This stacked bar chart is constructed from a CSV file storing the populations of different states by age group. The chart employs conventional margins and a number of D3 features:
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redirect: |
State | Under 5 Years | 5 to 13 Years | 14 to 17 Years | 18 to 24 Years | 25 to 44 Years | 45 to 64 Years | 65 Years and Over | |
AL | 310504 | 552339 | 259034 | 450818 | 1231572 | 1215966 | 641667 | |
AK | 52083 | 85640 | 42153 | 74257 | 198724 | 183159 | 50277 | |
AZ | 515910 | 828669 | 362642 | 601943 | 1804762 | 1523681 | 862573 | |
AR | 202070 | 343207 | 157204 | 264160 | 754420 | 727124 | 407205 | |
CA | 2704659 | 4499890 | 2159981 | 3853788 | 10604510 | 8819342 | 4114496 | |
CO | 358280 | 587154 | 261701 | 466194 | 1464939 | 1290094 | 511094 | |
CT | 211637 | 403658 | 196918 | 325110 | 916955 | 968967 | 478007 | |
DE | 59319 | 99496 | 47414 | 84464 | 230183 | 230528 | 121688 | |
DC | 36352 | 50439 | 25225 | 75569 | 193557 | 140043 | 70648 | |
FL | 1140516 | 1938695 | 925060 | 1607297 | 4782119 | 4746856 | 3187797 | |
GA | 740521 | 1250460 | 557860 | 919876 | 2846985 | 2389018 | 981024 | |
HI | 87207 | 134025 | 64011 | 124834 | 356237 | 331817 | 190067 | |
ID | 121746 | 201192 | 89702 | 147606 | 406247 | 375173 | 182150 | |
IL | 894368 | 1558919 | 725973 | 1311479 | 3596343 | 3239173 | 1575308 | |
IN | 443089 | 780199 | 361393 | 605863 | 1724528 | 1647881 | 813839 | |
IA | 201321 | 345409 | 165883 | 306398 | 750505 | 788485 | 444554 | |
KS | 202529 | 342134 | 155822 | 293114 | 728166 | 713663 | 366706 | |
KY | 284601 | 493536 | 229927 | 381394 | 1179637 | 1134283 | 565867 | |
LA | 310716 | 542341 | 254916 | 471275 | 1162463 | 1128771 | 540314 | |
ME | 71459 | 133656 | 69752 | 112682 | 331809 | 397911 | 199187 | |
MD | 371787 | 651923 | 316873 | 543470 | 1556225 | 1513754 | 679565 | |
MA | 383568 | 701752 | 341713 | 665879 | 1782449 | 1751508 | 871098 | |
MI | 625526 | 1179503 | 585169 | 974480 | 2628322 | 2706100 | 1304322 | |
MN | 358471 | 606802 | 289371 | 507289 | 1416063 | 1391878 | 650519 | |
MS | 220813 | 371502 | 174405 | 305964 | 764203 | 730133 | 371598 | |
MO | 399450 | 690476 | 331543 | 560463 | 1569626 | 1554812 | 805235 | |
MT | 61114 | 106088 | 53156 | 95232 | 236297 | 278241 | 137312 | |
NE | 132092 | 215265 | 99638 | 186657 | 457177 | 451756 | 240847 | |
NV | 199175 | 325650 | 142976 | 212379 | 769913 | 653357 | 296717 | |
NH | 75297 | 144235 | 73826 | 119114 | 345109 | 388250 | 169978 | |
NJ | 557421 | 1011656 | 478505 | 769321 | 2379649 | 2335168 | 1150941 | |
NM | 148323 | 241326 | 112801 | 203097 | 517154 | 501604 | 260051 | |
NY | 1208495 | 2141490 | 1058031 | 1999120 | 5355235 | 5120254 | 2607672 | |
NC | 652823 | 1097890 | 492964 | 883397 | 2575603 | 2380685 | 1139052 | |
ND | 41896 | 67358 | 33794 | 82629 | 154913 | 166615 | 94276 | |
OH | 743750 | 1340492 | 646135 | 1081734 | 3019147 | 3083815 | 1570837 | |
OK | 266547 | 438926 | 200562 | 369916 | 957085 | 918688 | 490637 | |
OR | 243483 | 424167 | 199925 | 338162 | 1044056 | 1036269 | 503998 | |
PA | 737462 | 1345341 | 679201 | 1203944 | 3157759 | 3414001 | 1910571 | |
RI | 60934 | 111408 | 56198 | 114502 | 277779 | 282321 | 147646 | |
SC | 303024 | 517803 | 245400 | 438147 | 1193112 | 1186019 | 596295 | |
SD | 58566 | 94438 | 45305 | 82869 | 196738 | 210178 | 116100 | |
TN | 416334 | 725948 | 336312 | 550612 | 1719433 | 1646623 | 819626 | |
TX | 2027307 | 3277946 | 1420518 | 2454721 | 7017731 | 5656528 | 2472223 | |
UT | 268916 | 413034 | 167685 | 329585 | 772024 | 538978 | 246202 | |
VT | 32635 | 62538 | 33757 | 61679 | 155419 | 188593 | 86649 | |
VA | 522672 | 887525 | 413004 | 768475 | 2203286 | 2033550 | 940577 | |
WA | 433119 | 750274 | 357782 | 610378 | 1850983 | 1762811 | 783877 | |
WV | 105435 | 189649 | 91074 | 157989 | 470749 | 514505 | 285067 | |
WI | 362277 | 640286 | 311849 | 553914 | 1487457 | 1522038 | 750146 | |
WY | 38253 | 60890 | 29314 | 53980 | 137338 | 147279 | 65614 |
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for (i = 1, t = 0; i < columns.length; ++i) t += d[columns[i]] = +d[columns[i]]; | | = t; | |
return d; | |
}, function(error, data) { | |
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Chart looks amazing, could you possibly give a hint as to how to add data labels to each sub bar ?
Thank you so much !!
great work Mike!
I have a question. Consider there is one more dimension say region(north, south,east,west) in the data. How can I add a dropdown on the page and update chart on change in value of region?
Hey Mike,
looks amazing and I really like the code.
Just one question because I like to use it for a project. Is there a chance for drawing a "vertical stroke" to the bars. For example if there would be some average value or something for that state.
Thank you in advance for your answer
Thank you for this chart! I have been using it, and I have been struggling with colors.
I can't seem to find a way to change colors based on data values. I know how to do that for bar chart, but not for stacked bar chart. Any advice would be appreciated!
how would you add a ZoomBehaviour on that graph?
I can't achieve it yet...