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Last active January 15, 2024 01:18
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  • Save mcknasty/858aa5d8ea51fba08ef0d2062632180d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save mcknasty/858aa5d8ea51fba08ef0d2062632180d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Matrix Builds -- [ TimeStamp: 2024-01-14 20:18:55 504394903 ]
Attempting to upgrade to the latest working version of npm...
* `npm` `v7.x` is the last version that works on `node` `v13`, `v15`, below `v12.13`, or `v14.0` - `v14.15`
changed 16 packages, and audited 259 packages in 2m
11 packages are looking for funding
run `npm fund` for details
20 vulnerabilities (13 moderate, 5 high, 2 critical)
To address issues that do not require attention, run:
npm audit fix
Some issues need review, and may require choosing
a different dependency.
Run `npm audit` for details.
* npm upgraded to: v7.24.2
npm WARN EBADENGINE Unsupported engine { package: '[email protected]',
npm WARN EBADENGINE required: { node: '>=12' },
npm WARN EBADENGINE current: { node: 'v10.24.1', npm: '7.24.2' } }
npm WARN EBADENGINE Unsupported engine { package: '[email protected]',
npm WARN EBADENGINE required: { node: '>= 12.0.0' },
npm WARN EBADENGINE current: { node: 'v10.24.1', npm: '7.24.2' } }
npm WARN EBADENGINE Unsupported engine { package: '[email protected]',
npm WARN EBADENGINE required: { node: '>=12' },
npm WARN EBADENGINE current: { node: 'v10.24.1', npm: '7.24.2' } }
npm WARN EBADENGINE Unsupported engine { package: '[email protected]',
npm WARN EBADENGINE required: { node: '>=12' },
npm WARN EBADENGINE current: { node: 'v10.24.1', npm: '7.24.2' } }
npm WARN EBADENGINE Unsupported engine { package: '@cspotcode/[email protected]',
npm WARN EBADENGINE required: { node: '>=12' },
npm WARN EBADENGINE current: { node: 'v10.24.1', npm: '7.24.2' } }
npm WARN EBADENGINE Unsupported engine { package: '[email protected]',
npm WARN EBADENGINE required: { node: '>=12' },
npm WARN EBADENGINE current: { node: 'v10.24.1', npm: '7.24.2' } }
added 378 packages, and audited 379 packages in 50s
95 packages are looking for funding
run `npm fund` for details
found 0 vulnerabilities
> [email protected] test:snap
> cross-env CHAI_JEST_SNAPSHOT_UPDATE_ALL=true npm test
> [email protected] test
> cross-env TS_NODE_SKIP_PROJECT=true node ./bin/c8.js mocha --timeout=1000000 ./test/*.js
throw Error(`yargs parser supports a minimum Node.js version of ${minNodeVersion}. Read our version support policy:`);
Error: yargs parser supports a minimum Node.js version of 12. Read our version support policy:
at Object.<anonymous> (/home/tmckeown/codez/github/c8/node_modules/yargs-parser/build/index.cjs:1015:15)
at Module._compile (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:778:30)
at Object.Module._extensions..js (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:789:10)
at Module.load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:653:32)
at tryModuleLoad (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:593:12)
at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:585:3)
at Module.require (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:692:17)
at require (internal/modules/cjs/helpers.js:25:18)
at Object.<anonymous> (/home/tmckeown/codez/github/c8/node_modules/yargs/build/index.cjs:1:60570)
at Module._compile (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:778:30)
Attempting to upgrade to the latest working version of npm...
* `npm` `v8.x` is the last version that works on `node` `v12`, `v14.13` - `v14.16`, or `v16.0` - `v16.12`
npm ERR! syscall rename
npm ERR! path /usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm
npm ERR! dest /usr/local/lib/node_modules/.npm-i9nnxROI
npm ERR! errno -39
npm ERR! ENOTEMPTY: directory not empty, rename '/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm' -> '/usr/local/lib/node_modules/.npm-i9nnxROI'
npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
npm ERR! /home/tmckeown/.npm/_logs/2023-07-30T14_02_57_516Z-debug-0.log
* npm upgraded to: v8.19.3
added 378 packages, and audited 379 packages in 10s
95 packages are looking for funding
run `npm fund` for details
found 0 vulnerabilities
> [email protected] test:snap
> cross-env CHAI_JEST_SNAPSHOT_UPDATE_ALL=true npm test
> [email protected] test
> cross-env TS_NODE_SKIP_PROJECT=true node ./bin/c8.js mocha --timeout=1000000 ./test/*.js
✔ reports coverage for script that exits normally (1024ms)
✔ supports externally set NODE_V8_COVERAGE (989ms)
✔ merges reports from subprocesses together (676ms)
✔ allows relative files to be included (1170ms)
✔ exits with 1 when report output fails (677ms)
✔ should allow for files outside of cwd (11929ms)
✔ should allow for multiple overrides of src location for --all (373ms)
✔ cobertura report escapes special characters (493ms)
✔ collects coverage for script with shebang (472ms)
✔ exits with 0 if coverage within threshold (226ms)
✔ exits with 1 if coverage is below threshold (278ms)
✔ allows threshold to be applied on per-file basis (286ms)
✔ allows --check-coverage when executing script (812ms)
✔ --100 (830ms)
✔ check-coverage command with --100 (312ms)
✔ generates report from existing temporary files (312ms)
✔ supports --check-coverage, when generating reports (345ms)
ESM Modules
✔ collects coverage for ESM modules (384ms)
/* c8 ignore next */
✔ ignores lines with special comment (476ms)
✔ does not incorrectly mark previous branch as uncovered (see #254) (502ms)
/* c8 ignore start/stop */
✔ ignores lines with special comment (650ms)
✔ does not attempt to load source map URLs that aren't (515ms)
✔ remaps branches (591ms)
✔ remaps classes (524ms)
✔ remaps branches (498ms)
✔ remaps classes (502ms)
✔ remaps branches (473ms)
✔ remaps classes (528ms)
✔ remaps branches (555ms)
✔ remaps classes (515ms)
✔ reads source-map from cache, and applies to coverage (4213ms)
✔ reports coverage for unloaded js files as 0 for line, branch and function (3083ms)
✔ reports coverage for unloaded transpiled ts files as 0 for line, branch and function (3352ms)
✔ reports coverage for unloaded ts files as 0 for line, branch and function when using ts-node (4415ms)
✔ should allow for --all to be used in conjunction with --check-coverage (2261ms)
✔ should allow for --all to be used with the check-coverage command (2 invocations) (3742ms)
✔ supports reporting on directories outside cwd (380ms)
✔ supports reporting on single directories outside cwd (359ms)
✔ applies exclude rules after source-maps are applied (620ms)
✔ includes coverage when extensions specified (1165ms)
✔ includes coverage when extensions specified with --all (1836ms)
c8 mergeAsync
✔ reports coverage for script that exits normally (1261ms)
✔ supports externally set NODE_V8_COVERAGE (1175ms)
✔ merges reports from subprocesses together (1398ms)
✔ allows relative files to be included (1858ms)
✔ exits with 1 when report output fails (1626ms)
✔ should allow for files outside of cwd (611ms)
✔ should allow for multiple overrides of src location for --all (640ms)
✔ cobertura report escapes special characters (605ms)
✔ collects coverage for script with shebang (627ms)
✔ exits with 0 if coverage within threshold (514ms)
✔ exits with 1 if coverage is below threshold (508ms)
✔ allows threshold to be applied on per-file basis (449ms)
✔ allows --check-coverage when executing script (993ms)
✔ --100 (939ms)
✔ check-coverage command with --100 (309ms)
✔ generates report from existing temporary files (564ms)
✔ supports --check-coverage, when generating reports (506ms)
ESM Modules
✔ collects coverage for ESM modules (597ms)
/* c8 ignore next */
✔ ignores lines with special comment (483ms)
✔ does not incorrectly mark previous branch as uncovered (see #254) (419ms)
/* c8 ignore start/stop */
✔ ignores lines with special comment (558ms)
✔ does not attempt to load source map URLs that aren't (452ms)
✔ remaps branches (488ms)
✔ remaps classes (554ms)
✔ remaps branches (460ms)
✔ remaps classes (682ms)
✔ remaps branches (451ms)
✔ remaps classes (757ms)
✔ remaps branches (458ms)
✔ remaps classes (680ms)
✔ reads source-map from cache, and applies to coverage (4258ms)
✔ reports coverage for unloaded js files as 0 for line, branch and function (1104ms)
✔ reports coverage for unloaded transpiled ts files as 0 for line, branch and function (1009ms)
✔ reports coverage for unloaded ts files as 0 for line, branch and function when using ts-node (4820ms)
✔ should allow for --all to be used in conjunction with --check-coverage (1044ms)
✔ should allow for --all to be used with the check-coverage command (2 invocations) (2000ms)
✔ supports reporting on directories outside cwd (309ms)
✔ supports reporting on single directories outside cwd (245ms)
✔ applies exclude rules after source-maps are applied (434ms)
✔ includes coverage when extensions specified (910ms)
✔ includes coverage when extensions specified with --all (1271ms)
✔ hides arguments passed to instrumented app
✔ test early exit from function if no arguments are passed
✔ hides arguments passed to c8 bin (84ms)
✔ interprets first args after -- as Node.js execArgv
NODE_V8_COVERAGE environment variable tests
✔ should not override it
✔ should set it if undefined
✔ should resolve to .nycrc at cwd
✔ should use config file specified in --config
✔ should have -c as an alias
✔ should respect options on the command line over config file
✔ should allow config files to extend each other
✔ should allow relative reports directories
✔ should allow relative temporary directories
✔ should default to false
✔ should set to true when flag exists
✔ should parse source maps from compiled targets
✔ should handle extra whitespace characters
✔ should support base64 encoded inline source maps
100 passing (2m)
File | % Stmts | % Branch | % Funcs | % Lines | Uncovered Line #s
All files | 96.16 | 86.18 | 100 | 96.16 |
bin | 90.38 | 88.88 | 100 | 90.38 |
c8.js | 90.38 | 88.88 | 100 | 90.38 | 27-29,50-51
lib | 95.99 | 84.29 | 100 | 95.99 |
is-cjs-esm-bridge.js | 90 | 62.5 | 100 | 90 | 9
parse-args.js | 99.19 | 95.23 | 100 | 99.19 | 186-187
report.js | 95.44 | 87.01 | 100 | 95.44 | ...249,332-333,360-361,367-369
source-map-from-file.js | 91 | 66.66 | 100 | 91 | 74-76,91-93,95-97
lib/commands | 100 | 95.45 | 100 | 100 |
check-coverage.js | 100 | 92.85 | 100 | 100 | 26
report.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
> [email protected] posttest
> standard
Attempting to upgrade to the latest working version of npm...
