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Created February 27, 2024 20:11
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wavefront parser nya~~
#include "wavefront.hpp"
#include "logging.hpp"
#include <float.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
// #define MAX_VERTEX_COUNT 4096
// #define MAX_OBJ_COUNT 16
#define MAX_VERTEX_COUNT 100000
#define MAX_OBJ_COUNT 1000
#define MAX_NAME_LENGTH 64
#define MAX_LINE_LENGTH 256
static int starts_with( const char * line, const char * str )
return strncmp( line, str, strlen( str ) ) == 0;
// line parsers [start] ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
static int parse_object_line( char * out_name, const char * line )
snprintf( out_name, MAX_NAME_LENGTH, "%s", line + strlen( "o " ) );
return 0;
static int parse_material_lib_line( char * out_name, const char * line )
snprintf( out_name, MAX_NAME_LENGTH, "%s", line + strlen( "mtllib " ) );
return 0;
static int parse_usemtl_line( char * out_name, const char * line )
snprintf( out_name, MAX_NAME_LENGTH, "%s", line + strlen( "usemtl " ) );
return 0;
static int parse_position_line( float * out3, const char * line )
int count = sscanf( line, "v %f %f %f", out3 + 0, out3 + 1, out3 + 2 );
return count != 3;
static int parse_normal_line( float * out3, const char * line )
int count = sscanf( line, "vn %f %f %f", out3 + 0, out3 + 1, out3 + 2 );
return count != 3;
static int parse_uv_line( float * out2, const char * line )
int count = sscanf( line, "vt %f %f", out2 + 0, out2 + 1 );
return count != 2;
static int
parse_face_line( int * out_index_list, int * out_index_count, char * line )
int len = strlen( line );
int count = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < len; i++ ) {
if ( line[ i ] == '/' ) line[ i ] = ' ';
for ( int i = 0; i < len; i++ ) {
if ( line[ i ] != ' ' ) continue;
if ( count >= MAX_POLYGON_LENGTH * 3 ) {
ERROR_LOG( "polygon limit exceeded" );
return 1;
out_index_list[ count ] = atoi( line + i ) - 1;
*out_index_count = count;
return count % 3 != 0;
static int parse_newmtl_line( char * out_name, const char * line )
snprintf( out_name, MAX_NAME_LENGTH, "%s", line + strlen( "newmtl " ) );
return 0;
static int parse_ns_line( float * out, const char * line )
int count = sscanf( line, "Ns %f", out );
return count != 1;
static int parse_ka_line( float * out3, const char * line )
int count = sscanf( line, "Ka %f %f %f", out3 + 0, out3 + 1, out3 + 2 );
return count != 3;
static int parse_kd_line( float * out3, const char * line )
int count = sscanf( line, "Kd %f %f %f", out3 + 0, out3 + 1, out3 + 2 );
return count != 3;
static int parse_ks_line( float * out3, const char * line )
int count = sscanf( line, "Ks %f %f %f", out3 + 0, out3 + 1, out3 + 2 );
return count != 3;
static int parse_ke_line( float * out3, const char * line )
int count = sscanf( line, "Ke %f %f %f", out3 + 0, out3 + 1, out3 + 2 );
return count != 3;
static int parse_ni_line( float * out, const char * line )
int count = sscanf( line, "Ni %f", out );
return count != 1;
static int parse_d_line( float * out, const char * line )
int count = sscanf( line, "d %f", out );
return count != 1;
static int parse_illum_line( int * out, const char * line )
int count = sscanf( line, "illum %d", out );
