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Last active November 21, 2018 19:58
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  • Save meeech/b236c0ddce32a03b249b86d8cf09f26a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save meeech/b236c0ddce32a03b249b86d8cf09f26a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
class Octave < Formula
desc "a high-level interpreted language for numerical computations."
homepage ""
url ""
mirror ""
sha256 "83bbd701aab04e7e57d0d5b8373dd54719bebb64ce0a850e69bf3d7454f33bae"
head "", :branch => "default", :using => :hg
revision 2
bottle do
sha256 "98d8a35cd7c4e20e13b77e6999bc75a39ef52f8e5fa6deafd80f60e10c8db8d0" => :yosemite
sha256 "0a28985e322d56002755469a22cc5ae3c487c191d35c8b5b3b25c34abcc0b2cb" => :mavericks
sha256 "35344dafa1cb05d8d7d1c77c469e012d404b0a5062c840ed062570c94fce3d2b" => :mountain_lion
# Allows other software to interface Octave and find its headers.
# See:
patch :DATA
skip_clean "share/info" # Keep the docs
option "without-check", "Skip build-time tests (not recommended)"
option "without-docs", "Don't build documentation"
option "without-gui", "Do not build the experimental GUI"
option "with-native-graphics", "Use native OpenGL/FLTKgraphics (does not work with the GUI)"
option "without-gnuplot", "Do not use gnuplot graphics"
option "with-jit", "Use the experimental JIT support (not recommended)"
option "with-openblas", "Use OpenBLAS instead of native LAPACK/BLAS"
option "without-curl", "Do not use cURL (urlread/urlwrite/@ftp)"
option "without-fftw", "Do not use FFTW (fft,ifft,fft2,etc.)"
option "without-glpk", "Do not use GLPK"
option "without-hdf5", "Do not use HDF5 (hdf5 data file support)"
option "without-qhull", "Do not use the Qhull library (delaunay,voronoi,etc.)"
option "without-qrupdate", "Do not use the QRupdate package (qrdelete,qrinsert,qrshift,qrupdate)"
option "without-suite-sparse421", "Do not use SuiteSparse (sparse matrix operations)"
option "without-zlib", "Do not use zlib (compressed MATLAB file formats)"
depends_on :fortran
depends_on "pkg-config" => :build
depends_on "gnu-sed" => :build
depends_on "texinfo" => :build if build.with?("docs") && OS.linux?
head do
depends_on "bison" => :build
depends_on "automake" => :build
depends_on "autoconf" => :build
depends_on "qscintilla2"
depends_on "qt"
depends_on "fltk"
depends_on "fontconfig"
depends_on "freetype"
depends_on "pcre"
if build.with? "gui"
depends_on "qscintilla2"
depends_on "qt"
if build.with? "native-graphics"
depends_on "fltk"
depends_on "fontconfig"
depends_on "freetype"
depends_on "llvm" if build.with? "jit"
depends_on "curl" if build.with?("curl") && MacOS.version == :leopard
depends_on :java => :recommended
depends_on "gnuplot" => [:recommended, build.with?("gui") ? "with-qt" : ""]
depends_on "suite-sparse421" => :recommended
depends_on "readline" => :recommended
depends_on "arpack" => :recommended
depends_on "fftw" => :recommended
depends_on "glpk" => :recommended
depends_on "gl2ps" => :recommended
depends_on "graphicsmagick" => :recommended # imread/imwrite
depends_on "hdf5" => :recommended
depends_on "qhull" => :recommended
depends_on "qrupdate" => :recommended
depends_on "epstool" => :recommended
depends_on "ghostscript" => :recommended # ps/pdf image output
depends_on "pstoedit" if build.with? "ghostscript"
depends_on "openblas" => :optional
def install
ENV.m64 if MacOS.prefer_64_bit?
ENV.append_to_cflags "-D_REENTRANT"
ENV.append "LDFLAGS", "-L#{Formula["readline"].opt_lib} -lreadline" if build.with? "readline"
args = ["--prefix=#{prefix}"]
args << "--with-blas=-L#{Formula["openblas"].opt_lib} -lopenblas" if build.with? "openblas"
args << "--disable-docs" if build.without? "docs"
args << "--enable-jit" if build.with? "jit"
args << "--disable-gui" if build.without? "gui"
args << "--without-opengl" if build.without?("native-graphics") && !build.head?