* Installing latest `npm`; if this does not work on your node version, please report a bug!
changed 15 packages in 4s
14 packages are looking for funding
run `npm fund` for details
* npm upgraded to: v9.4.0
added 366 packages, and audited 367 packages in 11s
89 packages are looking for funding
run `npm fund` for details
found 0 vulnerabilities
> [email protected] test:snap
> cross-env CHAI_JEST_SNAPSHOT_UPDATE_ALL=true npm test
> [email protected] test
> cross-env TS_NODE_SKIP_PROJECT=true node ./bin/c8.js mocha --timeout=10000 ./test/*.js
✔ reports coverage for script that exits normally (888ms)
✔ supports externally set NODE_V8_COVERAGE (794ms)
✔ merges reports from subprocesses together (460ms)
✔ allows relative files to be included (588ms)
✔ exits with 1 when report output fails (520ms)
✔ should allow for files outside of cwd (359ms)
✔ should allow for multiple overrides of src location for --all (389ms)
✔ cobertura report escapes special characters (336ms)
✔ collects coverage for script with shebang (368ms)
✔ exits with 0 if coverage within threshold (242ms)
✔ exits with 1 if coverage is below threshold (1434ms)
✔ allows threshold to be applied on per-file basis (163ms)
✔ allows --check-coverage when executing script (768ms)
✔ --100 (750ms)
✔ check-coverage command with --100 (183ms)
✔ generates report from existing temporary files (209ms)
✔ supports --check-coverage, when generating reports (248ms)
ESM Modules
✔ collects coverage for ESM modules (356ms)
/* c8 ignore next */
✔ ignores lines with special comment (499ms)
✔ does not incorrectly mark previous branch as uncovered (see #254) (409ms)
/* c8 ignore start/stop */
✔ ignores lines with special comment (573ms)
✔ does not attempt to load source map URLs that aren't (425ms)
✔ remaps branches (404ms)
✔ remaps classes (388ms)
✔ remaps branches (364ms)
✔ remaps classes (393ms)
✔ remaps branches (364ms)
✔ remaps classes (390ms)
✔ remaps branches (380ms)
✔ remaps classes (364ms)
✔ reads source-map from cache, and applies to coverage (3393ms)
✔ reports coverage for unloaded js files as 0 for line, branch and function (687ms)
✔ reports coverage for unloaded transpiled ts files as 0 for line, branch and function (656ms)
✔ reports coverage for unloaded ts files as 0 for line, branch and function when using ts-node (3638ms)
✔ should allow for --all to be used in conjunction with --check-coverage (639ms)
✔ should allow for --all to be used with the check-coverage command (2 invocations) (1332ms)
✔ supports reporting on directories outside cwd (2790ms)
✔ supports reporting on single directories outside cwd (623ms)
✔ applies exclude rules after source-maps are applied (225ms)
✔ includes coverage when extensions specified (743ms)
✔ includes coverage when extensions specified with --all (935ms)
c8 on Node.js < 10
✔ skip coverage (156ms)
✔ hides arguments passed to instrumented app
✔ test early exit from function if no arguments are passed
✔ hides arguments passed to c8 bin (46ms)
✔ interprets first args after -- as Node.js execArgv
NODE_V8_COVERAGE environment variable tests
✔ should not override it
✔ should set it if undefined
✔ should resolve to .nycrc at cwd
✔ should use config file specified in --config
✔ should have -c as an alias
✔ should respect options on the command line over config file
✔ should allow config files to extend each other
✔ should allow relative reports directories
✔ should allow relative temporary directories
✔ should parse source maps from compiled targets
✔ should handle extra whitespace characters
✔ should support base64 encoded inline source maps
58 passing (33s)
File | % Stmts | % Branch | % Funcs | % Lines | Uncovered Line #s
All files | 96.61 | 89.62 | 100 | 96.61 |
bin | 96.15 | 100 | 100 | 96.15 |
c8.js | 96.15 | 100 | 100 | 96.15 | 50-51
lib | 96.1 | 87.37 | 100 | 96.1 |
is-cjs-esm-bridge.js | 90 | 62.5 | 100 | 90 | 9
parse-args.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
report.js | 95 | 90 | 100 | 95 | ...133,255-256,283-284,290-292
source-map-from-file.js | 91 | 71.42 | 100 | 91 | 74-76,91-93,95-97
lib/commands | 100 | 95.45 | 100 | 100 |
check-coverage.js | 100 | 92.85 | 100 | 100 | 26
report.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
> [email protected] posttest
> standard
Attempting to upgrade to the latest working version of npm...
* Installing latest `npm`; if this does not work on your node version, please report a bug!
changed 18 packages in 3s
28 packages are looking for funding
run `npm fund` for details
* npm upgraded to: v9.8.1
added 378 packages, and audited 379 packages in 10s
95 packages are looking for funding
run `npm fund` for details
found 0 vulnerabilities
> [email protected] test:snap
> cross-env CHAI_JEST_SNAPSHOT_UPDATE_ALL=true npm test
> [email protected] test
> cross-env TS_NODE_SKIP_PROJECT=true node ./bin/c8.js mocha --timeout=1000000 ./test/*.js
✔ reports coverage for script that exits normally (977ms)
✔ supports externally set NODE_V8_COVERAGE (716ms)
✔ merges reports from subprocesses together (331ms)
✔ allows relative files to be included (390ms)
✔ exits with 1 when report output fails (345ms)
✔ should allow for files outside of cwd (256ms)
✔ should allow for multiple overrides of src location for --all (289ms)
✔ cobertura report escapes special characters (266ms)
✔ collects coverage for script with shebang (272ms)
✔ exits with 0 if coverage within threshold (177ms)
✔ exits with 1 if coverage is below threshold (205ms)
✔ allows threshold to be applied on per-file basis (221ms)
✔ allows --check-coverage when executing script (755ms)
✔ --100 (713ms)
✔ check-coverage command with --100 (195ms)
✔ generates report from existing temporary files (193ms)
✔ supports --check-coverage, when generating reports (218ms)
ESM Modules
✔ collects coverage for ESM modules (270ms)
/* c8 ignore next */
✔ ignores lines with special comment (9552ms)
✔ does not incorrectly mark previous branch as uncovered (see #254) (3501ms)
/* c8 ignore start/stop */
✔ ignores lines with special comment (953ms)
✔ does not attempt to load source map URLs that aren't (194ms)
✔ remaps branches (279ms)
✔ remaps classes (208ms)
✔ remaps branches (211ms)
✔ remaps classes (243ms)
✔ remaps branches (208ms)
✔ remaps classes (210ms)
✔ remaps branches (205ms)
✔ remaps classes (209ms)
✔ reads source-map from cache, and applies to coverage (3949ms)
✔ reports coverage for unloaded js files as 0 for line, branch and function (1402ms)
✔ reports coverage for unloaded transpiled ts files as 0 for line, branch and function (1118ms)
✔ reports coverage for unloaded ts files as 0 for line, branch and function when using ts-node (2098ms)
✔ should allow for --all to be used in conjunction with --check-coverage (514ms)
✔ should allow for --all to be used with the check-coverage command (2 invocations) (980ms)
✔ supports reporting on directories outside cwd (123ms)
✔ supports reporting on single directories outside cwd (122ms)
✔ applies exclude rules after source-maps are applied (256ms)
✔ includes coverage when extensions specified (807ms)
✔ includes coverage when extensions specified with --all (956ms)
c8 mergeAsync
✔ reports coverage for script that exits normally (714ms)
✔ supports externally set NODE_V8_COVERAGE (715ms)
✔ merges reports from subprocesses together (322ms)
✔ allows relative files to be included (451ms)
✔ exits with 1 when report output fails (706ms)
✔ should allow for files outside of cwd (309ms)
✔ should allow for multiple overrides of src location for --all (312ms)
✔ cobertura report escapes special characters (281ms)
✔ collects coverage for script with shebang (292ms)