return count != 1;
static int parse_map_kd_line( char * out_name, const char * line )
snprintf( out_name, MAX_NAME_LENGTH, "%s", line + strlen( "map_Kd " ) );
return 0;
// line parsers [end] //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
static void append_vertex(
wavefront_t * out,
float * pos_list,
float * normal_list,
float * uv_list,
int * index_list,
int index
if ( out->vertex_count >= MAX_VERTEX_COUNT ) {
ERROR_LOG( "vertex limit exceeded" );
int i = out->vertex_count;
int pos_index = index_list[ index * 3 + 0 ];
int uv_index = index_list[ index * 3 + 1 ];
int normal_index = index_list[ index * 3 + 2 ];
out->pos_list[ i * 3 + 0 ] = pos_list[ pos_index * 3 + 0 ];
out->pos_list[ i * 3 + 1 ] = pos_list[ pos_index * 3 + 1 ];
out->pos_list[ i * 3 + 2 ] = pos_list[ pos_index * 3 + 2 ];
out->normal_list[ i * 3 + 0 ] = normal_list[ normal_index * 3 + 0 ];
out->normal_list[ i * 3 + 1 ] = normal_list[ normal_index * 3 + 1 ];
out->normal_list[ i * 3 + 2 ] = normal_list[ normal_index * 3 + 2 ];
out->uv_list[ i * 2 + 0 ] = uv_list[ uv_index * 2 + 0 ];
out->uv_list[ i * 2 + 1 ] = uv_list[ uv_index * 2 + 1 ];
static void append_face(
wavefront_t * out,
float * pos_list,
float * normal_list,
float * uv_list,
int * index_list,
int index_count
int poly_size = index_count / 3;
// make triangle fan
for ( int i = 0; i < poly_size - 2; i++ ) {
int v1 = 0;
int v2 = i + 1;
int v3 = i + 2;
append_vertex( out, pos_list, normal_list, uv_list, index_list, v1 );
append_vertex( out, pos_list, normal_list, uv_list, index_list, v2 );
append_vertex( out, pos_list, normal_list, uv_list, index_list, v3 );
void wavefront_t::compute_bounds( float * min_vec3, float * max_vec3 )
min_vec3[ 0 ] = FLT_MAX;
min_vec3[ 1 ] = FLT_MAX;
min_vec3[ 2 ] = FLT_MAX;
max_vec3[ 0 ] = -FLT_MAX;
max_vec3[ 1 ] = -FLT_MAX;
max_vec3[ 2 ] = -FLT_MAX;
for ( int i = 0; i < vertex_count; i++ ) {
min_vec3[ 0 ] = fmin( min_vec3[ 0 ], pos_list[ i * 3 + 0 ] );
min_vec3[ 1 ] = fmin( min_vec3[ 1 ], pos_list[ i * 3 + 1 ] );
min_vec3[ 2 ] = fmin( min_vec3[ 2 ], pos_list[ i * 3 + 2 ] );
max_vec3[ 0 ] = fmax( max_vec3[ 0 ], pos_list[ i * 3 + 0 ] );
max_vec3[ 1 ] = fmax( max_vec3[ 1 ], pos_list[ i * 3 + 1 ] );
max_vec3[ 2 ] = fmax( max_vec3[ 2 ], pos_list[ i * 3 + 2 ] );
static void print_header( wavefront_t * out )
float bounds[ 3 ];
float min[ 3 ];
float max[ 3 ];
out->compute_bounds( min, max );
bounds[ 0 ] = max[ 0 ] - min[ 0 ];
bounds[ 1 ] = max[ 1 ] - min[ 1 ];
bounds[ 2 ] = max[ 2 ] - min[ 2 ];
INFO_LOG( "mesh description:" );
if ( out->obj_count > 0 ) {
INFO_LOG( " name: %s", out->obj_name_list[ 0 ] );
INFO_LOG( " vertex count: %d", out->vertex_count );
INFO_LOG( " object count: %d", out->obj_count );
" bounds: %.2f x %.2f x %.2f",
bounds[ 0 ],
bounds[ 1 ],
bounds[ 2 ]
static void print_mtl_header( material_t * out, const char * name )
INFO_LOG( "material description:" );
INFO_LOG( " name: %s", name );
INFO_LOG( " Ns: %f", out->ns );
INFO_LOG( " Ka: %f %f %f", out->ka[ 0 ], out->ka[ 1 ], out->ka[ 2 ] );
INFO_LOG( " Kd: %f %f %f", out->kd[ 0 ], out->kd[ 1 ], out->kd[ 2 ] );
INFO_LOG( " Ks: %f %f %f", out->ks[ 0 ], out->ks[ 1 ], out->ks[ 2 ] );
INFO_LOG( " Ke: %f %f %f", out->ke[ 0 ], out->ke[ 1 ], out->ke[ 2 ] );
INFO_LOG( " Ni: %f", out->ni );
