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Created June 17, 2015 19:01
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Revert Spotify and prevent it from updating itself
# @mcminton
# This script will download the appropriate version of Spotify and lock it from auto-updating itself
# This is needed to support AppleScript when running
# See
# Kill Spotify if it happens to be running
killall Spotify &> /dev/null
# Remove existing Spotify.dmg if needed
rm Spotify.dmg
echo "Uninstall existing Spotify..."
rm -r /Applications/
echo "Download archived Spotify..."
curl -L -o Spotify.dmg
echo "Mount DMG..."
hdiutil attach Spotify.dmg
sleep 4
echo "Copy to Applications folder..."
cp -R "/Volumes/Spotify/" /Applications
echo "Unmount..."
hdiutil detach "/Volumes/Spotify"
echo "Launch Spotify to create Application Support folders..."
echo "Please wait for Spotify to exit..."
open -a Spotify
sleep 3
killall Spotify
sleep 2
echo "Lock Spotify from updating itself..."
chflags nouchg ~/Library/Application\ Support/Spotify/Spotify_new.archive &> /dev/null
chflags nouchg ~/Library/Application\ Support/Spotify/Spotify_new.archive.sig &> /dev/null
rm ~/Library/Application\ Support/Spotify/Spotify_new.archive &> /dev/null
rm ~/Library/Application\ Support/Spotify/Spotify_new.archive.sig &> /dev/null
touch ~/Library/Application\ Support/Spotify/Spotify_new.archive
touch ~/Library/Application\ Support/Spotify/Spotify_new.archive.sig
chflags uchg ~/Library/Application\ Support/Spotify/Spotify_new.archive
chflags uchg ~/Library/Application\ Support/Spotify/Spotify_new.archive.sig
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