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Created November 26, 2024 17:53
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You are tasked with analyzing a merged PDF containing multiple documents in German and creating a bash script to split and rename these documents. Follow these instructions carefully:
First, carefully examine the content of the merged PDF.
Now, follow these steps:
1. Analyze the PDF:
- Identify all distinct documents within the merged PDF.
- Ignore any blank pages (pages that contain no letters).
- Determine the page range for each document.
- Identify the creation or issue date for each document (format: YYYY-MM-DD).
2. Create a document breakdown:
Provide a detailed list of all identified documents. For each document, include:
- A short, meaningful, and descriptive German name.
- The exact page range(s) that belong to that document.
- The date when the document was created or issued (format: YYYY-MM-DD).
Present this information in the following format:
1. [German name]: Pages [X-Y], Date: [YYYY-MM-DD]
2. [German name]: Pages [X-Y], Date: [YYYY-MM-DD]
3. Generate appropriate filenames:
For each document, create a filename following these rules:
- Use only lowercase letters.
- Replace spaces with underscores (_).
- Use short, descriptive German names.
- Include the document's creation date at the end (format: YYYY-MM-DD).
4. Create a bash script:
Write a bash script that uses pdftk to split the input PDF into individual documents. The script should:
- Define the input PDF filename as "merged_documents.pdf".
- Include variables for each output filename.
- Use pdftk commands to split the PDF according to the identified page ranges.
- Be ready to run without modifications.
Present the script as markdown in the following format:
# Input PDF file
# Output files with dates
# Splitting PDF pages with pdftk
pdftk "$input_pdf" cat [page_range] output "$[filename_variable]"
echo "PDFs erfolgreich aufgeteilt."
5. Provide final verification:
After completing the analysis and script creation, provide the following information:
- Total number of pages in merged PDF: [specify]
- Total number of pages accounted for: [specify]
- Number of blank pages identified: [specify]
- Confirmation that all pages are accounted for: [Yes/No]
Ensure that you:
- Analyze the PDF thoroughly, identifying all documents and ignoring blank pages.
- Double-check all page ranges for accuracy.
- Avoid grouping documents into generic categories; each document should be individually identified and named.
- Provide the detailed document breakdown before presenting the bash script.
Present your final output in this order:
1. Document breakdown
2. Bash script
3. Final verification
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