INFO_LOG( " d: %f", out->d );
INFO_LOG( " illum: %d", out->illum );
INFO_LOG( " map_Kd: %s", out->map_kd ? out->map_kd : "(null)" );
int load_wavefront( wavefront_t * out, res_t res )
char line[ MAX_LINE_LENGTH ];
int cursor = 0;
int errors = 0;
// intialize output
using c_string_t = const char *;
out->pos_list = new float[ MAX_VERTEX_COUNT * 3 ];
out->normal_list = new float[ MAX_VERTEX_COUNT * 3 ];
out->uv_list = new float[ MAX_VERTEX_COUNT * 2 ];
out->vertex_count = 0;
out->obj_offset_list = new int[ MAX_OBJ_COUNT ];
out->obj_name_list = new c_string_t[ MAX_OBJ_COUNT ];
out->obj_count = 0;
out->material_lib_filename = nullptr;
out->material_group_material_list =
new c_string_t[ MAX_MATERIAL_GROUP_COUNT ];
out->material_group_offset_list = new int[ MAX_MATERIAL_GROUP_COUNT ];
out->material_group_count = 0;
// local storage
float * pos_list = new float[ MAX_VERTEX_COUNT * 3 ];
float * normal_list = new float[ MAX_VERTEX_COUNT * 3 ];
float * uv_list = new float[ MAX_VERTEX_COUNT * 2 ];
int pos_count = 0;
int normal_count = 0;
int uv_count = 0;
while ( cursor < res.size ) {
// load next line
int i;
for ( i = 0; i + cursor < res.size; i++ ) {
char c = (char)[ i + cursor ];
if ( c == '\n' ) break;
if ( i >= MAX_LINE_LENGTH ) {
ERROR_LOG( "line length exceeded" );
line[ i ] = c;
cursor += i + 1;
line[ i ] = '\0';
// parse o command
if ( starts_with( line, "o " ) ) {
if ( out->obj_count >= MAX_OBJ_COUNT ) {
ERROR_LOG( "object limit exceeded" );
char * name = new char[ MAX_NAME_LENGTH ];
errors += parse_object_line( name, line );
out->obj_name_list[ out->obj_count ] = name;
// parse v command
if ( starts_with( line, "v " ) ) {
if ( pos_count >= MAX_VERTEX_COUNT * 3 ) {
ERROR_LOG( "vertex limit exceeded" );
float pos[ 3 ];
errors += parse_position_line( pos, line );
pos_list[ pos_count * 3 + 0 ] = pos[ 0 ];
pos_list[ pos_count * 3 + 1 ] = pos[ 1 ];
pos_list[ pos_count * 3 + 2 ] = pos[ 2 ];
// parse vn command
if ( starts_with( line, "vn " ) ) {
if ( normal_count >= MAX_VERTEX_COUNT * 3 ) {
ERROR_LOG( "vertex limit exceeded" );
float normal[ 3 ];
errors += parse_normal_line( normal, line );
normal_list[ normal_count * 3 + 0 ] = normal[ 0 ];
normal_list[ normal_count * 3 + 1 ] = normal[ 1 ];
normal_list[ normal_count * 3 + 2 ] = normal[ 2 ];
// parse vt command
if ( starts_with( line, "vt " ) ) {
if ( uv_count >= MAX_VERTEX_COUNT * 2 ) {
ERROR_LOG( "vertex limit exceeded" );
float uv[ 2 ];
errors += parse_uv_line( uv, line );
uv_list[ uv_count * 2 + 0 ] = uv[ 0 ];
uv_list[ uv_count * 2 + 1 ] = uv[ 1 ];
// parse f command
if ( starts_with( line, "f " ) ) {
int index_list[ MAX_POLYGON_LENGTH * 3 ];
int index_count = 0;
errors += parse_face_line( index_list, &index_count, line );
if ( starts_with( line, "mtllib " ) ) {
char * name = new char[ MAX_NAME_LENGTH ];
errors += parse_material_lib_line( name, line );
out->material_lib_filename = name;
if ( starts_with( line, "usemtl " ) ) {
if ( out->material_group_count >= MAX_MATERIAL_GROUP_COUNT ) {
ERROR_LOG( "material group count exceeded" );
char * name = new char[ MAX_NAME_LENGTH ];
errors += parse_usemtl_line( name, line );
out->material_group_material_list[ out->material_group_count ] =
out->material_group_offset_list[ out->material_group_count ] =
if ( errors ) {
