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Created November 9, 2019 16:46
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Solitare Solver for MOLEK-SYNTEZ game
(async () => {
const orderedSet = ['6','7','8','9','10','V','D','K','T'];
const nextAbove = c =>
orderedSet[orderedSet.indexOf(c) + 1];
let moveHistory = [];
const analyze = (state) => {
let moves = [];
const w =; // column count
for (let sc=0; sc<w; sc++) { // source column
let[sc].length, ce=sh-1; // card end
// console.log('card end', { ce, c: deal[sc][ce] });
for (cb=ce; cb>=0; cb--) { // card begin
const c =[sc][cb];
const na = nextAbove([sc][cb]);
// console.log('card begin', { cb, c, na });
if ([sc][cb-1] !== na) break;
// console.log('card slice', { sc, cb, ce });
// for each valid slice of sequential range
for (let cs=cb; cs<=ce; cs++) {
// for each valid target in remaining columns
for (let tc=0; tc<w; tc++) {
let move = {};
move.cs = cs;
move.ce = ce;
const empty =[tc].length < 1;
const cards =[sc].slice(cs, ce+1);
const to =[tc].length-1;
const below =[tc][to];
// source col must not be empty
if ([sc].length < 1) continue;
// source col must not be target col
if (tc === sc) continue;
// target col must be open (not be locked or completed)
if ('o' !== state.col[tc]) continue;
// target col bottom card must be one of:
// or not locked
let valid = false;
// if source is locked
if ('l' === state.col[sc]) {
// must be nextAbove top of source slice
if (below === nextAbove([sc][cs])) {
valid = true;
else {
if (empty) {
// its fine
valid = true;
// nextAbove top of source slice
else if (below === nextAbove([sc][cs])) {
// its fine
valid = true;
else if (1 === cards.length) {
// its fine but this will lock it
move.locking = true;
valid = true;
// TODO: needs a few more rules to be completely successful, but ran out of time
if (true === valid) {
// console.log('consider '+ JSON.stringify({ cards, sc, cs, ce, cards, tc, to, below })); = []; = sc; = tc; = to;
move.below = below;
// console.log('valid moves:');
// for (const move of moves) {
// console.log(` col ${} cards ${',')} to col ${} below ${move.below}.`);
// }
// TODO: sort moves, prioritizing by some strategy. (not strictly necessary, but may optimize solve time) ie.
// - favor locking columns that are mostly complete, especially if they end with 6
// - favor moving stacks to empty columns in ways that don't cause the column to complete
return moves;
const applyState = (state, move) => {
const newState = {
deal: [
col: [...state.col],
const take =[].splice(move.cs, move.ce+1);[].splice(, 0, ...take);
// unlock source (successful moves always unlock)
newState.col[] = 'o';
// lock target
if (true === move.locking) {
newState.col[] = 'l';
return newState;
const isWon = (state) => {
let cbwt = 0, ce = 0;
for (let i=0,; i<w; i++) {
const col =[i];
if (col.length < 1) ce++;
else if ('T' === col[0]) cbwt++;
// 4 cols beginning with T, 2 cols empty
return 4 === cbwt && 2 === ce;
const search = async (state, seen = {}, history=[], depth=0) => {
const moves = analyze(state);
const serial = serialize(state);
if (seen[serial]) return false;
seen[serial] = true;
// win condition
if (isWon(state)) return history;
// stuck; not won and no moves remaining
else if (moves.length < 0) return false;
// continue tree search recursively
let result = false, i=0;
for (const move of moves) {
console.log(`search move ${i}/${moves.length} @ depth ${depth}\n`+serial);
console.log(`move\n col ${} cards ${',')} to col ${} below ${move.below}.\n`);
// await new Promise(ok=>setTimeout(ok, 100));
result = await search(applyState(state, move), seen, [...history, move], depth+1);
if (false !== result) break;
return result;
const pad2 = c =>
(' '+(c||' ')).substr(-2);
const serialize = state => {
let ml = 0;
for (let i=0,; i<w; i++) {
ml = Math.max(ml,[i].length);
let out = '';
for (let x=0,; x<w; x++) {
out += pad2(state.col[x]) +' ';
out += '\n';
for (let y=0; y<ml; y++) {
for (let x=0,; x<w; x++) {
out += pad2([x][y]) +' ';
out += '\n';
return out;
const initialState = {
deal: [
['D', 'V', 'D', '9', '10', '9' ],
['K', 'K', '8', 'T', '9', '7' ],
['T', 'K', '7', '6', '8', 'V' ],
['8', 'K', '6', 'V', '6', '10' ],
['6', '7', 'T', '9', '7', 'D' ],
['V', 'T', '10', '10', 'D', '8' ],
// o = open, l = locked
col: ['o','o','o','o','o','o'],
const result = await search(initialState);
if (null == result) {
console.log('failed to solve. unwinnable?');
console.log('winning solve:');
console.log(JSON.stringify(result, null, 2));
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mikesmullin commented Nov 9, 2019

i would improve this by making the for...loop into reusable iterator functions which would both simplify the code and ensure that the way the deal data structure is traversed is consistent. i think i got confused at some point and rotated 90deg the order of the cards in the matrix because column-major looks nicer when written in code it looks just like the game board, but row-major is simpler to traverse since it would have been each column arranged in a single array--but then you have to tilt your head for it to resemble the game board. a lame mistake but i put a time limit and didn't want to spend all day perfecting it. i am proud that it has good general structure and shows the concept for a solver. even the output appears to get very close to solving as you see it work.

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