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Forked from copumpkin/Prime.agda
Last active December 25, 2023 22:08
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There are infinite primes
module Prime where
open import Codata.Musical.Notation
using (∞ ; ♯_ ; ♭)
open import Codata.Musical.Stream
using (_∷_ ; Stream)
open import Data.Empty
using (⊥ ; ⊥-elim)
open import Data.Nat
using (ℕ ; zero ; suc ; _+_ ; _*_ ; _≤_ ; z≤n ; s≤s ; _<_ ; _>_)
open import Data.Nat.Properties
using (_≟_ ; ≤-refl ; _≤?_ ; ≰⇒> ; 1+n≰n ; +-comm ; *-identity ; *-comm ; *-mono-≤ ; <-trans ; ≤⇒≤′)
open import Data.Nat.Divisibility
using (_∣_ ; divides ; ∣⇒≤ ; _∣?_ ; ∣-poset ; 0∣⇒≡0 ; ∣1⇒≡1 ; ∣m+n∣m⇒∣n ; n∣m*n ; ∣m⇒∣m*n)
open import Data.Fin
using (Fin ; zero ; suc ; toℕ)
open import Data.Fin.Properties
using (toℕ<n ; toℕ-fromℕ≤)
open import Data.Sum
using (_⊎_ ; inj₁ ; inj₂)
open import Data.Product
using (Σ ; _,_ ; _×_ ; proj₁ ; proj₂ ; ∃ ; -,_)
open import Function
using (_∘_)
open import Relation.Nullary
using (¬_ ; Dec ; yes ; no)
open import Relation.Nullary.Negation
using (¬?)
open import Relation.Binary
using (Poset)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
using (_≡_ ; refl ; _≢_ ; cong ; subst ; sym)
open import Relation.Unary
using (Decidable)
open import Induction.Nat
using (<-rec)
-- Decisions exactly the law of excluded middle for a specific type, which gives us double negation elimination on that type
DNE : {A : Set} → Dec A → ¬ ¬ A → A
DNE (yes p) f = p
DNE (no ¬p) f = ⊥-elim (f ¬p)
module Finite where
-- Either the decidable predicate is true over its entire (finite) domain, or there exists an input for which it is false.
-- Thanks to Ulf Norell for this!
LPO : ∀ {n} {P : Fin n → Set} (p? : Decidable P) → (∀ i → P i) ⊎ ∃ (¬_ ∘ P)
LPO {zero} p? = inj₁ (λ ())
LPO {suc n} p? with LPO (p? ∘ suc)
LPO {suc n} p? | inj₁ ok with p? zero
LPO {suc n} p? | inj₁ ok | yes p = inj₁ (λ { zero → p ; (suc i) → ok i })
LPO {suc n} p? | inj₁ ok | no ¬p = inj₂ (zero , ¬p)
LPO {suc n} p? | inj₂ (i , ¬pi) = inj₂ (suc i , ¬pi)
-- A simple negation of the above, using DNE defined earlier, because this is the one we're usually interested in
¬LPO : ∀ {n} {P : Fin n → Set} (p? : Decidable P) → ∃ P ⊎ (∀ i → ¬ P i)
¬LPO p? with LPO (¬? ∘ p?)
