Work in progress.
Recommended resources and links related to topics covered during my iteration of GA's Web Development Immersive.
Initially intended to be a sorted list of all the resources posted by my cohort plus some more for revision purposes but hopefully it'll be useful to anyone else interested in the field regardless of their background.
- Stack Overflow - Programming Q&A
- GitHub - Host Git repositories
- CodePen - Front-end playground
- Packt - Free eBooks daily
- See Best-websites-a-programmer-should-visit for more
- Codewars
- Code Kata
- HackerRank
- Free Code Camp - Some algorithm questions
- - Crowd sourced peer review
- Topcoder
- Big List of Hackathons in Australia
- Hackathons | Hackathon Queen
- Melbourne Hackathons | sdesalas
- Hackathons Australia | @hackaus
- Hackathons Melbourne | @hackmelb
- Random Hacks of Kindness - For not for profits
- Space Apps Challenge - NASA, Earth and space
- GovHack - Open government, open-data
- HealthHack - Healthcare and medical research
- SheHacks - All-female hackathon
- CSSConf Australia
- JSConf Australia
- Decompress Australia
- RubyConf Australia
- Agile Australia
- Web Directions
- Rails Camp
- CampJS
- YOW! Conference
- Atlassian Git Tutorial
- Learn Git Branching - Interactive tutorial on branch operations
- Ruby Core Reference
- TryRuby
- RubyKoans
- Why's (Poignant) Guide to Ruby
- Programming Ruby: The Pragmatic Programmer's Guide
- Introduction to Programming with Ruby | LaunchSchool
- Ruby on Rails - Homepage
- Ruby on Rails Guides
- The Ruby on Rails Tutorial | Michael Hartl
- Demystifying Rails | LaunchSchool
- React - Homepage
- Tutorial: Intro to React | Official docs
- React For Beginners | Wes Bos [PAID]
- React How-To | PeteHunt
- Awesome React | enaqx
- React / Redux Links | markerikson
- React Bits | vasanthk
- Redux - Homepage
- Learn Redux | Wes Bos
- Getting Started with Redux | Dan Abramov
- Redux: From Twitter Hype to Production | @vyacheslav_de, @JenyaTerpil - Contains animated diagrams depicting Redux cycle
- RSpec - Official docs
- Better Specs { rspec guidelines with ruby }
- Mocha - JavaScript test framework
- Sinon.JS - test spies, stubs and mocks