#!/usr/bin/env node |
const requireAuth = require('firebase-tools/lib/requireAuth'); |
const api = require('firebase-tools/lib/api'); |
const fs = require('fs-extra'); |
const request = require('request'); |
if (!process.argv[2]) { |
console.error(` |
ERROR: Must supply a site name. Usage: |
node fetchFiles.js <site_name>`); |
process.exit(1); |
} |
const site = process.argv[2]; |
async function getLatestVersionName() { |
const result = await api.request('GET', `/v1beta1/sites/${site}/releases?pageSize=1`, { |
auth: true, |
origin: api.hostingApiOrigin, |
}); |
const release = (result.body.releases || [])[0]; |
if (release) { |
return release.version.name; |
} |
return null; |
} |
const LIST_PAGE_SIZE = 1000; |
async function listFiles(versionName, existing = [], pageToken = null) { |
const result = await api.request('GET', `/v1beta1/${versionName}/files?pageSize=${LIST_PAGE_SIZE}${pageToken ? `&pageToken=${pageToken}` : ''}`, {auth: true, origin: api.hostingApiOrigin}); |
result.body.files.forEach(file => existing.push(file.path)); |
if (result.body.nextPageToken) { |
return await listFiles(versionName, existing, result.body.nextPageToken); |
} |
return existing; |
} |
const MAX_FETCHES = 100; |
(async function() { |
try { |
await requireAuth({}, ['https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform']); |
const v = await getLatestVersionName(); |
const vid = v.split('/')[v.split('/').length - 1]; |
const toFetch = await listFiles(v); |
const dirName = `${site}_${vid}`; |
let fetchesOutstanding = 0; |
let fetchCount = 0; |
function fetch() { |
if (fetchesOutstanding >= MAX_FETCHES) { |
return; |
} else if (toFetch.length === 0) { |
console.log(); |
console.log("Complete. Fetched", fetchCount, "files."); |
return; |
} |
const f = toFetch.shift(); |
console.log('Fetching', f); |
fetchesOutstanding++; |
fetchCount++; |
fs.ensureFileSync(dirName + f); |
const q = request(`https://${site}.firebaseapp.com${f}`) |
const ws = fs.createWriteStream(dirName + f); |
q.pipe(ws); |
ws.on('finish', () => { |
console.log('Fetched ', f); |
fetchesOutstanding--; |
fetch(); |
}); |
} |
fetch(); |
} catch (e) { |
console.error("ERROR:", e.stack); |
process.exit(1); |
} |
})(); |
+1 to this comment; use the project id via
firebase projects:list
ornpx firebase projects:list