- For every partner you have, make a copy of this gist
- Fill out the copied gists with feedback for each group project partner (one gist per partner)
- Send us your feedback for each partner using the form posted in slack/assignment tracker (one submission per partner)
- Individually slack your partners the link of the gist you filled out for them
- Spend some time reviewing your partner’s feedback that they sent you
- Get on a video call with your partner(s) for the in person partner retro to discuss feedback.
Name: < fill in your name here >
Partner: < fill in your partner's name here >
Project Reflection
- What is one thing that went unusually well during this project?
- In hindsight, is there anything you would have done differently?
- Given these reflection questions, what specific, actionable steps will you take moving into your upcoming group project to continue your growth with working in technical teams?
- If you were working with this partner again, what is something that you would want to focus on improving as a team?
Feedback for your partner
- What strengths did your partner bring to the project?
- What is something they could do better?