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Created January 8, 2018 15:06
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Greasemonkey script that adds a button to the PR page to open the doc generated by CircleCI for this PR
// ==UserScript==
// @name see PR doc on CircleCI
// @namespace lesteve
// @include /[0-9]+[^/]*$/
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
'use strict';
// console.log('Running user script');
window.addEventListener('load', () => {
addButton('See CircleCI doc for this PR', gotoCirclePage);
function addButton(text, onclick, cssObj) {
let headerActionElement = document.getElementsByClassName('gh-header-actions')[0];
// console.log('headerActionElement', headerActionElement);
cssObj = cssObj || {};
let button = document.createElement('button'), btnStyle =;
button.innerHTML = text;
button.onclick = onclick;
button.classList = "btn btn-sm";
button.type = "button";
Object.keys(cssObj).forEach(key => btnStyle[key] = cssObj[key]);
return button;
function findElementsBySelectorAndText(selector, text) {
var elements = document.querySelectorAll(selector);
return, function(element){
return RegExp(text).test(element.textContent);
function gotoCirclePage() {
var circleElement;
var useCircleWorkflow;
circleElement = findElementsBySelectorAndText('.branch-action .merge-status-item', 'ci/circle.+python3')[0];
if (!circleElement) {
circleElement = findElementsBySelectorAndText('.branch-action .merge-status-item', 'ci/circle')[0];
var match = /\/.*?([0-9]+)\?/.exec(circleElement.innerHTML);
if (match) {
var circleBuildNumber = match[1];
var docURLPart;
docURLPart = ""
var docURL = 'https://' + circleBuildNumber + docURLPart;;
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