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Last active December 2, 2023 13:10
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Ping an email address to see if it exists. This script resolves MX records to find the SMTP server responsible for delivering mail to the address, connects to it, and starts to send a message to the address. It disconnects before the message is sent.
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# = Email Ping
# Check to see if an email address exists by looking up MX records and connecting
# to the address's home SMTP server. It then starts to send a message to the address
# but quits before the message is actually sent.
require 'resolv'
require 'net/smtp'
address = ARGV[0].chomp
domain = address.split('@').last
dns =
puts "Resolving MX records for #{domain}..."
mx_records = dns.getresources domain, Resolv::DNS::Resource::IN::MX
mx_server =
puts "Connecting to #{mx_server}..."
Net::SMTP.start mx_server, 25 do |smtp|
smtp.helo ""
smtp.mailfrom "[email protected]"
puts "Pinging #{address}..."
puts "-" * 50
smtp.rcptto address
puts "Address probably exists."
rescue Net::SMTPFatalError => err
puts "Address probably doesn't exist."
# vim: set ft=ruby ts=2 sw=2 :
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jramby commented Jan 20, 2014

Hi, sorry with this quistion, but do I use this file ?

Thanks :)

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Hey @mikedamage nice code, but i was wondering, if you do this too much ( like 50.000 times a day ) the smtp servers could block you for some kind of spam?

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haihoa commented Feb 2, 2016

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Cheapest bulk email verify at

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