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Created May 16, 2021 03:18
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Fires an 'idleTimeSeconds' event when the page is idle for the certain amount of seconds
import $ from 'jquery';
export const IDLE_EVENT_NAME = 'idleTimeSeconds';
* How often an 'idleTimeSeconds' event is fired on the document instance.
* @type {number}
* How often the idle time is checked against the IDLE_EVENT_RATE_SECONDS.
* Should be much smaller than the value of IDLE_EVENT_RATE_SECONDS
* (the smaller the value is, the more precisely the event is fired) -
* because the actual delay may be longer, see "Reasons for delays
* longer than specified in WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope.setTimeout() for examples":
* @type {number}
* Because the actual timer delay may be longer, we track the timestamp
* when the idle time started, instead of incrementally adding to the total idle time.
* Having a starting point, we can always calculate the idle time precisely
* without accumulating delay errors.
* @type {number}
let idleStartTimeMilliseconds;
* Holds the interval reference.
let idleInterval;
* Holds the value of the latest idle time value
* for which the event was fired (integer value in seconds).
* The value is therefore factor of IDLE_EVENT_RATE_SECONDS.
* @type {number}
let lastFiredSeconds;
const $document = $(document);
* Resets the idle timer.
* Called on user interaction events, like keydown or touchstart.
function resetIdleStartTime() {
// Reset the timestamp when the idle time started
idleStartTimeMilliseconds = (new Date).getTime();
// Reset the latest idle time value for which the even was fired
// (integer value in seconds).
lastFiredSeconds = 0;
* Ticks every IDLE_TIMER_RATE_SECONDS, which is more often than the expected
* idle event firing rate.
* Fires the 'idleTimeSeconds' event on the document instance.
function timerCallback() {
const nowMilliseconds = (new Date).getTime();
const idleTimeSeconds = Math.floor((nowMilliseconds - idleStartTimeMilliseconds) / 1000);
// When do we expect the idle event to be fired again?
// For example, if the event firing rate is 10 seconds,
// and last time it was fired at 40 seconds of idle time,
// the next one will be at 40 + 10 = 50 seconds.
const nextIdleSecondsToFire = lastFiredSeconds + IDLE_EVENT_RATE_SECONDS;
if (idleTimeSeconds >= nextIdleSecondsToFire) {
// Record last fired idle time that is factor of the rate,
// so that we keep firing the event as close to the desired rate as possible
lastFiredSeconds = nextIdleSecondsToFire;
$document.triggerHandler(IDLE_EVENT_NAME, [idleTimeSeconds]);
// Initialize the idle timer once only per the document instance
$(function() {
// Start the idle timer
idleInterval = setInterval(timerCallback, IDLE_TIMER_RATE_SECONDS * 1000);
// Reset the idle time start timestamp
$document.on('mousemove keydown mousedown touchstart', resetIdleStartTime);
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