter itself.
Notice that in order to work the string has to be converted by CStr as indicated into the following row of vbs code:
Dim strFileToOpenPath : strFileToOpenPath = FilePickerDialog.openFileDlg(CStr(fpdStartFilePath), CStr(fpdStartDirPath), CStr(fpdFilter), CStr(fpdOpenFileDlgTitle))
Of course it is possible to do the same in with JavaScript, by converting the given code accordingly with this language rules.
I have on my Win7 32bit system,
IE11 installed
mshta.exe 8.~
and even
mshta.exe 11.~
I am trying to deal with html (-> hta + vbs, more precisely) for learning purposes and:
<input type="file" accept="my file extension filters list" multiple >
<object id="FilePickerDialog" classid="CLSID:3050F4E1-98B5-11CF-BB82-00AA00BDCE0B"></object>
BrowseForFolder(0, "Choose a file:", &H4000, "C:\")
and more...
So into the hta head I've set the doctype as
<!DOCTYPE html>
and the meta tag to
<meta charset="UTF-8" http-equiv="x-ua-compatible" content="IE=9"/>
<meta charset="UTF-8" http-equiv="x-ua-compatible" content="IE=10"/>
<meta charset="UTF-8" http-equiv="x-ua-compatible" content="IE=11"/>
<meta charset="UTF-8" http-equiv="x-ua-compatible" content="IE=edge"/>
I've also tried
.BrowseForFolder(0, "Choose a file:", &H4000, "C:\")
as I saidWhat seems to a better job in .hta and vbs is the combination of the following code:
with some limits tho:
Among other things I have also tried to change the meta tag content attribute by vbs at runtime hopping this change will allow the input type=file to support accept and multiple attributes as in more recent IE versions, but unfortunately it did not work as I hopped: I suppose it is because the meta tag and its content is processed by the engine once at loading time and so even modifying its attribute at run time by vbs doesn't really updates the input type file behavior because the meta tag is not processed anymore once the page has finished loading the meta tag itself the first time to load correctly the HTA:APPLICATION... tag.
Of course I've tried even
<meta charset="UTF-8" http-equiv="x-ua-compatible" content="IE=10"/>
(and even IE=11 and IE=edge)<input type="file" accept="myfilters" multiple>
This combination works as expected for accept and multiple attributes, but at the cost of loosing some other .hta features as the app icon and the maximize attribute and more.
In other words, to get the main and unique hta file working correctly for some features seems to be necessary having IE=9 set into meta tag, no more recent version so the IE11 version I have in my system uses a compatible mode engine and supports all hta features correctly (the <HTA:APPLICATION tag and its attributes). But IE9 compatibility mode doesn't support accept and multiple attributes.
Viceversa, to get the file selector () working at its best, with the support for multiple files selection and filters for file types, seems necessary having a more recent version of IE (IE=10 or IE=11 or IE=edge) set into the meta tag (the IE=edge does not mean MS Edge, but such a setting just tells to mshta.exe just to use the most recent IE engine available (IE11 in my case) instead going into compatibility med with old IE9 or IE10 browser to render hta file content) at the price of losing some other features of hta. Also as if all the previous was not enough, setting the content attribute to IE=11 seems that also makes hta not able to handle and work with vbs anymore, or at least some of it must be edited and adapted... I don't know it for sure. Maybe its about time to abandon vbs and pass to js...
So i agree with you and also add that unfortunately setting IE at version > 9 solves some problems and causes others and viceversa: so it seems it is not possible to make them work together, not as a single .hta file at least.
I really have to add that these incoherences of Microsoft developing its products make a lot of people cranky from the early morning...
like having a fountain pen with a dull nib or a pencil with blunt tip after accidental falls. That is... brrrr...