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Created September 8, 2023 00:42
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Trivial OO Expression Problem Solved in TypeScript
// See the following for a Scala example: <>
/* Initial code */
abstract class Exp { abstract evaluate(): number }
class Lit extends Exp {
constructor(readonly x: number){ super(); }
evaluate(): number { return this.x }
class Add extends Exp {
constructor(readonly left: Exp, readonly right: Exp) { super() }
evaluate(): number {
return this.left.evaluate() + this.right.evaluate()
/* Adding new operation 'print' */
abstract class ExpP extends Exp { abstract print(): string }
class LitP extends Lit implements ExpP {
print(): string { return this.x.toString() }
class AddP extends Add implements ExpP {
// Note the type refinement on the properties
constructor(readonly left: ExpP, readonly right: ExpP) { super(left, right) }
print(): string {
return this.left.print() + this.right.print()
/* Adding new variant 'Sub' */
class Sub extends Exp {
constructor(readonly left: Exp, readonly right: Exp) { super() }
evaluate(): number {
return this.left.evaluate() - this.right.evaluate()
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