✔ exits with 0 if coverage within threshold (182ms)
✔ exits with 1 if coverage is below threshold (206ms)
✔ allows threshold to be applied on per-file basis (227ms)
✔ allows --check-coverage when executing script (757ms)
✔ --100 (823ms)
✔ check-coverage command with --100 (223ms)
✔ generates report from existing temporary files (196ms)
✔ supports --check-coverage, when generating reports (217ms)
ESM Modules
✔ collects coverage for ESM modules (275ms)
/* c8 ignore next */
✔ ignores lines with special comment (270ms)
✔ does not incorrectly mark previous branch as uncovered (see #254) (263ms)
/* c8 ignore start/stop */
✔ ignores lines with special comment (290ms)
✔ does not attempt to load source map URLs that aren't (282ms)
✔ remaps branches (302ms)
✔ remaps classes (298ms)
✔ remaps branches (294ms)
✔ remaps classes (301ms)
✔ remaps branches (298ms)
✔ remaps classes (297ms)
✔ remaps branches (298ms)
✔ remaps classes (298ms)
✔ reads source-map from cache, and applies to coverage (2714ms)
✔ reports coverage for unloaded js files as 0 for line, branch and function (791ms)
✔ reports coverage for unloaded transpiled ts files as 0 for line, branch and function (706ms)
✔ reports coverage for unloaded ts files as 0 for line, branch and function when using ts-node (6659ms)
✔ should allow for --all to be used in conjunction with --check-coverage (524ms)
✔ should allow for --all to be used with the check-coverage command (2 invocations) (1006ms)
✔ supports reporting on directories outside cwd (113ms)
✔ supports reporting on single directories outside cwd (115ms)
✔ applies exclude rules after source-maps are applied (228ms)
✔ includes coverage when extensions specified (740ms)
✔ includes coverage when extensions specified with --all (943ms)
✔ hides arguments passed to instrumented app
✔ test early exit from function if no arguments are passed
✔ hides arguments passed to c8 bin (43ms)
✔ interprets first args after -- as Node.js execArgv
NODE_V8_COVERAGE environment variable tests
✔ should not override it
✔ should set it if undefined
✔ should resolve to .nycrc at cwd
✔ should use config file specified in --config
✔ should have -c as an alias
✔ should respect options on the command line over config file
✔ should allow config files to extend each other
✔ should allow relative reports directories
✔ should allow relative temporary directories
✔ should default to false
✔ should set to true when flag exists
✔ should parse source maps from compiled targets
✔ should handle extra whitespace characters
✔ should support base64 encoded inline source maps
100 passing (1m)
File | % Stmts | % Branch | % Funcs | % Lines | Uncovered Line #s
All files | 95.94 | 87.83 | 100 | 95.94 |
bin | 90.38 | 88.88 | 100 | 90.38 |
c8.js | 90.38 | 88.88 | 100 | 90.38 | 27-29,50-51
lib | 95.73 | 86.32 | 100 | 95.73 |
is-cjs-esm-bridge.js | 90 | 62.5 | 100 | 90 | 9
parse-args.js | 99.19 | 95.23 | 100 | 99.19 | 186-187
report.js | 94.96 | 89.18 | 100 | 94.96 | ...249,332-333,360-361,367-369
source-map-from-file.js | 91 | 71.42 | 100 | 91 | 74-76,91-93,95-97
lib/commands | 100 | 95.45 | 100 | 100 |
check-coverage.js | 100 | 92.85 | 100 | 100 | 26
report.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
> [email protected] posttest
> standard
Attempting to upgrade to the latest working version of npm...
* Installing latest `npm`; if this does not work on your node version, please report a bug!
changed 15 packages in 3s
14 packages are looking for funding
run `npm fund` for details
* npm upgraded to: v9.4.0
added 366 packages, and audited 367 packages in 11s
89 packages are looking for funding
run `npm fund` for details
found 0 vulnerabilities
> [email protected] test:snap
> cross-env CHAI_JEST_SNAPSHOT_UPDATE_ALL=true npm test
> [email protected] test
> cross-env TS_NODE_SKIP_PROJECT=true node ./bin/c8.js mocha --timeout=10000 ./test/*.js
✔ reports coverage for script that exits normally (910ms)
✔ supports externally set NODE_V8_COVERAGE (774ms)
✔ merges reports from subprocesses together (451ms)
✔ allows relative files to be included (573ms)
✔ exits with 1 when report output fails (475ms)
✔ should allow for files outside of cwd (388ms)
✔ should allow for multiple overrides of src location for --all (408ms)
✔ cobertura report escapes special characters (348ms)
✔ collects coverage for script with shebang (377ms)
✔ exits with 0 if coverage within threshold (182ms)
✔ exits with 1 if coverage is below threshold (205ms)
✔ allows threshold to be applied on per-file basis (211ms)
✔ allows --check-coverage when executing script (801ms)
✔ --100 (740ms)
✔ check-coverage command with --100 (164ms)
✔ generates report from existing temporary files (219ms)
✔ supports --check-coverage, when generating reports (236ms)
ESM Modules
✔ collects coverage for ESM modules (339ms)
/* c8 ignore next */
✔ ignores lines with special comment (318ms)
✔ does not incorrectly mark previous branch as uncovered (see #254) (336ms)
/* c8 ignore start/stop */
✔ ignores lines with special comment (347ms)
✔ does not attempt to load source map URLs that aren't (354ms)
✔ remaps branches (343ms)
✔ remaps classes (370ms)
✔ remaps branches (357ms)
✔ remaps classes (353ms)
✔ remaps branches (393ms)
✔ remaps classes (367ms)
✔ remaps branches (367ms)
✔ remaps classes (386ms)
✔ reads source-map from cache, and applies to coverage (3842ms)
✔ reports coverage for unloaded js files as 0 for line, branch and function (839ms)
✔ reports coverage for unloaded transpiled ts files as 0 for line, branch and function (801ms)
✔ reports coverage for unloaded ts files as 0 for line, branch and function when using ts-node (5727ms)
✔ should allow for --all to be used in conjunction with --check-coverage (4546ms)
✔ should allow for --all to be used with the check-coverage command (2 invocations) (1914ms)
✔ supports reporting on directories outside cwd (523ms)
✔ supports reporting on single directories outside cwd (128ms)
✔ applies exclude rules after source-maps are applied (452ms)
✔ includes coverage when extensions specified (768ms)
✔ includes coverage when extensions specified with --all (968ms)
c8 on Node.js < 10
✔ skip coverage (180ms)
✔ hides arguments passed to instrumented app
✔ test early exit from function if no arguments are passed
✔ hides arguments passed to c8 bin (47ms)
✔ interprets first args after -- as Node.js execArgv
NODE_V8_COVERAGE environment variable tests
✔ should not override it
✔ should set it if undefined
✔ should resolve to .nycrc at cwd
✔ should use config file specified in --config
✔ should have -c as an alias
✔ should respect options on the command line over config file
✔ should allow config files to extend each other
✔ should allow relative reports directories
✔ should allow relative temporary directories
✔ should parse source maps from compiled targets
✔ should handle extra whitespace characters
✔ should support base64 encoded inline source maps
58 passing (35s)
File | % Stmts | % Branch | % Funcs | % Lines | Uncovered Line #s
All files | 96.84 | 90.37 | 100 | 96.84 |
bin | 96.15 | 100 | 100 | 96.15 |
c8.js | 96.15 | 100 | 100 | 96.15 | 50-51
lib | 96.39 | 88.34 | 100 | 96.39 |
is-cjs-esm-bridge.js | 90 | 62.5 | 100 | 90 | 9
parse-args.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
report.js | 95.58 | 91.66 | 100 | 95.58 | ...118,129-133,255-256,290-292
source-map-from-file.js | 91 | 71.42 | 100 | 91 | 74-76,91-93,95-97
lib/commands | 100 | 95.45 | 100 | 100 |
check-coverage.js | 100 | 92.85 | 100 | 100 | 26
report.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
> [email protected] posttest
> standard
Attempting to upgrade to the latest working version of npm...