ERROR_LOG( "failed to load wavefront (.obj)" );
print_header( out );
delete[] pos_list;
delete[] normal_list;
delete[] uv_list;
return errors;
int load_material_lib( material_lib_t * out, res_t res )
int errors = 0;
int cursor = 0;
char line[ MAX_LINE_LENGTH ];
using c_string_t = const char *;
out->material_name_list = new c_string_t[ MAX_MATERIAL_COUNT ];
out->material_list = new material_t[ MAX_MATERIAL_COUNT ];
out->material_count = 0;
// zero out all the materials
memset( out->material_list, 0, MAX_MATERIAL_COUNT * sizeof( material_t ) );
while ( cursor < res.size ) {
// load next line
int i;
for ( i = 0; i + cursor < res.size; i++ ) {
char c = (char)[ i + cursor ];
if ( c == '\n' ) break;
if ( i >= MAX_LINE_LENGTH ) {
ERROR_LOG( "line length exceeded" );
line[ i ] = c;
cursor += i + 1;
line[ i ] = '\0';
// parse newmtl command
if ( starts_with( line, "newmtl " ) ) {
if ( out->material_count >= MAX_MATERIAL_COUNT ) {
ERROR_LOG( "material count exceeded" );
char * newmtl = new char[ MAX_NAME_LENGTH ];
errors += parse_newmtl_line( newmtl, line );
out->material_name_list[ out->material_count ] = newmtl;
// ignore lines until we have a material
if ( out->material_count <= 0 ) continue;
// get current material
material_t * mat = out->material_list + ( out->material_count - 1 );
if ( starts_with( line, "Ns " ) ) {
errors += parse_ns_line( &mat->ns, line );
if ( starts_with( line, "Ka " ) ) {
errors += parse_ka_line( mat->ka, line );
if ( starts_with( line, "Kd " ) ) {
errors += parse_kd_line( mat->kd, line );
if ( starts_with( line, "Ks " ) ) {
errors += parse_ks_line( mat->ks, line );
if ( starts_with( line, "Ke " ) ) {
errors += parse_ke_line( mat->ke, line );
if ( starts_with( line, "Ni " ) ) {
errors += parse_ni_line( &mat->ni, line );
if ( starts_with( line, "d " ) ) {
errors += parse_d_line( &mat->d, line );
if ( starts_with( line, "illum " ) ) {
errors += parse_illum_line( &mat->illum, line );
if ( starts_with( line, "map_Kd " ) ) {
char * filename = new char[ MAX_NAME_LENGTH ];
errors += parse_map_kd_line( filename, line );
mat->map_kd = filename;
if ( errors ) {
ERROR_LOG( "failed to load wavefront (.mtl)" );
for ( int i = 0; i < out->material_count; i++ ) {
out->material_list + i,
out->material_name_list[ i ]
return errors;
#pragma once
#include "res.hpp"
struct wavefront_t {
float * pos_list;
float * normal_list;
float * uv_list;
int vertex_count;
int * obj_offset_list;
const char ** obj_name_list;
int obj_count;
const char * material_lib_filename;
int * material_group_offset_list;
const char ** material_group_material_list;
int material_group_count;
void compute_bounds( float * min_vec3, float * max_vec3 );
struct material_t {
float ns; // specular exponent
float ka[ 3 ]; // ambient
float kd[ 3 ]; // diffuse
float ks[ 3 ]; // specular
float ke[ 3 ]; // emmision
float ni; // refraction index
float d; // dissolve
int illum; // illum model
const char * map_kd; // diffuse texture map
struct material_lib_t {
const char ** material_name_list;
material_t * material_list;
int material_count;
/// @threadsafe
int load_wavefront( wavefront_t * out_mesh, res_t res );
/// @threadsafe
int load_material_lib( material_lib_t * out_lib, res_t res );
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