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Last active June 21, 2024 13:25
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  • Save mekaneck/429390e7a530d8002c606f25ce4aa959 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save mekaneck/429390e7a530d8002c606f25ce4aa959 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
; Script to obtain meeting state and mute state from mutesync application (
; This script will create 2 binary_sensor entities in Home Assistant; one for mute status and one for in_meeting status
; To obtain the status from Mutesync, a token must be obtained from the Mutesync application.
; 1. Choose mutesync preferences, authentication tab, and check "allow external app"
; 2. Open a browser and navigate to
; 3. Copy the 16-character token and paste it into this next line between the quotes.
; For communicating with Home Assistant, a long-lived access token is needed.
; 1. Open up Home Assistant and select your user name
; 2. Scroll to the bottom of the screen and select "create token".
; 3. Name it something like Mutesynk Autohotkey, and copy it in the next line between the quotes.
; Also to communicate with Home Assistant, we need its URL. If you want this
; script to work remotely or when on VPN, this must be accessible remotely.
haServerURL := ""
; Other Customizeable settings. These can be changed as desired.
updatePeriodInSeconds := 10
haMuteSensorEntityName := "mylaptop_mutesync_mute"
haMeetingSensorEntityName := "mylaptop_mutesync_meeting"
; These settings should not change
apiVersion := 1
msURL := ""
msTokenText := "Token " msToken
haMuteURL := haServerURL "/api/states/binary_sensor." haMuteSensorEntityName
haMeetingURL := haServerURL "/api/states/binary_sensor." haMeetingSensorEntityName
haTokenText := "Bearer " haToken
StringCaseSense Off
; End of configuration settings
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Execute the script once immediately upon launch
Gosub UpdateStatus
; Repeat the execution periodically
updatePeriodInMilliseconds := updatePeriodInSeconds * 1000
SetTimer, UpdateStatus, %updatePeriodInMilliseconds%
; Create oHttp object
oHttp := ComObjCreate("WinHttp.Winhttprequest.5.1")
; GET request, synchronous mode
oHttp.Open("GET", msURL, false)
; Add token header
oHttp.SetRequestHeader("Authorization", msTokenText)
; Add API version header
oHttp.SetRequestHeader("x-mutesync-api-version", apiVersion)
; send Request
; Wait for the response for 5 seconds
responseText := oHttp.responseText
;MsgBox % "initial response: " responseText
;Parse response for Meeting Status
inMeetingStatusLoc := Instr(responseText, """in_meeting"":") + 13
inMeetingStatusRaw := SubStr(responseText, inMeetingStatusLoc, 4)
;MsgBox % "raw extract from inMeetingStatusRaw: " inMeetingStatusRaw
if (inMeetingStatusRaw = "true")
;MsgBox In Meeting
meetingState := "on"
;MsgBox Not In Meeting
meetingState := "off"
; Parse response for Mute Status
muteStatusLoc := Instr(responseText, """muted"":") + 8
muteStatusRaw := SubStr(responseText, muteStatusLoc, 4)
;MsgBox % "raw extract from muteStatusRaw: " muteStatusRaw
if (muteStatusRaw = "true")
;MsgBox Mute is On
muteState := "on"
;MsgBox Mute is Off
muteState := "off"
catch e
FormatTime, nowUTC, %A_NowUTC%, yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss+00:00
mutePayload = {"state":"%muteState%","attributes":{"last_updated":"%nowUTC%"}}
meetingPayload = {"state":"%meetingState%","attributes":{"last_updated":"%nowUTC%"}}
; POST request
oHttp.Open("POST", haMuteURL, false)
; Add token header
oHttp.SetRequestHeader("authorization", haTokenText)
; Add content type header
oHttp.SetRequestHeader("content-type", "application/json")
; send Request with payload
; wait for response from HA
catch e
; POST request
oHttp.Open("POST", haMeetingURL, false)
; Add token header
oHttp.SetRequestHeader("authorization", haTokenText)
; Add content type header
oHttp.SetRequestHeader("content-type", "application/json")
; send Request with payload
; send Request with payload
; wait for response from HA
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