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Last active August 31, 2024 09:46
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Configure systemd watchdog on raspberry pi to reboot if it can't ping a certain host

Most online instructions for Linux watchdog refer to the 'watchdog' package which is best described here

The watchdog configuration described here uses systemd, and the two methods are mutually exclusive, so if you've previously setup the above watchdog, you must first uninstall it.

sudo apt remove watchdog

Our goal is to add a systemd service that continuously pings a known host (or IP address) and if the remote host stops responding (i.e. ping command fails), we start timing the outage and if connectivity isn't restored within a given timeout - we reboot the pi.


Many online instructions for setting up systemd watchdog on Linux begin by having you set RuntimeWatchdogSec= in /etc/systemd/system.conf. This enables the hardware watchdog device /dev/watchdog -- BCM2837 on the raspberry pi. Unless you're trying to protect against kernel hangs or other general runtime conditions that render the pi unresponsive, you can skip this step and it allows you greater flexiblity in the watchdog test interval settings later on. Also, you can get in trouble if you do enable the hardware watchdog and then set any watchdog value to greater than the BCM2837 maximum (15 seconds). Failure modes include continuous reboot loops that can be hard to troubleshoot.


First, add the following script as /usr/local/bin/ and don't forget to make it executable with sudo chmod go+x /usr/local/bin/


systemd-notify --ready

while (true);do
    ping -c3 -q $TARGET > /dev/null
    if [ $? -ne 0 ];then

    if (! $FAIL); then
        systemd-notify WATCHDOG=1
        RT=$(($RT - 1))
        if [ $RT -gt 0 ]; then
            echo "pingtest failed, trying $RT more times"
            systemd-notify WATCHDOG=1
    sleep $(($WATCHDOG_USEC / 2000000))

In the next step, we will specify a watchdog interval (e.g. 60 sec). You can see in the script that this value is referenced in microseconds, and we sleep for 1/2 the timeout on each loop pass. Set the TARGET to the host you want to PING. RETRIES are the # of times we keep trying before giving up.

Next, add the following file as /etc/systemd/system/pingtest.service

Description=Ping Test Service



After adding this file, run:

sudo systemctl daemon-reload

Given that WatchdogSec is set to 60, we will end up going through the program loop and pinging every 30 seconds. If we hit a failure, we'll keep feeding the watchdog for RETRIES more times, then let the watchdog timeout, causing the service to fail and the pi to reboot.

To enable this service, run the following

sudo systemctl enable pingtest
sudo systemctl start pingtest

You should test that it works by manually disconnecting network connections and watching it reboot after the expected timeout.

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