* Installing latest `npm`; if this does not work on your node version, please report a bug!
changed 18 packages in 9s
28 packages are looking for funding
run `npm fund` for details
* npm upgraded to: v9.8.1
added 378 packages, and audited 379 packages in 10s
95 packages are looking for funding
run `npm fund` for details
found 0 vulnerabilities
> [email protected] test:snap
> cross-env CHAI_JEST_SNAPSHOT_UPDATE_ALL=true npm test
> [email protected] test
> cross-env TS_NODE_SKIP_PROJECT=true node ./bin/c8.js mocha --timeout=1000000 ./test/*.js
✔ reports coverage for script that exits normally (762ms)
✔ supports externally set NODE_V8_COVERAGE (703ms)
✔ merges reports from subprocesses together (292ms)
✔ allows relative files to be included (345ms)
✔ exits with 1 when report output fails (269ms)
✔ should allow for files outside of cwd (261ms)
✔ should allow for multiple overrides of src location for --all (247ms)
✔ cobertura report escapes special characters (381ms)
✔ collects coverage for script with shebang (258ms)
✔ exits with 0 if coverage within threshold (186ms)
✔ exits with 1 if coverage is below threshold (206ms)
✔ allows threshold to be applied on per-file basis (199ms)
✔ allows --check-coverage when executing script (716ms)
✔ --100 (725ms)
✔ check-coverage command with --100 (238ms)
✔ generates report from existing temporary files (289ms)
✔ supports --check-coverage, when generating reports (222ms)
ESM Modules
✔ collects coverage for ESM modules (230ms)
/* c8 ignore next */
✔ ignores lines with special comment (244ms)
✔ does not incorrectly mark previous branch as uncovered (see #254) (232ms)
/* c8 ignore start/stop */
✔ ignores lines with special comment (259ms)
✔ does not attempt to load source map URLs that aren't (250ms)
✔ remaps branches (214ms)
✔ remaps classes (295ms)
✔ remaps branches (284ms)
✔ remaps classes (235ms)
✔ remaps branches (262ms)
✔ remaps classes (340ms)
✔ remaps branches (364ms)
✔ remaps classes (356ms)
✔ reads source-map from cache, and applies to coverage (4378ms)
✔ reports coverage for unloaded js files as 0 for line, branch and function (779ms)
✔ reports coverage for unloaded transpiled ts files as 0 for line, branch and function (677ms)
✔ reports coverage for unloaded ts files as 0 for line, branch and function when using ts-node (3300ms)
✔ should allow for --all to be used in conjunction with --check-coverage (724ms)
✔ should allow for --all to be used with the check-coverage command (2 invocations) (1472ms)
✔ supports reporting on directories outside cwd (183ms)
✔ supports reporting on single directories outside cwd (170ms)
✔ applies exclude rules after source-maps are applied (308ms)
✔ includes coverage when extensions specified (777ms)
✔ includes coverage when extensions specified with --all (939ms)
c8 mergeAsync
✔ reports coverage for script that exits normally (727ms)
✔ supports externally set NODE_V8_COVERAGE (710ms)
✔ merges reports from subprocesses together (294ms)
✔ allows relative files to be included (386ms)
✔ exits with 1 when report output fails (594ms)
✔ should allow for files outside of cwd (255ms)
✔ should allow for multiple overrides of src location for --all (272ms)
✔ cobertura report escapes special characters (237ms)
✔ collects coverage for script with shebang (256ms)
✔ exits with 0 if coverage within threshold (172ms)
✔ exits with 1 if coverage is below threshold (194ms)
✔ allows threshold to be applied on per-file basis (207ms)
✔ allows --check-coverage when executing script (742ms)
✔ --100 (709ms)
✔ check-coverage command with --100 (181ms)
✔ generates report from existing temporary files (190ms)
✔ supports --check-coverage, when generating reports (196ms)
ESM Modules
✔ collects coverage for ESM modules (230ms)
/* c8 ignore next */
✔ ignores lines with special comment (226ms)
✔ does not incorrectly mark previous branch as uncovered (see #254) (248ms)
/* c8 ignore start/stop */
✔ ignores lines with special comment (247ms)
✔ does not attempt to load source map URLs that aren't (1828ms)
✔ remaps branches (5447ms)
✔ remaps classes (1048ms)
✔ remaps branches (450ms)
✔ remaps classes (204ms)
✔ remaps branches (204ms)
✔ remaps classes (210ms)
✔ remaps branches (206ms)
✔ remaps classes (729ms)
✔ reads source-map from cache, and applies to coverage (1820ms)
✔ reports coverage for unloaded js files as 0 for line, branch and function (489ms)
✔ reports coverage for unloaded transpiled ts files as 0 for line, branch and function (470ms)
✔ reports coverage for unloaded ts files as 0 for line, branch and function when using ts-node (2351ms)
✔ should allow for --all to be used in conjunction with --check-coverage (704ms)
✔ should allow for --all to be used with the check-coverage command (2 invocations) (1495ms)
✔ supports reporting on directories outside cwd (187ms)
✔ supports reporting on single directories outside cwd (180ms)
✔ applies exclude rules after source-maps are applied (341ms)
✔ includes coverage when extensions specified (805ms)
✔ includes coverage when extensions specified with --all (940ms)
✔ hides arguments passed to instrumented app
✔ test early exit from function if no arguments are passed
✔ hides arguments passed to c8 bin (48ms)
✔ interprets first args after -- as Node.js execArgv
NODE_V8_COVERAGE environment variable tests
✔ should not override it
✔ should set it if undefined
✔ should resolve to .nycrc at cwd
✔ should use config file specified in --config
✔ should have -c as an alias
✔ should respect options on the command line over config file
✔ should allow config files to extend each other
✔ should allow relative reports directories
✔ should allow relative temporary directories
✔ should default to false
✔ should set to true when flag exists
✔ should parse source maps from compiled targets (157ms)
✔ should handle extra whitespace characters
✔ should support base64 encoded inline source maps
100 passing (54s)
File | % Stmts | % Branch | % Funcs | % Lines | Uncovered Line #s
All files | 96.16 | 88.51 | 100 | 96.16 |
bin | 90.38 | 88.88 | 100 | 90.38 |
c8.js | 90.38 | 88.88 | 100 | 90.38 | 27-29,50-51
lib | 95.99 | 87.17 | 100 | 95.99 |
is-cjs-esm-bridge.js | 90 | 62.5 | 100 | 90 | 9
parse-args.js | 99.19 | 95.23 | 100 | 99.19 | 186-187
report.js | 95.44 | 90.54 | 100 | 95.44 | ...147,248-249,332-333,367-369
source-map-from-file.js | 91 | 71.42 | 100 | 91 | 74-76,91-93,95-97
lib/commands | 100 | 95.45 | 100 | 100 |
check-coverage.js | 100 | 92.85 | 100 | 100 | 26
report.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
> [email protected] posttest
> standard
Attempting to upgrade to the latest working version of npm...
* Installing latest `npm`; if this does not work on your node version, please report a bug!
changed 15 packages in 4s
14 packages are looking for funding
run `npm fund` for details
* npm upgraded to: v9.4.0
added 366 packages, and audited 367 packages in 11s
89 packages are looking for funding
run `npm fund` for details
found 0 vulnerabilities
> [email protected] test:snap
> cross-env CHAI_JEST_SNAPSHOT_UPDATE_ALL=true npm test
> [email protected] test
> cross-env TS_NODE_SKIP_PROJECT=true node ./bin/c8.js mocha --timeout=10000 ./test/*.js
✔ reports coverage for script that exits normally (844ms)
✔ supports externally set NODE_V8_COVERAGE (737ms)
✔ merges reports from subprocesses together (326ms)
✔ allows relative files to be included (381ms)
✔ exits with 1 when report output fails (276ms)
✔ should allow for files outside of cwd (223ms)
✔ should allow for multiple overrides of src location for --all (231ms)
✔ cobertura report escapes special characters (207ms)
✔ collects coverage for script with shebang (232ms)
✔ exits with 0 if coverage within threshold (148ms)
✔ exits with 1 if coverage is below threshold (161ms)
✔ allows threshold to be applied on per-file basis (204ms)
✔ allows --check-coverage when executing script (743ms)
✔ --100 (722ms)
✔ check-coverage command with --100 (163ms)
✔ generates report from existing temporary files (196ms)
✔ supports --check-coverage, when generating reports (195ms)
ESM Modules
✔ collects coverage for ESM modules (234ms)
/* c8 ignore next */
✔ ignores lines with special comment (246ms)
✔ does not incorrectly mark previous branch as uncovered (see #254) (250ms)
/* c8 ignore start/stop */
✔ ignores lines with special comment (303ms)
✔ does not attempt to load source map URLs that aren't (378ms)
✔ remaps branches (418ms)
✔ remaps classes (419ms)
✔ remaps branches (432ms)
✔ remaps classes (396ms)
✔ remaps branches (401ms)
✔ remaps classes (409ms)
✔ remaps branches (376ms)
✔ remaps classes (408ms)
✔ reads source-map from cache, and applies to coverage (4762ms)
✔ reports coverage for unloaded js files as 0 for line, branch and function (449ms)
✔ reports coverage for unloaded transpiled ts files as 0 for line, branch and function (570ms)
✔ reports coverage for unloaded ts files as 0 for line, branch and function when using ts-node (3461ms)
✔ should allow for --all to be used in conjunction with --check-coverage (772ms)
✔ should allow for --all to be used with the check-coverage command (2 invocations) (1260ms)
✔ supports reporting on directories outside cwd (197ms)
✔ supports reporting on single directories outside cwd (192ms)
✔ applies exclude rules after source-maps are applied (358ms)
✔ includes coverage when extensions specified (882ms)
✔ includes coverage when extensions specified with --all (1165ms)
c8 on Node.js < 10
✔ skip coverage (269ms)
✔ hides arguments passed to instrumented app
✔ test early exit from function if no arguments are passed
✔ hides arguments passed to c8 bin (68ms)
✔ interprets first args after -- as Node.js execArgv
NODE_V8_COVERAGE environment variable tests
✔ should not override it
✔ should set it if undefined
✔ should resolve to .nycrc at cwd
✔ should use config file specified in --config
✔ should have -c as an alias
✔ should respect options on the command line over config file
✔ should allow config files to extend each other
✔ should allow relative reports directories
✔ should allow relative temporary directories
✔ should parse source maps from compiled targets
✔ should handle extra whitespace characters
✔ should support base64 encoded inline source maps
58 passing (27s)
File | % Stmts | % Branch | % Funcs | % Lines | Uncovered Line #s
All files | 96.84 | 89.47 | 100 | 96.84 |
bin | 96.15 | 100 | 100 | 96.15 |
c8.js | 96.15 | 100 | 100 | 96.15 | 50-51
lib | 96.39 | 87.12 | 100 | 96.39 |
is-cjs-esm-bridge.js | 90 | 62.5 | 100 | 90 | 9
parse-args.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
report.js | 95.58 | 89.65 | 100 | 95.58 | ...118,129-133,255-256,290-292
source-map-from-file.js | 91 | 71.42 | 100 | 91 | 74-76,91-93,95-97
lib/commands | 100 | 95.45 | 100 | 100 |
check-coverage.js | 100 | 92.85 | 100 | 100 | 26
report.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
> [email protected] posttest
> standard
Attempting to upgrade to the latest working version of npm...
