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Last active September 26, 2023 19:36
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laravel livewire component: sticky div on top only displayed at a specific scrollY position handling dehydration and page reload
x-data="{ scrollTop: parseInt(localStorage.getItem('scrollTop')) || window.scrollY }"
x-init="scrollTop = parseInt(localStorage.getItem('scrollTop')) || window.scrollY"
class="bg-skin-fill text-big-button px-5 py-5 fixed top-0 flex flex-row justify-between mx-auto"
x-on:scroll.window="scrollTop = window.scrollY; localStorage.setItem('scrollTop', String(scrollTop))"
x-bind:class="{'hidden': scrollTop <= 600}" x-cloak
<div class="flex flex-row justify-center flex-grow">
<p class="text-big-button px-3 font-bold">Spring zu:</p>
@foreach($searchResult->keys() as $group)
<a class="cursor-pointer text-big-button underline px-3" href="#{{$group}}">{{$group}}</a>
window.addEventListener('beforeunload', function() {
<!-- a lot of stuff (the search result) so you have something to scroll down -->
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