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Last active December 15, 2023 21:43
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GML MaxHeap implementation
/** A max-heap implementation (i.e. priority queue). value-priority pairs can be inserted into the heap, which wil
* efficiently maintain sort order, and the maximum priorty value can be queried at any time
* @author Meseta
function MaxHeap() constructor {
/* @ignore */ self.__values = []; // Heap-ordered storage. array of value/priority pairs, the zerth index is maintained to be highest priority
/* @ignore */ self.__length = 0;
/** Returns how many elements are in the heap
* @return {Real}
static get_length = function() {
return self.__length;
/** Insert a value into the heap
* @param {Any} _value The value to insert
* @param {Real} _priority The priority of the value to insert, can be any number
static insert = function(_value, _priority) {
array_push(self.__values, [_value, _priority]);
self.__length += 1
/** Removes the highest value/priority pair from the heap, and returns it as an array
* in the format [value, priority]; undefined will be returned if there's no values available
* @return {Array*}
static pop_max = function() {
if (self.__length == 0) {
return undefined;
var _result = self.__values[0];
return _result
/** Removes the highest value/priority pair from the heap, and returns the value
* @return {Any*}
static pop_max_value = function() {
if (self.__length == 0) {
return undefined;
var _result = self.__values[0][0];
return _result;
/** Removes the highest value/priority pair from the heap, and returns the priority
* @return {Real*}
static pop_max_priority = function() {
if (self.__length == 0) {
return undefined;
var _result = self.__values[0][1];
return _result;
/** Fetch the highest value/priority pair from the heap without removing it, and returns it as an array
* in the format [value, priority]; undefined will be returned if there's no values available
* @return {Array*}
static peek_max = function() {
return self.__length ? self.__values[0] : undefined;
/** Fetch the value of highest priority value from the heap without removing it
* @return {Any*}
static peek_max_value = function() {
return self.__length ? self.__values[0][0] : undefined;
/** Fetch the highest priority value from the heap without removing it
* @return {Real*}
static peek_max_priority = function() {
return self.__length ? self.__values[0][1] : undefined;
/** Clears the heap, resetting it to blank */
static clear = function() {
self.__values = [];
self.__length = 0;
/** Internal function for managing the heap. Removes the highest priority value from the heap
* @ignore
static __remove_max = function() {
self.__length -= 1;
self.__values[0] = self.__values[self.__length];
array_resize(self.__values, self.__length);
/** Internal function for managing the heap. Shift all the priority values down
* @ignore
static __shift_down = function(_idx) {
var _max_idx = _idx;
var _left = self.__left_child(_idx);
if (_left < self.__length and self.__values[_left][1] > self.__values[_max_idx][1]) {
_max_idx = _left;
var _right = self.__right_child(_idx);
if (_right < self.__length and self.__values[_right][1] > self.__values[_max_idx][1]) {
_max_idx = _right;
if (_idx != _max_idx) {
self.__swap(_idx, _max_idx);
/** Internal function for managing the heap. Shift all the values up
* @ignore
static __shift_up = function(_idx) {
while(_idx > 0) {
var _parent_idx = self.__parent(_idx);
if (self.__values[_parent_idx][1] >= self.__values[_idx][1]) {
self.__swap(_parent_idx, _idx);
_idx = _parent_idx;
/** Internal function for managing the heap. Get the parent index in the heap index system
* @param {Real} _idx the index to get the parent of
* @return {Real}
* @pure
* @ignore
static __parent = function(_idx) {
return (_idx - 1) div 2;
/** Internal function for managing the heap. Get the left child index in the heap index system
* @param {Real} _idx the index to get the left child of
* @return {Real}
* @pure
* @ignore
static __left_child = function(_idx) {
return (2*_idx) + 1;
/** Internal function for managing the heap. Get the right child index in the heap index system
* @param {Real} _idx the index to get the right child of
* @return {Real}
* @pure
* @ignore
static __right_child = function(_idx) {
return (2*_idx) + 2;
/** Internal function for managing the heap. Swaps two indexes
* @param {Real} _left_idx one of the indices to swap
* @param {Real} _right_idx the other index to swap
* @ignore
static __swap = function(_left_idx, _right_idx) {
var _temp = self.__values[_left_idx];
self.__values[_left_idx] = self.__values[_right_idx];
self.__values[_right_idx] = _temp;
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