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Created November 7, 2024 18:02
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Complete scoop arguments (with ctrl-space) in PowerShell
$argumentCompleterScriptBlock = {
param($wordToComplete, $commandAst, $cursorPosition)
$commands = `
@{Text = 'alias'; Tip = 'Manage scoop aliases' }, `
@{Text = 'bucket'; Tip = 'Manage Scoop buckets' }, `
@{Text = 'cache'; Tip = 'Show or clear the download cache' }, `
@{Text = 'cat'; Tip = 'Show content of specified manifest.' }, `
@{Text = 'checkup'; Tip = 'Check for potential problems' }, `
@{Text = 'cleanup'; Tip = 'Cleanup apps by removing old versions' }, `
@{Text = 'config'; Tip = 'Get or set configuration values' }, `
@{Text = 'create'; Tip = 'Create a custom app manifest' }, `
@{Text = 'depends'; Tip = 'List dependencies for an app, in the order they''ll be installed' }, `
@{Text = 'download'; Tip = 'Download apps in the cache folder and verify hashes' }, `
@{Text = 'export'; Tip = 'Exports installed apps, buckets (and optionally configs) in JSON format' }, `
@{Text = 'help'; Tip = 'Show help for a command' }, `
@{Text = 'hold'; Tip = 'Hold an app to disable updates' }, `
@{Text = 'home'; Tip = 'Opens the app homepage' }, `
@{Text = 'import'; Tip = 'Imports apps, buckets and configs from a Scoopfile in JSON format' }, `
@{Text = 'info'; Tip = 'Display information about an app' }, `
@{Text = 'install'; Tip = 'Install apps' }, `
@{Text = 'list'; Tip = 'List installed apps' }, `
@{Text = 'prefix'; Tip = 'Returns the path to the specified app' }, `
@{Text = 'reset'; Tip = 'Reset an app to resolve conflicts' }, `
@{Text = 'search'; Tip = 'Search available apps' }, `
@{Text = 'shim'; Tip = 'Manipulate Scoop shims' }, `
@{Text = 'status'; Tip = 'Show status and check for new app versions' }, `
@{Text = 'unhold'; Tip = 'Unhold an app to enable updates' }, `
@{Text = 'uninstall'; Tip = 'Uninstall an app' }, `
@{Text = 'update'; Tip = 'Update apps, or Scoop itself' }, `
@{Text = 'virustotal'; Tip = 'Look for app''s hash or url on' }, `
@{Text = 'which'; Tip = 'Locate a shim/executable (similar to ''which'' on Linux)' } `
# Write-Host "`n`n`n`n"
# Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "wordToComplete = '$wordToComplete'"
# Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "commandAst = '$commandAst'"
# Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "cursorPosition = '$cursorPosition'"
$command, $params = $commandAst.ToString() -split " ", 2
$params = $params -split " "
if ( $wordToComplete -ne "" -and $wordToComplete -notlike "-*" ) {
$params = ($params | Select-Object -SkipLast 1 )
# & $command --completion-bash $params | Where-Object { $_ -like "$wordToComplete*" } |
$commands | ForEach-Object {
# completionText, listItemText, resultType, toolTip
[Management.Automation.CompletionResult]::new($_.Text, $_.Text, 'ParameterValue', $_.Tip)
Register-ArgumentCompleter -Native -CommandName scoop.exe -ScriptBlock $argumentCompleterScriptBlock
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