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Created July 27, 2022 12:52
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How signs are calculated in rbbt decoupler sandbox
### This loop is run for each pair
# sign_evidence_pmids will hold the list of PMIDS support each sign: +,
# -, and ~ (unknown or not specified)
sign_evidence_pmids = {"+" => [], "-" => [], "~" => []}
Misc.zip_fields(values.reverse).each do |e,s|
s = "" if s.nil?
sign_evidence_pmids[s] = e.split(";")
# NOTE: The lists of PMIDs for each sign might include repetitions, so
# if two databases reviewed the same PMID and reported it, it will be
# counted twice. Perhaps we can change that
# Here we just count the pairs in which we have the same PMID used as
# evidence for contradicting signs (the & sign means intersecting two
# lists). Not used in scoring.
if (sign_evidence_pmids["-"] & sign_evidence_pmids["+"]).any?
controversies += 1
# Here I take out all PMIDs that indicate some sign from the list of ~
# because maybe two databases report the same but one didn't care to
# indicate the sign. In that case I assume that the PMID does indicate
# the sign and ignore the entry that doesn't reflect that
sign_evidence_pmids["~"] = sign_evidence_pmids["~"] - (sign_evidence_pmids["+"] + sign_evidence_pmids["-"])
# Here we turn the lists of PMIDs into counts, which is basically just
# the length of the list in each sign
sign_evidence =
sign_evidence_pmids.each do |s,l|
sign_evidence[s] = l.length
# Just use some placeholder variables here for clarity. They are turn
# to continuous variables (float; .to_f) to avoid rounding up when I do operations
# later with them
positive_evidence = sign_evidence["+"].to_f
negative_evidence = sign_evidence["-"].to_f
signed_evidence = Misc.sum(sign_evidence.values_at("+", "-")).to_f
non_negative_evidence = Misc.sum(sign_evidence.values_at("+", "~")).to_f
non_positive_evidence = Misc.sum(sign_evidence.values_at("-", "~")).to_f
# This is the total number of articles
total_evidence = Misc.sum(sign_evidence.values).to_f
# Here we decide if the negative evidence is sufficient to deem the
# interaction negative: more negative articles than positive, while
# also the negative evidence divided by positive + unkown must be more than
# <negative_evidence_proportion>, one of the parameters. Come to think
# of it the denominator should probably be total_evidence and not
# non_positive_evidence, otherwise it's not really a proportion. I
# haven't change this yet
negative = negative_evidence > positive_evidence && negative_evidence / non_positive_evidence > negative_evidence_proportion
# As a final rule, the pair is negative if the proportion of negative
# evidence divided by all the signed_evidence (i.e. ignoring the
# unknown) is larger than <strict_negative>, another parameter
negative = true if (negative_evidence / signed_evidence) > strict_negative
# Here we define the sign_weight as the proportion of evidence
# supporting the chosen sign, which is positive unless it we deemed
# negative. This means that a totally unkown signed pair will be
# positive by default, but the sign_weight will be 0
if negative
sign = "-"
sign_weight = negative_evidence / total_evidence
sign = "+"
sign_weight = positive_evidence / total_evidence
# Here we compute the support_weight which measure how close we get to
# having <support_evidence_max> (another parameter) PMIDs not
# contradicting our sign. So if support_evidence_max is 10 and we have
# 2 positive, 1 negative and 2 unkown evidences than that would be a
# positive relationship with 4 non_contradictory_evidences, and the
# support_weight will be 4 / 10
non_contradictory_evidence = Misc.sum(sign_evidence.values_at(*[sign, "~"].uniq))
support_weight = [1, non_contradictory_evidence / support_evidence_max].min
# Here we calculate the final weight by combining sign_weight and
# support_weight mixed in according to the variable
# <sign_support_balance>
weight = (sign_weight * sign_support_balance) + (support_weight * (1-sign_support_balance))
# The final weight is made negative when the sign is negative because
# this is how it is encoded in decopler
weight = - weight if sign == "-"
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