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Mike mikenikles

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mikenikles / alert-branch-name.js
Last active November 26, 2023 15:21
Bookmarklets, use to add to your browser
const get_issue_branch = () => {
const number = document.querySelector(" span").textContent;
const title = document.querySelector(" .js-issue-title").textContent;
return `${number.substring(1)}-${title.toLowerCase().replaceAll(" ", "-").replaceAll(/[^-a-z]/g, "")}`;
const get_pull_request_branch = () => document.querySelector(".commit-ref.head-ref a span").textContent;
const copyBranchName = () => {
if ( !== "") return;
mikenikles / github-labels-export.js
Last active January 24, 2024 20:39
Scripts to export GitHub issue labels from one repository and import them to another repository.
* The array of issues is copied to your clipboard. Paste it somewhere before you copy the `github-labels-import.js` file content.
* Run this script on the page.
const convertRgbaToHex = (rgba) => {
// Match the values in the parentheses
const match = rgba.match(/rgba?\((\d+),\s*(\d+),\s*(\d+)(?:,\s*(\d+(?:\.\d+)?))?\)/);
if (!match) return;
* **Takeaways**
* Share test utilities
* Use a lint rule when people don't follow best practices
* Not sure this is worth the effort for us
* It's easy to start writing tests, it's hard to continuously maintain tests and consistently keep coverage high
* How do you test a module?
* In isolation
* With integrations
* Mock integrations
* Test app but mock external dependencies
mikenikles / config.yml
Last active November 23, 2021 16:52
A (mostly) automated release process
version: 2
# Re-usable blocks to reduce boilerplate
# in job definitions.
container_config: &container_config
- image: my-company/circleci:gcloud # We use a custom Alpine Linux base image with the bare minimum
working_directory: /tmp/workspace
restore_repo: &restore_repo