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Last active April 5, 2018 00:13
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Yet another cancellation promise module
// @flow
type CancellablePromise<Result> = {
promise: Promise<Result>,
cancel: (reason?: string) => void
// $FlowFixMe: can not add custom properties to Error
const setCancelled = (error, cancelled) => Object.assign(error, {cancelled});
const createError = reason => setCancelled(new Error(reason), true);
const createControllerCancel = reject => reason => reject(createError(reason));
const createController = (): CancellablePromise<*> => {
let cancel;
const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
cancel = createControllerCancel(reject);
return {
// $FlowFixMe: flow is not detecting the assignment inside the promise
const createCancellable = <Result>(
promise: Promise<Result>
): CancellablePromise<Result> => {
const controller = createController();
return {
cancel: controller.cancel,
promise: Promise.race([
promise.catch((error: Error) => {
throw setCancelled(error, false);
export default createCancellable;
export type {CancellablePromise};
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