* Installing latest `npm`; if this does not work on your node version, please report a bug!
changed 18 packages in 4s
28 packages are looking for funding
run `npm fund` for details
* npm upgraded to: v9.8.1
added 378 packages, and audited 379 packages in 46s
95 packages are looking for funding
run `npm fund` for details
found 0 vulnerabilities
> [email protected] test:snap
> cross-env CHAI_JEST_SNAPSHOT_UPDATE_ALL=true npm test
> [email protected] test
> cross-env TS_NODE_SKIP_PROJECT=true node ./bin/c8.js mocha --timeout=1000000 ./test/*.js
✔ reports coverage for script that exits normally (765ms)
✔ supports externally set NODE_V8_COVERAGE (695ms)
✔ merges reports from subprocesses together (291ms)
✔ allows relative files to be included (456ms)
✔ exits with 1 when report output fails (272ms)
✔ should allow for files outside of cwd (196ms)
✔ should allow for multiple overrides of src location for --all (216ms)
✔ cobertura report escapes special characters (189ms)
✔ collects coverage for script with shebang (197ms)
✔ exits with 0 if coverage within threshold (169ms)
✔ exits with 1 if coverage is below threshold (184ms)
✔ allows threshold to be applied on per-file basis (185ms)
✔ allows --check-coverage when executing script (703ms)
✔ --100 (707ms)
✔ check-coverage command with --100 (178ms)
✔ generates report from existing temporary files (183ms)
✔ supports --check-coverage, when generating reports (202ms)
ESM Modules
✔ collects coverage for ESM modules (220ms)
/* c8 ignore next */
✔ ignores lines with special comment (212ms)
✔ does not incorrectly mark previous branch as uncovered (see #254) (191ms)
/* c8 ignore start/stop */
✔ ignores lines with special comment (208ms)
✔ does not attempt to load source map URLs that aren't (1595ms)
✔ remaps branches (5360ms)
✔ remaps classes (268ms)
✔ remaps branches (206ms)
✔ remaps classes (206ms)
✔ remaps branches (202ms)
✔ remaps classes (204ms)
✔ remaps branches (204ms)
✔ remaps classes (211ms)
✔ reads source-map from cache, and applies to coverage (1612ms)
✔ reports coverage for unloaded js files as 0 for line, branch and function (538ms)
✔ reports coverage for unloaded transpiled ts files as 0 for line, branch and function (473ms)
✔ reports coverage for unloaded ts files as 0 for line, branch and function when using ts-node (1829ms)
✔ should allow for --all to be used in conjunction with --check-coverage (489ms)
✔ should allow for --all to be used with the check-coverage command (2 invocations) (1052ms)
✔ supports reporting on directories outside cwd (167ms)
✔ supports reporting on single directories outside cwd (153ms)
✔ applies exclude rules after source-maps are applied (296ms)
✔ includes coverage when extensions specified (777ms)
✔ includes coverage when extensions specified with --all (933ms)
c8 mergeAsync
✔ reports coverage for script that exits normally (752ms)
✔ supports externally set NODE_V8_COVERAGE (716ms)
✔ merges reports from subprocesses together (309ms)
✔ allows relative files to be included (417ms)
✔ exits with 1 when report output fails (597ms)
✔ should allow for files outside of cwd (279ms)
✔ should allow for multiple overrides of src location for --all (293ms)
✔ cobertura report escapes special characters (273ms)
✔ collects coverage for script with shebang (289ms)
✔ exits with 0 if coverage within threshold (184ms)
✔ exits with 1 if coverage is below threshold (211ms)
✔ allows threshold to be applied on per-file basis (303ms)
✔ allows --check-coverage when executing script (802ms)
✔ --100 (754ms)
✔ check-coverage command with --100 (872ms)
✔ generates report from existing temporary files (193ms)
✔ supports --check-coverage, when generating reports (199ms)
ESM Modules
✔ collects coverage for ESM modules (243ms)
/* c8 ignore next */
✔ ignores lines with special comment (252ms)
✔ does not incorrectly mark previous branch as uncovered (see #254) (243ms)
/* c8 ignore start/stop */
✔ ignores lines with special comment (297ms)
✔ does not attempt to load source map URLs that aren't (370ms)
✔ remaps branches (342ms)
✔ remaps classes (319ms)
✔ remaps branches (304ms)
✔ remaps classes (296ms)
✔ remaps branches (292ms)
✔ remaps classes (291ms)
✔ remaps branches (287ms)
✔ remaps classes (337ms)
✔ reads source-map from cache, and applies to coverage (2350ms)
✔ reports coverage for unloaded js files as 0 for line, branch and function (717ms)
✔ reports coverage for unloaded transpiled ts files as 0 for line, branch and function (652ms)
✔ reports coverage for unloaded ts files as 0 for line, branch and function when using ts-node (2882ms)
✔ should allow for --all to be used in conjunction with --check-coverage (709ms)
✔ should allow for --all to be used with the check-coverage command (2 invocations) (4372ms)
✔ supports reporting on directories outside cwd (133ms)
✔ supports reporting on single directories outside cwd (186ms)
✔ applies exclude rules after source-maps are applied (208ms)
✔ includes coverage when extensions specified (708ms)
✔ includes coverage when extensions specified with --all (930ms)
✔ hides arguments passed to instrumented app
✔ test early exit from function if no arguments are passed
✔ hides arguments passed to c8 bin (40ms)
✔ interprets first args after -- as Node.js execArgv
NODE_V8_COVERAGE environment variable tests
✔ should not override it
✔ should set it if undefined
✔ should resolve to .nycrc at cwd
✔ should use config file specified in --config
✔ should have -c as an alias
✔ should respect options on the command line over config file
✔ should allow config files to extend each other
✔ should allow relative reports directories
✔ should allow relative temporary directories
✔ should default to false
✔ should set to true when flag exists
✔ should parse source maps from compiled targets (198ms)
✔ should handle extra whitespace characters
✔ should support base64 encoded inline source maps
100 passing (52s)
File | % Stmts | % Branch | % Funcs | % Lines | Uncovered Line #s
All files | 96.16 | 87.67 | 100 | 96.16 |
bin | 90.38 | 88.88 | 100 | 90.38 |
c8.js | 90.38 | 88.88 | 100 | 90.38 | 27-29,50-51
lib | 95.99 | 86.08 | 100 | 95.99 |
is-cjs-esm-bridge.js | 90 | 62.5 | 100 | 90 | 9
parse-args.js | 99.19 | 95.23 | 100 | 99.19 | 186-187
report.js | 95.44 | 88.88 | 100 | 95.44 | ...147,248-249,332-333,367-369
source-map-from-file.js | 91 | 71.42 | 100 | 91 | 74-76,91-93,95-97
lib/commands | 100 | 95.45 | 100 | 100 |
check-coverage.js | 100 | 92.85 | 100 | 100 | 26
report.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
> [email protected] posttest
> standard
Now using node v14.21.3 (npm v9.8.1)
Attempting to upgrade to the latest working version of npm...
