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Last active April 5, 2024 16:00
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LEFT JOIN in ARel for ActiveRecord in Ruby on Rails
# Here's a contrived example of a LEFT JOIN using ARel. This is an example of
# the mechanics, not a real-world use case.
# NOTE: In the gist comments, @ozydingo linked their general-purpose ActiveRecord
# extension that works for any named association. That's what I really wanted!
# Go use that! Go:
# - A Taxi is a car for hire. A taxi has_many :passengers.
# - A Passenger records one person riding in one taxi one time. It belongs_to :taxi.
class Taxi < ActiveRecord::Base
# This scope LEFT JOINs the Passenger table. You might use this if you wanted
# to select taxis by a set of taxi and passenger IDs (as with the
# SQL " IN () OR IN ()").
def self.left_join_passengers
taxis = Taxi.arel_table
passengers = Passenger.arel_table
# The key here is providing the join type (Arel::Nodes::OuterJoin) and
# grabbing the ARel join object itself from Arel::SelectManager#join_sources
# to feed to ActiveRecord's #joins method.
# SQL equivalent: "LEFT OUTER JOIN passengers ON = passengers.taxi_id"
taxi_passengers = taxis.join(passengers, Arel::Nodes::OuterJoin).
# Sources that almost documented this:
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ah, I've been looking for the join_sources thing! thanks for the gist!

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Why method without self. ?

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Good point, @araslanov-e. My Rails is pretty rusty now, but I think you're right; the method should be def self.left_join_passengers. Fixed.

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Thank you for this, join_sources is my new best friend! I've generalized this to do essentially the same method but for any named association:

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@ozydingo That's fantastic! That's what I actually wanted in ActiveRecord. Thanks!

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👍 ❤️

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Thank you.

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Thank you for this. I have implemented this in our code base. I found one issue however, in that that it didn't work when on Polymorphic associations because original relation's bind values were not present on the new relation. This seems to resolve things.

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Thank you.

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kidlab commented May 17, 2018

Thanks! 👍

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dcluna commented Jan 4, 2019


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Can we further join taxi_passengers with another table ?

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