¬LPO p? | inj₁ x = inj₂ x
¬LPO p? | inj₂ (n , pf) = inj₁ (n , DNE (p? n) pf)
-- We actually care about the LPO on naturals < k, instead of finite sets, so let's convert the above definition to work with them
LPO : ∀ n {P : ℕ → Set} (p? : ∀ i → i < n → Dec (P i)) → (∀ i → i < n → P i) ⊎ ∃ (λ i → i < n × ¬ P i)
LPO _ p? with Finite.LPO (λ i → p? _ (toℕ<n i))
LPO _ {P} p? | inj₁ x = inj₁ (λ i i<n → subst P (toℕ-fromℕ≤ i<n) (x _))
LPO _ p? | inj₂ (i , ¬P[i]) = inj₂ (toℕ i , toℕ<n i , ¬P[i])
-- As above
¬LPO : ∀ n {P : ℕ → Set} (p? : ∀ i → i < n → Dec (P i)) → ∃ (λ i → i < n × P i) ⊎ (∀ i → i < n → ¬ P i)
¬LPO n p? with LPO n (λ i i<n → ¬? (p? i i<n))
¬LPO n p? | inj₁ x = inj₂ x
¬LPO n p? | inj₂ (i , i<n , pf) = inj₁ (i , i<n , DNE (p? i i<n) pf)
-- A couple of simple lemmas for later
unsplit-≤ : ∀ {n p} → p ≢ suc n → p ≤ suc n → p ≤ n
unsplit-≤ pf z≤n = z≤n
unsplit-≤ {zero} pf (s≤s z≤n) = ⊥-elim (pf refl)
unsplit-≤ {suc n} pf (s≤s m≤n) = s≤s (unsplit-≤ (λ x → pf (cong suc x)) m≤n)
-- I have a couple of other definitions of Prime lying around but this proved easier to deal with
record Prime (p : ℕ) : Set where
constructor prime
-- We don't like primes smaller than 2
p>1 : p > 1
-- If you have something that divides our p, it's either 1 or p
pf : ∀ {d} → d ∣ p → d ≡ 1 ⊎ d ≡ p
-- A composite number has a prime divisor smaller than it
record Composite (c : ℕ) : Set where
constructor composite
{d} : ℕ
P[d] : Prime d
d<c : d < c
pf : d ∣ c
-- Numbers aren't both prime and composite
¬Prime×Composite : ∀ {p} → Prime p → Composite p → ⊥
¬Prime×Composite (prime p>1 pf₁) (composite d>1 d<n pf₂) with pf₁ pf₂
¬Prime×Composite (prime p>1 pf₁) (composite (prime (s≤s ()) _) d<n pf₂) | inj₁ refl
¬Prime×Composite (prime p>1 pf₁) (composite d>1 d<n pf₂) | inj₂ refl = 1+n≰n d<n
-- Well-founded recursion is needed to appease the termination checker for the definition of primality below.
-- The meat of this module: All numbers above 1 are either prime or composite.
-- This decision procedure proceeds by using the ¬LPO machinery above to find a number between 2 and p - 1 that divides
-- p. If one exists, then the number is composite, and if it doesn't, the number is prime.
primality : ∀ p → p > 1 → Prime p ⊎ Composite p
primality 0 ()
primality 1 (s≤s ())
primality (suc (suc p)) p>1 = <-rec _ helper p
module ∣-Poset = Poset ∣-poset
helper : ∀ p → (∀ i → i < p → Prime (2 + i) ⊎ Composite (2 + i)) → Prime (2 + p) ⊎ Composite (2 + p)
helper p f with ¬LPO p (λ i i<p → (2 + i) ∣? (2 + p))
-- There exists a number i, smaller than p, that divides p. This is the tricky case.
-- Most of the trickiness comes from the fact that in the composite case, the ¬LPO gives us a number i smaller than p that
-- divides p, but says nothing about whether that number is prime or not. Obviously, we'd like to ask whether that number
-- is itself prime or not, but unfortunately it's not obviously structurally smaller than p. If we just naively call
-- primality on it, Agda will complain about non-obvious termination. This is where the well-founded recursion comes
-- into play. We know that i < p, and we showed above that _<_ is well founded, so we use the well-founded recursion voodoo
-- and call ourselves recursively (f is effectively the primality test hidden behind the safe well-founded recursion stuff).
helper p f | inj₁ (i , i<p , 2+i∣2+p) with f i i<p
-- Aha! i is prime, so we're good and can return that proof in our composite proof
helper p f | inj₁ (i , i<p , 2+i∣2+p) | inj₁ P[i] = inj₂ (composite P[i] (s≤s (s≤s i<p)) 2+i∣2+p)
-- i is composite, but that means it has a prime divisor, which we can show transitively divides p! sweet!
helper p f | inj₁ (i , i<p , 2+i∣2+p) | inj₂ (composite P[d] d<c pf) = inj₂ (composite P[d] (<-trans d<c (s≤s (s≤s i<p))) (∣-Poset.trans pf 2+i∣2+p))
-- The boring case: there exist no numbers between 2 and p - 1 that divide p, so transmogrify that proof into our primality
-- statement.
