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Last active May 3, 2016 23:20
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Extending Python with Rust calls

What is Rust?

'A systems programming language that runs blazingly fast, prevents segfaults, and guarantees thread safety.' So think of it as C/C++ with out all the scariness, and we can extend Python for all our critical computation.

Install Rust

yaourt -S rust

Build new Rust library with cargo

cargo new pycall

Your Rust project has been created in the pycall directory

Once you have modified your Rust file in /src :

rustc src/

Now that you have compiled your shared library you can hook to it in your Python Script

Run your Python Script

<cffi.api.FFILibrary_src/ object at 0x0000000001130020>
#![crate_type = "dylib"]
pub extern fn rustex(x: i32) -> i32{
x * 2
fn it_works() {
assert!(rustex(2) == 4)
from cffi import FFI
except ImportError:
print "pip install cffi, included with PyPy"
ffi = FFI()
lib = ffi.dlopen("src/")
print lib
ffi.cdef('int rustex(int);')
print lib.rustex(10000)
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