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Created November 30, 2012 20:50
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Setting up jekyll

Trying to install Jekyll.

So I hit a little wall where the howtos weren't specific about what needed to be sudo'd and what didn't. The goal is to have a site in Dropbox that compiles with Jekyll for a book-length amount of text in blobby chunks. I'm on MacOS 10.8 on two computers, which is why Dropbox is the base for this project.

THEN the big ah-hah moment came in realizing that Jekyll doesn't install any kind of default folder/file structure. I was thinking it would. Ooooh.

After looking at the list of sites that use Jekyll, I downloaded the zipped source of since I'd met Alex in October and think he's nice.

I unzipped that source into the Dropbox/Projects/JEKYLLTEST folder —

Now to figure out about actually using Jekyll to make files and deploy them. That's another story.

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