import Foundation |
public struct K<A> {} |
public protocol Functor { |
typealias _A |
typealias _B |
typealias _FB = K<_B> |
func fmap (_A -> _B) -> _FB |
} |
/** |
Using this global fmap usually crashes :( |
*/ |
public func fmap <F: Functor> (f: F._A -> F._B) -> F -> F._FB { |
return { $0.fmap(f) } |
} |
public protocol Monad : Functor { |
class func unit (f: _A) -> Self |
func bind (f : _A -> _FB) -> _FB |
func >>= (x: Self, f : _A -> _FB) -> _FB |
} |
/** |
Using these global binds usually crashes :( |
*/ |
infix operator >>= {associativity left} |
public func >>= <M: Monad> (x: M, f: M._A -> M._FB) -> M._FB { |
return x.bind(f) |
} |
public func bind <M: Monad> (x: M, f: M._A -> M._FB) -> M._FB { |
return x.bind(f) |
} |
/** |
Make Array a functor |
*/ |
extension Array : Functor { |
typealias _A = T |
typealias _B = Any |
typealias _FB = [_B] |
public func fmap <_B> (f: _A -> _B) -> [_B] { |
return self.map(f) |
} |
} |
/** |
Make Array a monad |
*/ |
extension Array : Monad { |
public static func unit (x: _A) -> [_A] { |
return [x] |
} |
public func bind <_B> (f: _A -> [_B]) -> [_B] { |
return self.map(f).reduce([], +) |
} |
} |
/** |
Make optional a functor |
*/ |
extension Optional : Functor { |
typealias _A = T |
typealias _B = Any |
typealias _FB = _B? |
public func fmap <_B> (f: _A -> _B) -> _B? { |
switch self { |
case let .Some(value): |
value |
return f(value) |
case .None: |
return .None |
} |
} |
} |
/** |
Make optional a monad |
*/ |
extension Optional : Monad { |
public static func unit (x: _A) -> _A? { |
return Optional<_A>.Some(x) |
} |
public func bind <_B> (f: _A -> _B?) -> _B? { |
switch self { |
case let .Some(value): |
return f(value) |
case .None: |
return .None |
} |
} |
} |
func square (x: Double) -> Double { |
return x * x |
} |
func invert (x: Double) -> Double? { |
if (x != 0.0) { |
return 1.0 / x |
} |
return nil |
} |
func squareRoot (x: Double) -> Double? { |
if (x < 0.0) { |
return nil |
} |
return sqrt(x) |
} |
func test (x: Double) -> String { |
return "test: \(x)" |
} |
/** |
Let's take Functor and Monad out for a spin... |
*/ |
let xs = [2.0, 3.0, 5.0, 7.0, 11.0, 13.0, 17.0] |
xs.fmap(square) |
// fmap(square)(xs) // crash! |
let optional2: Double? = 2 |
optional2.fmap(test) |
optional2.bind(squareRoot) |
// optional2 >>= squareRoot // crash! |
"done" |
What version of XCode are you running this on? With the following code (XCode 6.4) I get the error
cannot invoke 'bind' with an argument list of type '((Int) -> Optional<Int>)'
. Also, the playground doesn't seem to work as consistently for me.