args << "--disable-readline" if build.without? "readline"
args << "--without-curl" if build.without? "curl"
args << "--without-fftw3" if build.without? "fftw"
args << "--without-glpk" if build.without? "glpk"
args << "--without-hdf5" if build.without? "hdf5"
args << "--disable-java" if build.without? :java
args << "--without-qhull" if build.without? "qhull"
args << "--without-qrupdate" if build.without? "qrupdate"
if build.without? "suite-sparse421"
args << "--without-amd"
args << "--without-camd"
args << "--without-colamd"
args << "--without-ccolamd"
args << "--without-cxsparse"
args << "--without-camd"
args << "--without-cholmod"
args << "--without-umfpack"
sparse = Tab.for_name("suite-sparse421")
ENV.append_to_cflags "-L#{Formula["metis4"].opt_lib} -lmetis" if sparse.with? "metis4"
args << "--without-zlib" if build.without? "zlib"
args << "--with-x=no" if OS.mac? # We don't need X11 for Mac at all
system "./bootstrap" if build.head?
# Libtool needs to see -framework to handle dependencies better.
inreplace "configure", "-Wl,-framework -Wl,", "-framework "
# The Mac build configuration passes all linker flags to mkoctfile to
# be inserted into every oct/mex build. This is actually unnecessary and
# can cause linking problems.
inreplace "src/", /%OCTAVE_CONF_OCT(AVE)?_LINK_(DEPS|OPTS)%/, '""'
if build.with?("gnuplot") && build.with?("gui")
# ~/.octaverc takes precedence over site octaverc
open("scripts/startup/local-rcfile", "a") do |file|
file.write "setenv('GNUTERM','#{build.with?("gui") ? "qt" : ""}')"
system "./configure", *args
system "make", "all"
system "make check 2>&1 | tee make-check.log" if build.with? "check"
system "make", "install"
prefix.install "make-check.log" if File.exist? "make-check.log"
prefix.install "test/fntests.log" if File.exist? "test/fntests.log"
def caveats
s = ""
if build.with? "gnuplot"
s += <<-EOS.undent
gnuplot's Qt terminal is supported by default with the Octave GUI.
Use other gnuplot graphics terminals by setting the environment variable
GNUTERM in ~/.octaverc, and building gnuplot with the matching options.
setenv('GNUTERM','qt') # Default graphics terminal with Octave GUI
setenv('GNUTERM','x11') # Requires XQuartz; install gnuplot --with-x
setenv('GNUTERM','wxt') # wxWidgets/pango; install gnuplot --wx
setenv('GNUTERM','aqua') # Requires AquaTerm; install gnuplot --with-aquaterm
You may also set this variable from within Octave.
if build.with?("native graphics") || build.head?
s += <<-EOS.undent
You have configured Octave to use "native" OpenGL/FLTK plotting by
default. If you prefer gnuplot, you can activate it for all future
figures with the command
graphics_toolkit ('gnuplot')
or for a specific figure handle h using
graphics_toolkit (h,'gnuplot')
if build.head?
s += <<-EOS.undent
The HEAD installation activates the experimental GUI by default.
To use the CLI version of octave, run the command "octave-cli".
elsif build.with? "gui"
s += <<-EOS.undent
The Octave GUI is experimental and not enabled by default. To use it,
use the command-line argument "--force-gui"; e.g.,
octave --force-gui
if build.with? "native-graphics"
s += <<-EOS.undent
Native graphics do *not* work with the GUI. You must switch to
gnuplot when using it.
logfile = "#{prefix}/make-check.log"
if File.exist? logfile
logs = `grep 'libinterp/array/.*FAIL \\d' #{logfile}`
unless logs.empty?
s += <<-EOS.undent
Octave's self-tests for this installation produced the following failues:
s += logs + <<-EOS.undent
These failures indicate a conflict between Octave and its BLAS-related
dependencies. You can likely correct these by removing and reinstalling
arpack, qrupdate, suite-sparse421, and octave. Please use the same BLAS
settings for all (i.e., with the default, or "--with-openblas").
s += "\n" unless s.empty?
test do
system "octave", "--eval", "'(22/7 - pi)/pi'"
diff --git a/libinterp/corefcn/comment-list.h b/libinterp/corefcn/comment-list.h
index 2f2c4d5..18df774 100644
--- a/libinterp/corefcn/comment-list.h
+++ b/libinterp/corefcn/comment-list.h
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ along with Octave; see the file COPYING. If not, see
#include <string>
-#include <base-list.h>
+#include "base-list.h"
extern std::string get_comment_text (void);
diff --git a/libinterp/corefcn/oct.h b/libinterp/corefcn/oct.h
index c6d21ad..db06357 100644
--- a/libinterp/corefcn/oct.h
+++ b/libinterp/corefcn/oct.h
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ along with Octave; see the file COPYING. If not, see
// config.h needs to be first because it includes #defines that can */
// affect other header files.
-#include <config.h>
+#include "config.h"
#include "Matrix.h"
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