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Created April 25, 2022 09:12
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React Hook: useComponentDidUpdate()
const useComponentDidUpdate = useGetSnapshotBeforeUpdate(
(_prevProps, prevState) => {
if (!messagesWrapperRef.current || ! || !prevState) return undefined;
if (messagesWrapperRef.current.scrollHeight > (prevState.scrollHeight || 0)) {
return prevState.scrollHeight;
return undefined;
{ scrollHeight: messagesWrapperRef.current?.scrollHeight },
useComponentDidUpdate((_prevProps, _prevState, snapshot) => {
if (snapshot && messagesWrapperRef.current) {
messagesWrapperRef.current.scrollTop = messagesWrapperRef.current.scrollHeight - snapshot;
import { useEffect, useLayoutEffect, useRef } from 'react';
const usePrevPropsAndState = <Props, State>(props: Props, state: State) => {
const prevPropsAndStateRef = useRef<{ props: Props | null; state: State | null }>({
props: null,
state: null,
const prevProps = prevPropsAndStateRef.current.props;
const prevState = prevPropsAndStateRef.current.state;
useEffect(() => {
prevPropsAndStateRef.current = { props, state };
return { prevProps, prevState };
export const useGetSnapshotBeforeUpdate = <Props = any, State = any, Snapshot = any>(
getSnapshotBeforeUpdateCb: (prevProps: Props | null, prevState: State | null) => Snapshot,
props: Props,
state: State,
) => {
// get prev props and state
const { prevProps, prevState } = usePrevPropsAndState<Props, State>(props, state);
const snapshot = useRef<Snapshot | null>(null);
// getSnapshotBeforeUpdate - not run on mount + run on every update
const componentJustMounted = useRef(true);
useLayoutEffect(() => {
if (!componentJustMounted.current) {
snapshot.current = getSnapshotBeforeUpdateCb(prevProps, prevState);
componentJustMounted.current = false;
const useComponentDidUpdate = (
componentDidUpdateCb: (
prevProps: Props | null,
prevState: State | null,
snapshot: Snapshot | null,
) => void,
) => {
useEffect(() => {
if (!componentJustMounted.current) {
componentDidUpdateCb(prevProps, prevState, snapshot.current);
return useComponentDidUpdate;
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