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mikej312 /
Last active August 11, 2020 18:34
Create a file of checksums for the files in a directory

find ****** -type f -exec sha256sum {} ; > checksums.sha256

# OpenBSD Memory Plugin for Nagios
# The original verion of ths cscript was found here:
# Updated the way the memory values are collected since top now outputs values in gigabytes
# Copyright 2008 - [email protected]
mikej312 /
Created July 3, 2020 00:21
Associate usernames with IP addresses of OpenVPN clients

Tested on an OpenBSD system using OpenVPN LDAP authentication:

sed -n '/Virtual/,/GLOBAL/{//!p;}' /var/log/openvpn-status.log | awk -F'[,:]' '{print $3}' | while read -r r; do echo -n $r; fgrep $r /var/log/openvpn | fgrep -m 1 username | awk -F\' '{ print " - " $2}' ; done

mikej312 /
Last active July 3, 2020 00:22
Ubuntu 18.04 schreen sharing (VNC) password retrieval

To retrieve the Ubuntu screen sharing (VNC) password:

  • gsettings get org.gnome.Vino vnc-password

Note: this returns a Base64 encoded value