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Last active December 14, 2020 16:22
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  • Save mislav/9894000d4534225f951c7b0585d40b56 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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# First, close Google Chrome.
# unload the Keystone agent
find /Library/Launch* ~/Library/LaunchAgents -maxdepth 1 -iname '*' | xargs -L1 launchctl unload
# prevent it from starting again (note: you could also back up the files by moving them elsewhere)
find /Library/Launch* ~/Library/LaunchAgents -maxdepth 1 -iname '*' | xargs rm -v
# Warning: it's likely that running Google Chrome after this will restore these files.
# If it doesn't, consider that automatic Chrome updates will be DISABLED. Use at own risk.
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