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Last active October 16, 2024 23:41
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  • Save micalevisk/59e084269adf8aa6fe5ad14cfb2fc23f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save micalevisk/59e084269adf8aa6fe5ad14cfb2fc23f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A non-exhaustive list of patterns to help hidding all RC (run commands) and configuration files of Node.js projects on VSCode!

This uses the files.exclude setting of Visual Studio Code

You just need to copy the content of exclude.jsonc to your settings.json file.

before after
before after
patterns list

grep -Po '(?<=").+(?=": true,)' exclude.jsonc:

// ...
// Configure glob patterns for excluding files and folders.
// For example, the file Explorer decides which files and folders to show or hide based on this setting.
// Refer to the `search.exclude` setting to define search specific excludes.
"files.exclude": {
// (git)
".git*": true,
// NPM
".npmrc": true,
// NVM
".nvmrc": true,
// Docker
".dockerignore": true,
// ESLint
".eslint*": true,
// Prettier
".prettier*": true,
// Lint Staged
".lintstagedrc*": true,
"lint-staged.*": true,
// Huky
".husky*": true,
// Commitlint
".commit*": true,
"commitlint.config*": true,
// Commitizen
".czrc*": true,
// istanbuljs/nyc
".nycrc*": true,
"nyc.config*": true,
// ...
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