helper p f | inj₂ y = inj₁ (prime (s≤s (s≤s z≤n)) lemma₁)
lemma₀ : ∀ {n p} → 2 + n ≤ 2 + p → 1 + n ≤ 1 + p
lemma₀ (s≤s 1+n≤1+p) = 1+n≤1+p
lemma₁ : {d : ℕ} → d ∣ 2 + p → d ≡ 1 ⊎ d ≡ 2 + p
lemma₁ {d} d∣2+p with d ≟ 1 | d ≟ 2 + p
lemma₁ d∣2+p | yes refl | yes ()
lemma₁ d∣2+p | yes d≡1 | no d≢2+p = inj₁ d≡1
lemma₁ d∣2+p | no d≢1 | yes d≡2+p = inj₂ d≡2+p
lemma₁ {zero} d∣2+p | no d≢1 | no d≢2+p rewrite 0∣⇒≡0 d∣2+p = ⊥-elim (d≢2+p refl)
lemma₁ {suc zero} d∣2+p | no d≢1 | no d≢2+p = ⊥-elim (d≢1 refl)
lemma₁ {suc (suc n)} d∣2+p | no d≢1 | no d≢2+p = ⊥-elim (y n (unsplit-≤ (d≢2+p ∘ cong suc) (lemma₀ (∣⇒≤ d∣2+p))) d∣2+p)
-- The factorial function!
_! : ℕ → ℕ
zero ! = 1
suc n ! = suc n * n !
-- All positive numbers less than n divide n!
!-divides : ∀ n {m} → suc m ≤ n → suc m ∣ n !
!-divides zero ()
!-divides (suc n) {m} m≤n rewrite *-comm (suc n) (n !) with suc m ≟ suc n
!-divides (suc n) m≤n | yes refl = n∣m*n (n !)
!-divides (suc n) m≤n | no ¬p = ∣m⇒∣m*n (suc n) (!-divides n (unsplit-≤ ¬p m≤n))
!>0 : ∀ n → n ! > 0
!>0 zero = s≤s z≤n
!>0 (suc n) = *-mono-≤ {1} {suc n} (s≤s z≤n) (!>0 n)
n≤n! : ∀ n → n ≤ n !
n≤n! zero = z≤n
n≤n! (suc n) rewrite sym (proj₂ *-identity (suc n)) = *-mono-≤ {suc n} ≤-refl (!>0 n)
∣m+n∣m⇒∣n′ : ∀ {i n} m → i ∣ m + n → i ∣ n → i ∣ m
∣m+n∣m⇒∣n′ {i} {n} m pf₁ pf₂ rewrite +-comm m n = ∣m+n∣m⇒∣n pf₁ pf₂
generate : ∀ n → ∃ λ i → i > n × Prime i
generate n with primality (1 + n !) (s≤s (!>0 n))
generate n | inj₁ x = -, (s≤s (n≤n! n) , x)
generate n | inj₂ (composite {d} P[d] d<c pf) with suc n ≤? d
generate n | inj₂ (composite P[d] d<c pf) | yes p = -, (p , P[d])
generate n | inj₂ (composite {0} (prime () _) d<c pf) | no ¬p
generate n | inj₂ (composite {suc d} P[d] d<c pf) | no ¬p with ∣1⇒≡1 (∣m+n∣m⇒∣n′ 1 pf (!-divides n (≰⇒> (¬p ∘ s≤s))))
generate n | inj₂ (composite {suc .0} (prime (s≤s ()) _) d<c pf) | no ¬p | refl
data Primes (p : ℕ) : Set where
_[_]∷_ : ∀ {p′} (P[p] : Prime p) (p<p′ : p < p′) (Ps : ∞ (Primes p′)) → Primes p
toStream : ∀ {p} → Primes p → Stream ℕ
toStream {p} (P[p] [ p<p′ ]∷ Ps) = p ∷ ♯ toStream (♭ Ps)
primes′ : ∀ {p} → Prime p → Primes p
primes′ {p} P[p] with generate p
primes′ {p} P[p] | p′ , p′>p , P[p′] = P[p] [ p′>p ]∷ ♯ (primes′ P[p′])
P[2] : Prime 2
P[2] with primality 2 (s≤s (s≤s z≤n))
P[2] | inj₁ x = x
P[2] | inj₂ (composite {0} (prime () _) (s≤s m≤n) pf)
P[2] | inj₂ (composite {1} (prime (s≤s ()) _) (s≤s m≤n) pf)
P[2] | inj₂ (composite {suc (suc n)} P[d] (s≤s (s≤s ())) pf)
primes : Primes 2
primes = primes′ P[2]
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