* Installing latest `npm`; if this does not work on your node version, please report a bug!
npm ERR! engine Unsupported engine
npm ERR! engine Not compatible with your version of node/npm: [email protected]
npm ERR! notsup Not compatible with your version of node/npm: [email protected]
npm ERR! notsup Required: {"node":"^18.17.0 || >=20.5.0"}
npm ERR! notsup Actual: {"npm":"9.8.1","node":"v14.21.3"}
npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in: /home/tmckeown/.npm/_logs/2024-01-15T01_05_11_641Z-debug-0.log
* npm upgraded to: v9.8.1
added 383 packages, and audited 384 packages in 1m
98 packages are looking for funding
run `npm fund` for details
found 0 vulnerabilities
> [email protected] test:snap
> cross-env CHAI_JEST_SNAPSHOT_UPDATE_ALL=true npm test
> [email protected] test
> cross-env TS_NODE_SKIP_PROJECT=true node ./bin/c8.js mocha --timeout=1000000 ./test/*.js
✔ reports coverage for script that exits normally (744ms)
✔ supports externally set NODE_V8_COVERAGE (716ms)
✔ merges reports from subprocesses together (314ms)
✔ allows relative files to be included (393ms)
✔ exits with 1 when report output fails (299ms)
✔ should allow for files outside of cwd (209ms)
✔ should allow for multiple overrides of src location for --all (227ms)
✔ cobertura report escapes special characters (208ms)
✔ collects coverage for script with shebang (212ms)
✔ exits with 0 if coverage within threshold (215ms)
✔ exits with 1 if coverage is below threshold (193ms)
✔ allows threshold to be applied on per-file basis (278ms)
✔ allows --check-coverage when executing script (802ms)
✔ --100 (813ms)
✔ check-coverage command with --100 (187ms)
✔ generates report from existing temporary files (206ms)
✔ supports --check-coverage, when generating reports (206ms)
ESM Modules
✔ collects coverage for ESM modules (239ms)
/* c8 ignore next */
✔ ignores lines with special comment (216ms)
✔ does not incorrectly mark previous branch as uncovered (see #254) (316ms)
/* c8 ignore start/stop */
✔ ignores lines with special comment (215ms)
✔ does not attempt to load source map URLs that aren't (317ms)
✔ remaps branches (224ms)
✔ remaps classes (226ms)
✔ remaps branches (223ms)
✔ remaps classes (219ms)
✔ remaps branches (329ms)
✔ remaps classes (218ms)
✔ remaps branches (215ms)
✔ remaps classes (221ms)
✔ reads source-map from cache, and applies to coverage (2251ms)
✔ reports coverage for unloaded js files as 0 for line, branch and function (571ms)
✔ reports coverage for unloaded transpiled ts files as 0 for line, branch and function (537ms)
✔ reports coverage for unloaded ts files as 0 for line, branch and function when using ts-node (3313ms)
✔ should allow for --all to be used in conjunction with --check-coverage (859ms)
✔ should allow for --all to be used with the check-coverage command (2 invocations) (1784ms)
✔ supports reporting on directories outside cwd (183ms)
✔ supports reporting on single directories outside cwd (170ms)
✔ applies exclude rules after source-maps are applied (330ms)
✔ includes coverage when extensions specified (790ms)
✔ includes coverage when extensions specified with --all (982ms)
c8 mergeAsync
✔ reports coverage for script that exits normally (736ms)
✔ supports externally set NODE_V8_COVERAGE (914ms)
✔ merges reports from subprocesses together (331ms)
✔ allows relative files to be included (479ms)
✔ exits with 1 when report output fails (907ms)
✔ should allow for files outside of cwd (330ms)
✔ should allow for multiple overrides of src location for --all (384ms)
✔ cobertura report escapes special characters (401ms)
✔ collects coverage for script with shebang (343ms)
✔ exits with 0 if coverage within threshold (227ms)
✔ exits with 1 if coverage is below threshold (247ms)
✔ allows threshold to be applied on per-file basis (264ms)
✔ allows --check-coverage when executing script (807ms)
✔ --100 (770ms)
✔ check-coverage command with --100 (224ms)
✔ generates report from existing temporary files (6463ms)
✔ supports --check-coverage, when generating reports (306ms)
ESM Modules
✔ collects coverage for ESM modules (816ms)
/* c8 ignore next */
✔ ignores lines with special comment (223ms)
✔ does not incorrectly mark previous branch as uncovered (see #254) (202ms)
/* c8 ignore start/stop */
✔ ignores lines with special comment (223ms)
✔ does not attempt to load source map URLs that aren't (221ms)
✔ remaps branches (220ms)
✔ remaps classes (220ms)
✔ remaps branches (218ms)
✔ remaps classes (219ms)
✔ remaps branches (221ms)
✔ remaps classes (224ms)
✔ remaps branches (245ms)
✔ remaps classes (239ms)
✔ reads source-map from cache, and applies to coverage (1867ms)
✔ reports coverage for unloaded js files as 0 for line, branch and function (720ms)
✔ reports coverage for unloaded transpiled ts files as 0 for line, branch and function (775ms)
✔ reports coverage for unloaded ts files as 0 for line, branch and function when using ts-node (3923ms)
✔ should allow for --all to be used in conjunction with --check-coverage (1160ms)
✔ should allow for --all to be used with the check-coverage command (2 invocations) (1903ms)
✔ supports reporting on directories outside cwd (174ms)
✔ supports reporting on single directories outside cwd (165ms)
✔ applies exclude rules after source-maps are applied (319ms)
✔ includes coverage when extensions specified (791ms)
✔ includes coverage when extensions specified with --all (1022ms)
✔ hides arguments passed to instrumented app
✔ test early exit from function if no arguments are passed
✔ hides arguments passed to c8 bin (38ms)
✔ interprets first args after -- as Node.js execArgv
with NODE_V8_COVERAGE already set
✔ should not override it
✔ should set it if undefined
✔ should resolve to .nycrc at cwd
✔ should use config file specified in --config
✔ should have -c as an alias
✔ should respect options on the command line over config file
✔ should allow config files to extend each other
✔ should allow relative reports directories
✔ should allow relative temporary directories
✔ should default to false
✔ should set to true when flag exists
✔ should parse source maps from compiled targets
✔ should handle extra whitespace characters
✔ should support base64 encoded inline source maps
100 passing (55s)
File | % Stmts | % Branch | % Funcs | % Lines | Uncovered Line #s
All files | 97.4 | 91.33 | 100 | 97.4 |
bin | 95.34 | 100 | 100 | 95.34 |
c8.js | 95.34 | 100 | 100 | 95.34 | 41-42
lib | 97.12 | 89.69 | 100 | 97.12 |
parse-args.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
report.js | 97.01 | 91.54 | 100 | 97.01 | ...234,317-318,345-346,352-354
source-map-from-file.js | 91 | 71.42 | 100 | 91 | 74-76,91-93,95-97
lib/commands | 100 | 95.45 | 100 | 100 |
check-coverage.js | 100 | 92.85 | 100 | 100 | 26
report.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
> [email protected] posttest
> standard
Now using node v16.20.2 (npm v8.19.4)
Attempting to upgrade to the latest working version of npm...
* Installing latest `npm`; if this does not work on your node version, please report a bug!
