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Created October 15, 2021 01:14
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lightbulbs guessing
(:require [reagent.dom :as rdom]
[reagent.core :as r]))
(defn gen-default-state [n]
{:lightbulbs (mapv #(vector % false) (vec (shuffle (range n))))
:snapshots []})
(def state
(r/atom (gen-default-state 8)))
(defn adjust []
[:h2 "lightbulbs"]
{:style {:margin "10px"}}
"Adjust number of lightbulbs. Resets state."]
[:input {:type :range :min 0 :max 20 :value (-> @state :lightbulbs count)
:on-change #(reset! state
(gen-default-state (js/parseInt (.. % -target -value) 10)))}]
[:span (str (-> @state :lightbulbs count))]])
(defn switches []
[:h2 "switches"]
{:style {:margin "10px"}}
"Use the switches to turn on / off lights. "
"Press " [:strong "Check Lights"] " to visit the light room"]
(for [[i [n checked]] (map-indexed vector (-> @state :lightbulbs))]
[:li {:key n :style {:display 'inline}}
{:type :checkbox
:checked (if checked "checked" "")
:on-change #(swap! state update-in [:lightbulbs i 1] not)}]])]])
(defn guesses []
(for [[n s] (map-indexed vector (@state :snapshots))]
[:li {:key n}
[:h3 (str "visit: " n)]
[:h4 "Switches"]
(for [[n checked] s]
[:li {:key n :style {:display 'inline}}
{:type :checkbox :readOnly true :checked (if checked "checked" "")}]])]
[:h4 "Lights"]
(for [[n checked] (sort-by first s)]
[:li {:key n :style {:display 'inline}}
(if checked "💡" "⚫ ")])]]])]
[:h3 [:button {:on-click #(swap! state update :snapshots conj (@state :lightbulbs))} "Check Lights"]]])
(defn app []
(defn render []
(rdom/render [app] (.getElementById js/document "root")))
(defn ^:export main []
(defn ^:dev/after-load reload! []
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