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Last active August 29, 2015 14:10
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  • Save michabbb/549ec3635bc3c9ea6c38 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save michabbb/549ec3635bc3c9ea6c38 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
In case someone is interested in monitoring a crate cluster with nagios (and php) based on this thread: - i tried to do the same with php. because (right now) i am not that familar with AngularJS - i cannot ensure that everything is translated correct, so please be aware that this …
use macropage\helper\crate as crate;
* Class Mode_nagios_cratedb
class Mode_nagios_crate_db_cluster_status extends Mode_nagios {
public function crate_db_cluster_status() {
$crate = new crate\crate($this->aConfig['']['pool'],$this->aConfig['']['url']);
$tableStmt = $crate->sql('select table_name, number_of_shards, number_of_replicas, schema_name, partitioned_by from information_schema.tables where schema_name in (\'doc\', \'blob\')');
$shardStmt = $crate->sql('select table_name, schema_name, sum(num_docs), "primary", avg(num_docs), count(*), state, sum(size) from sys.shards group by table_name, schema_name, "primary", state order by table_name, "primary", state');
if (\utils::array_key_exists_and_not_empty('debug',$this->Params)) {
if (
|| (!$shardStmt['state'])
|| ($shardStmt['status']!=200)
|| ($tableStmt['status']!=200)
|| (!$tableStmt['numrows'])
|| (!$shardStmt['numrows'])
) {
$this->StopWithMessage('===> UNABLE TO CHECK CLUSTER!',STATE_CRITICAL,"\n====> ","\n\n");
} else {
$partitioned = 0;
$shards_started = 0;
$shards_unassigned = 0;
$all_primaries = false;
$shards_primary = array();
$activePrimaryShards = 0;
$numActivePrimaryShards = 0;
$underreplicatedShards = 0;
$numberOfChards = 0;
$tables = array();
foreach ($tableStmt['result'] as $table) {
if (strlen($table['partitioned_by'])>0) $partitioned++;
$numberOfChards += $table['number_of_shards'];
foreach ($shardStmt['result'] as $table) {
$tables[$table['table_name']] = 1;
if ($table['state'] == "STARTED") $shards_started++;
if ($table['state'] == "UNASSIGNED") $shards_unassigned++;
if ($table['primary']) $shards_primary[$table['table_name']]=1;
if (
(($table['state'] == "STARTED")
|| ($table['state'] == "RELOCATING")
|| ($table['state'] == ""))
) {
$numActivePrimaryShards += $table['count(*)'];
if (
(($table['state'] != "STARTED")
&& ($table['state'] != "RELOCATING")
&& ($table['state'] != ""))
) {
$count_tables = (int)count($tables);
$count_primaries = (int)0;
foreach ($tables as $table => $tmp) {
if (array_key_exists($table,$shards_primary)) $count_primaries++;
if ($count_tables === $count_primaries) $all_primaries = true;
$missing_shards = ($numberOfChards-$numActivePrimaryShards);
if (\utils::array_key_exists_and_not_empty('debug',$this->Params)) {
echo "all_primaries: " . var_dump($all_primaries) . "\n";
echo "partitioned: " . $partitioned . "\n";
echo "shards_started: " . $shards_started . "\n";
echo "activePrimaryShards: " . $activePrimaryShards . "\n";
echo "numActivePrimaryShards: " . $numActivePrimaryShards . "\n";
echo "numberOfChards: " . $numberOfChards . "\n";
echo "missing_shards: " . $missing_shards . "\n";
echo "underreplicatedShards: " . $underreplicatedShards . "\n";
* = function health() {
* if (this.partitioned && this.startedShards() === 0) return 'good';
* if (this.primaryShards().length === 0) return 'critical';
* if (this.missingShards() > 0) return 'critical';
* if (this.unassignedShards() > 0 || this.underreplicatedShards()) return 'warning';
* return 'good';
* };
if (($partitioned) && (!$shards_started)) $this->StopWithMessage('HEALTH: GOOD',STATE_OK,"\n====> ","\n\n");
if (!$all_primaries) $this->StopWithMessage('HEALTH: CRITICAL (missing primary shards)',STATE_CRITICAL,"\n====> ","\n\n");
if ($missing_shards) $this->StopWithMessage('HEALTH: CRITICAL (missing missing_shards)',STATE_CRITICAL,"\n====> ","\n\n");
if (($shards_unassigned) || ($underreplicatedShards)) $this->StopWithMessage('HEALTH: WARNING (shards_unassigned or underreplicatedShards)',STATE_WARNING,"\n====> ","\n\n");
$this->StopWithMessage('HEALTH: GOOD',STATE_OK,"\n====> ","\n\n");
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