npm ERR! engine Unsupported engine
npm ERR! engine Not compatible with your version of node/npm: [email protected]
npm ERR! notsup Not compatible with your version of node/npm: [email protected]
npm ERR! notsup Required: {"node":"^18.17.0 || >=20.5.0"}
npm ERR! notsup Actual: {"npm":"8.19.4","node":"v16.20.2"}
npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
npm ERR! /home/tmckeown/.npm/_logs/2024-01-15T01_09_09_358Z-debug-0.log
* npm upgraded to: v8.19.4
added 383 packages, and audited 384 packages in 10s
98 packages are looking for funding
run `npm fund` for details
found 0 vulnerabilities
> [email protected] test:snap
> cross-env CHAI_JEST_SNAPSHOT_UPDATE_ALL=true npm test
> [email protected] test
> cross-env TS_NODE_SKIP_PROJECT=true node ./bin/c8.js mocha --timeout=1000000 ./test/*.js
✔ reports coverage for script that exits normally (727ms)
✔ supports externally set NODE_V8_COVERAGE (737ms)
✔ merges reports from subprocesses together (392ms)
✔ allows relative files to be included (491ms)
✔ exits with 1 when report output fails (298ms)
✔ should allow for files outside of cwd (208ms)
✔ should allow for multiple overrides of src location for --all (364ms)
✔ cobertura report escapes special characters (1141ms)
✔ collects coverage for script with shebang (7977ms)
✔ exits with 0 if coverage within threshold (195ms)
✔ exits with 1 if coverage is below threshold (259ms)
✔ allows threshold to be applied on per-file basis (214ms)
✔ allows --check-coverage when executing script (763ms)
✔ --100 (746ms)
✔ check-coverage command with --100 (204ms)
✔ generates report from existing temporary files (210ms)
✔ supports --check-coverage, when generating reports (209ms)
ESM Modules
✔ collects coverage for ESM modules (382ms)
/* c8 ignore next */
✔ ignores lines with special comment (255ms)
✔ does not incorrectly mark previous branch as uncovered (see #254) (273ms)
/* c8 ignore start/stop */
✔ ignores lines with special comment (528ms)
✔ does not attempt to load source map URLs that aren't (412ms)
✔ remaps branches (254ms)
✔ remaps classes (321ms)
✔ remaps branches (237ms)
✔ remaps classes (286ms)
✔ remaps branches (266ms)
✔ remaps classes (251ms)
✔ remaps branches (290ms)
✔ remaps classes (367ms)
✔ reads source-map from cache, and applies to coverage (4137ms)
✔ reports coverage for unloaded js files as 0 for line, branch and function (1037ms)
✔ reports coverage for unloaded transpiled ts files as 0 for line, branch and function (854ms)
✔ reports coverage for unloaded ts files as 0 for line, branch and function when using ts-node (3840ms)
✔ should allow for --all to be used in conjunction with --check-coverage (906ms)
✔ should allow for --all to be used with the check-coverage command (2 invocations) (1825ms)
✔ supports reporting on directories outside cwd (172ms)
✔ supports reporting on single directories outside cwd (163ms)
✔ applies exclude rules after source-maps are applied (314ms)
✔ includes coverage when extensions specified (792ms)
✔ includes coverage when extensions specified with --all (995ms)
c8 mergeAsync
✔ reports coverage for script that exits normally (772ms)
✔ supports externally set NODE_V8_COVERAGE (724ms)
✔ merges reports from subprocesses together (329ms)
✔ allows relative files to be included (5747ms)
✔ exits with 1 when report output fails (545ms)
✔ should allow for files outside of cwd (213ms)
✔ should allow for multiple overrides of src location for --all (228ms)
✔ cobertura report escapes special characters (213ms)
✔ collects coverage for script with shebang (216ms)
✔ exits with 0 if coverage within threshold (181ms)
✔ exits with 1 if coverage is below threshold (192ms)
✔ allows threshold to be applied on per-file basis (193ms)
✔ allows --check-coverage when executing script (725ms)
✔ --100 (725ms)
✔ check-coverage command with --100 (403ms)
✔ generates report from existing temporary files (243ms)
✔ supports --check-coverage, when generating reports (212ms)
ESM Modules
✔ collects coverage for ESM modules (404ms)
/* c8 ignore next */
✔ ignores lines with special comment (253ms)
✔ does not incorrectly mark previous branch as uncovered (see #254) (272ms)
/* c8 ignore start/stop */
✔ ignores lines with special comment (268ms)
✔ does not attempt to load source map URLs that aren't (280ms)
✔ remaps branches (228ms)
✔ remaps classes (256ms)
✔ remaps branches (231ms)
✔ remaps classes (245ms)
✔ remaps branches (292ms)
✔ remaps classes (281ms)
✔ remaps branches (350ms)
✔ remaps classes (331ms)
✔ reads source-map from cache, and applies to coverage (3516ms)
✔ reports coverage for unloaded js files as 0 for line, branch and function (1125ms)
✔ reports coverage for unloaded transpiled ts files as 0 for line, branch and function (1022ms)
✔ reports coverage for unloaded ts files as 0 for line, branch and function when using ts-node (3804ms)
✔ should allow for --all to be used in conjunction with --check-coverage (1130ms)
✔ should allow for --all to be used with the check-coverage command (2 invocations) (2070ms)
✔ supports reporting on directories outside cwd (205ms)
✔ supports reporting on single directories outside cwd (182ms)
✔ applies exclude rules after source-maps are applied (317ms)
✔ includes coverage when extensions specified (838ms)
✔ includes coverage when extensions specified with --all (1129ms)
✔ hides arguments passed to instrumented app
✔ test early exit from function if no arguments are passed
✔ hides arguments passed to c8 bin (61ms)
✔ interprets first args after -- as Node.js execArgv
with NODE_V8_COVERAGE already set
✔ should not override it
✔ should set it if undefined
✔ should resolve to .nycrc at cwd
✔ should use config file specified in --config
✔ should have -c as an alias
✔ should respect options on the command line over config file
✔ should allow config files to extend each other
✔ should allow relative reports directories
✔ should allow relative temporary directories
✔ should default to false
✔ should set to true when flag exists
✔ should parse source maps from compiled targets
✔ should handle extra whitespace characters
✔ should support base64 encoded inline source maps
100 passing (1m)
File | % Stmts | % Branch | % Funcs | % Lines | Uncovered Line #s
All files | 97.63 | 92.12 | 100 | 97.63 |
bin | 95.34 | 100 | 100 | 95.34 |
c8.js | 95.34 | 100 | 100 | 95.34 | 41-42
lib | 97.4 | 90.72 | 100 | 97.4 |
parse-args.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
report.js | 97.51 | 92.95 | 100 | 97.51 | ...121,233-234,317-318,352-354
source-map-from-file.js | 91 | 71.42 | 100 | 91 | 74-76,91-93,95-97
lib/commands | 100 | 95.45 | 100 | 100 |
check-coverage.js | 100 | 92.85 | 100 | 100 | 26
report.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
> [email protected] posttest
> standard
Now using node v18.19.0 (npm v10.2.5)
Attempting to upgrade to the latest working version of npm...
* Installing latest `npm`; if this does not work on your node version, please report a bug!
removed 11 packages, and changed 26 packages in 26s
24 packages are looking for funding
run `npm fund` for details
* npm upgraded to: v10.3.0
added 383 packages, and audited 384 packages in 3m
98 packages are looking for funding
run `npm fund` for details
found 0 vulnerabilities
> [email protected] test:snap
> cross-env CHAI_JEST_SNAPSHOT_UPDATE_ALL=true npm test
> [email protected] test
> cross-env TS_NODE_SKIP_PROJECT=true node ./bin/c8.js mocha --timeout=1000000 ./test/*.js
✔ reports coverage for script that exits normally (752ms)
✔ supports externally set NODE_V8_COVERAGE (718ms)
✔ merges reports from subprocesses together (296ms)
✔ allows relative files to be included (344ms)
✔ exits with 1 when report output fails (285ms)
✔ should allow for files outside of cwd (206ms)
✔ should allow for multiple overrides of src location for --all (223ms)
✔ cobertura report escapes special characters (195ms)
✔ collects coverage for script with shebang (201ms)
✔ exits with 0 if coverage within threshold (184ms)
✔ exits with 1 if coverage is below threshold (187ms)
✔ allows threshold to be applied on per-file basis (220ms)
✔ allows --check-coverage when executing script (715ms)
✔ --100 (711ms)
✔ check-coverage command with --100 (187ms)
✔ generates report from existing temporary files (193ms)
✔ supports --check-coverage, when generating reports (201ms)
ESM Modules
✔ collects coverage for ESM modules (230ms)
/* c8 ignore next */
✔ ignores lines with special comment (309ms)
✔ does not incorrectly mark previous branch as uncovered (see #254) (190ms)
/* c8 ignore start/stop */
✔ ignores lines with special comment (211ms)
✔ does not attempt to load source map URLs that aren't (196ms)
✔ remaps branches (208ms)
✔ remaps classes (207ms)
✔ remaps branches (216ms)
✔ remaps classes (215ms)
✔ remaps branches (209ms)
✔ remaps classes (211ms)
✔ remaps branches (209ms)
✔ remaps classes (212ms)
✔ reads source-map from cache, and applies to coverage (1655ms)
✔ reports coverage for unloaded js files as 0 for line, branch and function (615ms)
✔ reports coverage for unloaded transpiled ts files as 0 for line, branch and function (522ms)
✔ reports coverage for unloaded ts files as 0 for line, branch and function when using ts-node (1914ms)
✔ should allow for --all to be used in conjunction with --check-coverage (563ms)
✔ should allow for --all to be used with the check-coverage command (2 invocations) (1207ms)
✔ supports reporting on directories outside cwd (190ms)
✔ supports reporting on single directories outside cwd (160ms)
✔ applies exclude rules after source-maps are applied (307ms)
✔ includes coverage when extensions specified (789ms)
✔ includes coverage when extensions specified with --all (1045ms)
c8 mergeAsync
✔ reports coverage for script that exits normally (777ms)
✔ supports externally set NODE_V8_COVERAGE (727ms)
✔ merges reports from subprocesses together (358ms)
✔ allows relative files to be included (520ms)
✔ exits with 1 when report output fails (797ms)
✔ should allow for files outside of cwd (316ms)
✔ should allow for multiple overrides of src location for --all (344ms)
✔ cobertura report escapes special characters (301ms)
✔ collects coverage for script with shebang (310ms)
✔ exits with 0 if coverage within threshold (196ms)
✔ exits with 1 if coverage is below threshold (226ms)
✔ allows threshold to be applied on per-file basis (246ms)
✔ allows --check-coverage when executing script (764ms)
✔ --100 (725ms)
✔ check-coverage command with --100 (4397ms)
✔ generates report from existing temporary files (1322ms)
✔ supports --check-coverage, when generating reports (513ms)
ESM Modules
✔ collects coverage for ESM modules (2090ms)
/* c8 ignore next */
✔ ignores lines with special comment (353ms)
✔ does not incorrectly mark previous branch as uncovered (see #254) (5662ms)
/* c8 ignore start/stop */
✔ ignores lines with special comment (747ms)
✔ does not attempt to load source map URLs that aren't (194ms)
✔ remaps branches (449ms)
✔ remaps classes (208ms)
✔ remaps branches (212ms)
✔ remaps classes (211ms)
✔ remaps branches (245ms)
✔ remaps classes (211ms)
✔ remaps branches (209ms)
✔ remaps classes (244ms)
✔ reads source-map from cache, and applies to coverage (1629ms)
✔ reports coverage for unloaded js files as 0 for line, branch and function (578ms)
✔ reports coverage for unloaded transpiled ts files as 0 for line, branch and function (1230ms)
✔ reports coverage for unloaded ts files as 0 for line, branch and function when using ts-node (1959ms)
✔ should allow for --all to be used in conjunction with --check-coverage (610ms)
✔ should allow for --all to be used with the check-coverage command (2 invocations) (1652ms)
✔ supports reporting on directories outside cwd (174ms)
✔ supports reporting on single directories outside cwd (288ms)
✔ applies exclude rules after source-maps are applied (281ms)
✔ includes coverage when extensions specified (773ms)
✔ includes coverage when extensions specified with --all (958ms)
✔ hides arguments passed to instrumented app
✔ test early exit from function if no arguments are passed
✔ hides arguments passed to c8 bin
✔ interprets first args after -- as Node.js execArgv
with NODE_V8_COVERAGE already set
✔ should not override it
✔ should set it if undefined
✔ should resolve to .nycrc at cwd
✔ should use config file specified in --config
✔ should have -c as an alias
✔ should respect options on the command line over config file
✔ should allow config files to extend each other
✔ should allow relative reports directories
✔ should allow relative temporary directories
✔ should default to false
✔ should set to true when flag exists
✔ should parse source maps from compiled targets
✔ should handle extra whitespace characters
✔ should support base64 encoded inline source maps
100 passing (55s)
File | % Stmts | % Branch | % Funcs | % Lines | Uncovered Line #s
All files | 97.63 | 91.2 | 100 | 97.63 |
bin | 95.34 | 100 | 100 | 95.34 |
c8.js | 95.34 | 100 | 100 | 95.34 | 41-42
lib | 97.4 | 89.47 | 100 | 97.4 |
parse-args.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
report.js | 97.51 | 91.3 | 100 | 97.51 | ...121,233-234,317-318,352-354
source-map-from-file.js | 91 | 71.42 | 100 | 91 | 74-76,91-93,95-97
lib/commands | 100 | 95.45 | 100 | 100 |
check-coverage.js | 100 | 92.85 | 100 | 100 | 26
report.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
> [email protected] posttest
> standard
Now using node v20.11.0 (npm v10.2.4)
Attempting to upgrade to the latest working version of npm...
