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Last active June 4, 2022 02:12
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Swift Functor and Monad

Copy and paste the swift code below into a playground to experiment.

This is a very close emulation of Functor and Monad typeclasses in swift. However, it is very fragile (i.e. easy to crash the compiler).

For example, instance methods of fmap will run fine, but attempting to use a globally defined fmap that acts on Functor types will cause a crash. Similarly for bind. Unfortunately this means we cannot define the nice infix operator versions of these functions.

import Foundation
public struct K<A> {}
public protocol Functor {
typealias _A
typealias _B
typealias _FB = K<_B>
func fmap (_A -> _B) -> _FB
Using this global fmap usually crashes :(
public func fmap <F: Functor> (f: F._A -> F._B) -> F -> F._FB {
return { $0.fmap(f) }
public protocol Monad : Functor {
class func unit (f: _A) -> Self
func bind (f : _A -> _FB) -> _FB
func >>= (x: Self, f : _A -> _FB) -> _FB
Using these global binds usually crashes :(
infix operator >>= {associativity left}
public func >>= <M: Monad> (x: M, f: M._A -> M._FB) -> M._FB {
return x.bind(f)
public func bind <M: Monad> (x: M, f: M._A -> M._FB) -> M._FB {
return x.bind(f)
Make Array a functor
extension Array : Functor {
typealias _A = T
typealias _B = Any
typealias _FB = [_B]
public func fmap <_B> (f: _A -> _B) -> [_B] {
Make Array a monad
extension Array : Monad {
public static func unit (x: _A) -> [_A] {
return [x]
public func bind <_B> (f: _A -> [_B]) -> [_B] {
return[], +)
Make optional a functor
extension Optional : Functor {
typealias _A = T
typealias _B = Any
typealias _FB = _B?
public func fmap <_B> (f: _A -> _B) -> _B? {
switch self {
case let .Some(value):
return f(value)
case .None:
return .None
Make optional a monad
extension Optional : Monad {
public static func unit (x: _A) -> _A? {
return Optional<_A>.Some(x)
public func bind <_B> (f: _A -> _B?) -> _B? {
switch self {
case let .Some(value):
return f(value)
case .None:
return .None
func square (x: Double) -> Double {
return x * x
func invert (x: Double) -> Double? {
if (x != 0.0) {
return 1.0 / x
return nil
func squareRoot (x: Double) -> Double? {
if (x < 0.0) {
return nil
return sqrt(x)
func test (x: Double) -> String {
return "test: \(x)"
Let's take Functor and Monad out for a spin...
let xs = [2.0, 3.0, 5.0, 7.0, 11.0, 13.0, 17.0]
// fmap(square)(xs) // crash!
let optional2: Double? = 2
// optional2 >>= squareRoot // crash!
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What version of XCode are you running this on? With the following code (XCode 6.4) I get the error cannot invoke 'bind' with an argument list of type '((Int) -> Optional<Int>)'. Also, the playground doesn't seem to work as consistently for me.

protocol Functor {
    typealias _A
    typealias _B
    typealias _FB//  = K<_B>

    func fmap (_A -> _B) -> _FB

protocol Monad : Functor {
    static func unit (a: _A) -> Self
    func bind (f : _A -> _FB) -> _FB

extension Optional : Functor {
    typealias _A = T
    typealias _B = Any
    typealias _FB = Optional<_B>

    func fmap(f: _A -> _B) -> _FB {
        switch self {
        case .Some(let value):
            return f(value)
        case .None:
            return .None

extension Optional : Monad {
    static func unit(a: _A) -> Optional {
        return Optional.Some( a)

    func bind(f: _A -> _FB) -> _FB {
        switch self {
        case .Some(let o):
            return f( o)
        case .None:
            return Optional.None

let s : Optional<Int> = Optional.Some(32)

let y = s.fmap( {$0 + 1})
println( s)
println( y)

let z = y.bind( {(z : Int) -> Optional<Int> in
    return Optional.unit(z - 63)
println( z)

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This fork is working for me:

What do you think about making a pod for this?

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mjwillson commented Feb 13, 2018

In case anyone else is wondering why this works, note the following also works for fmap and is simpler -- the associatedtype B / typealias B = Any isn't actually necessary.

It's essentially relying on covariance of the functor -- [B] being a subtype of [Any], B? of Any? etc -- to allow a more specific return type to be inferred for fmap for specific calls, while still allowing those implementations to conform with the type of the protocol method.

protocol Functor {
  associatedtype A
  associatedtype FB

  func fmap(_ f: (A) -> Any) -> FB

extension Array: Functor {
  typealias A = Element
  typealias FB = [Any]

  func fmap<B>(_ f: (A) -> B) -> [B] {

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