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Last active April 3, 2018 22:51
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class Content extends React.Component {
constructor() {
render() {
return (
<Fabric className='foo'>
onClick= {() => alert('hello')}
onRenderText= {this._onRenderText}
text="Hi There"
private _onRenderText:IButtonProps['onRenderText'] = (props, defaultRender) => {
return (
<span> {defaultRender()} {} </span>
class Content extends React.Component {
constructor() {
render() {
return (
<Fabric className='foo'>
onClick= {() => alert('hello')}
onRenderText= {this._onRenderText}
text="Hi There"
private _onRenderText:IRenderFunction<IButtonProps> = (props, defaultRender) => {
return (
<span> {defaultRender()} {} </span>
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I'm sure there's more to your class, but if it's something simple like this, it could just be a React.SFC<IButtonProps> and _onRenderText could be a utility function since it does not use this.

// import IButtonProps and IRenderFunction

class Content extends React.Component<IButtonProps, {}> {  
  render() {
    return (
      <Fabric className='foo'>
          onClick= {() => alert('hello')}
          onRenderText= {this._onRenderText}
          text="Hi There"
  private _onRenderText:IRenderFunction<IButtonProps> = (props, defaultRender) => {
    return (
      <span> {defaultRender()} {} </span>

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