* Installing latest `npm`; if this does not work on your node version, please report a bug!
removed 12 packages, and changed 37 packages in 2s
24 packages are looking for funding
run `npm fund` for details
* npm upgraded to: v10.3.0
added 383 packages, and audited 384 packages in 6s
98 packages are looking for funding
run `npm fund` for details
found 0 vulnerabilities
> [email protected] test:snap
> cross-env CHAI_JEST_SNAPSHOT_UPDATE_ALL=true npm test
> [email protected] test
> cross-env TS_NODE_SKIP_PROJECT=true node ./bin/c8.js mocha --timeout=1000000 ./test/*.js
✔ reports coverage for script that exits normally (702ms)
✔ supports externally set NODE_V8_COVERAGE (818ms)
✔ merges reports from subprocesses together (277ms)
✔ allows relative files to be included (453ms)
✔ exits with 1 when report output fails (280ms)
✔ should allow for files outside of cwd (197ms)
✔ should allow for multiple overrides of src location for --all (209ms)
✔ cobertura report escapes special characters (185ms)
✔ collects coverage for script with shebang (224ms)
✔ exits with 0 if coverage within threshold (166ms)
✔ exits with 1 if coverage is below threshold (182ms)
✔ allows threshold to be applied on per-file basis (180ms)
✔ allows --check-coverage when executing script (697ms)
✔ --100 (709ms)
✔ check-coverage command with --100 (179ms)
✔ generates report from existing temporary files (195ms)
✔ supports --check-coverage, when generating reports (185ms)
ESM Modules
✔ collects coverage for ESM modules (214ms)
/* c8 ignore next */
✔ ignores lines with special comment (281ms)
✔ does not incorrectly mark previous branch as uncovered (see #254) (210ms)
/* c8 ignore start/stop */
✔ ignores lines with special comment (205ms)
✔ does not attempt to load source map URLs that aren't (200ms)
✔ remaps branches (206ms)
✔ remaps classes (229ms)
✔ remaps branches (252ms)
✔ remaps classes (244ms)
✔ remaps branches (206ms)
✔ remaps classes (199ms)
✔ remaps branches (199ms)
✔ remaps classes (197ms)
✔ reads source-map from cache, and applies to coverage (1829ms)
✔ reports coverage for unloaded js files as 0 for line, branch and function (586ms)
✔ reports coverage for unloaded transpiled ts files as 0 for line, branch and function (677ms)
✔ reports coverage for unloaded ts files as 0 for line, branch and function when using ts-node (4100ms)
✔ should allow for --all to be used in conjunction with --check-coverage (843ms)
✔ should allow for --all to be used with the check-coverage command (2 invocations) (1577ms)
✔ supports reporting on directories outside cwd (155ms)
✔ supports reporting on single directories outside cwd (154ms)
✔ applies exclude rules after source-maps are applied (292ms)
✔ includes coverage when extensions specified (769ms)
✔ includes coverage when extensions specified with --all (957ms)
c8 mergeAsync
✔ reports coverage for script that exits normally (739ms)
✔ supports externally set NODE_V8_COVERAGE (704ms)
✔ merges reports from subprocesses together (288ms)
✔ allows relative files to be included (412ms)
✔ exits with 1 when report output fails (722ms)
✔ should allow for files outside of cwd (300ms)
✔ should allow for multiple overrides of src location for --all (323ms)
✔ cobertura report escapes special characters (289ms)
✔ collects coverage for script with shebang (300ms)
✔ exits with 0 if coverage within threshold (183ms)
✔ exits with 1 if coverage is below threshold (207ms)
✔ allows threshold to be applied on per-file basis (229ms)
✔ allows --check-coverage when executing script (749ms)
✔ --100 (710ms)
✔ check-coverage command with --100 (181ms)
✔ generates report from existing temporary files (189ms)
✔ supports --check-coverage, when generating reports (200ms)
ESM Modules
✔ collects coverage for ESM modules (262ms)
/* c8 ignore next */
✔ ignores lines with special comment (278ms)
✔ does not incorrectly mark previous branch as uncovered (see #254) (270ms)
/* c8 ignore start/stop */
✔ ignores lines with special comment (307ms)
✔ does not attempt to load source map URLs that aren't (330ms)
✔ remaps branches (408ms)
✔ remaps classes (4538ms)
✔ remaps branches (390ms)
✔ remaps classes (267ms)
✔ remaps branches (2728ms)
✔ remaps classes (2886ms)
✔ remaps branches (423ms)
✔ remaps classes (950ms)
✔ reads source-map from cache, and applies to coverage (7855ms)
✔ reports coverage for unloaded js files as 0 for line, branch and function (567ms)
✔ reports coverage for unloaded transpiled ts files as 0 for line, branch and function (515ms)
✔ reports coverage for unloaded ts files as 0 for line, branch and function when using ts-node (2551ms)
✔ should allow for --all to be used in conjunction with --check-coverage (978ms)
✔ should allow for --all to be used with the check-coverage command (2 invocations) (2092ms)
✔ supports reporting on directories outside cwd (152ms)
✔ supports reporting on single directories outside cwd (147ms)
✔ applies exclude rules after source-maps are applied (301ms)
✔ includes coverage when extensions specified (944ms)
✔ includes coverage when extensions specified with --all (982ms)
✔ hides arguments passed to instrumented app
✔ test early exit from function if no arguments are passed
✔ hides arguments passed to c8 bin
✔ interprets first args after -- as Node.js execArgv
with NODE_V8_COVERAGE already set
✔ should not override it
✔ should set it if undefined
✔ should resolve to .nycrc at cwd
✔ should use config file specified in --config
✔ should have -c as an alias
✔ should respect options on the command line over config file
✔ should allow config files to extend each other
✔ should allow relative reports directories
✔ should allow relative temporary directories
✔ should default to false
✔ should set to true when flag exists
✔ should parse source maps from compiled targets
✔ should handle extra whitespace characters
✔ should support base64 encoded inline source maps
100 passing (1m)
File | % Stmts | % Branch | % Funcs | % Lines | Uncovered Line #s
All files | 97.63 | 91.2 | 100 | 97.63 |
bin | 95.34 | 100 | 100 | 95.34 |
c8.js | 95.34 | 100 | 100 | 95.34 | 41-42
lib | 97.4 | 89.47 | 100 | 97.4 |
parse-args.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
report.js | 97.51 | 91.3 | 100 | 97.51 | ...121,233-234,317-318,352-354
source-map-from-file.js | 91 | 71.42 | 100 | 91 | 74-76,91-93,95-97
lib/commands | 100 | 95.45 | 100 | 100 |
check-coverage.js | 100 | 92.85 | 100 | 100 | 26
report.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
> [email protected] posttest
> standard
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