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Feature: Calculate Variance
Assumptions, to keep things simple:
- Payroll period aligned with calendar month
- Benefit effective date = initiated date
- No loading on payroll cut-off date
- No other changes during the month that affect the result
- Employee gets a cover by default
- Variance calculation uses calendar months strategy
Given the following benefits:
| Name | Annual fee |
| Life assurance | £360 |
And the payroll cut-off dates are:
| June 2018 | 2018-06-15 |
| July 2018 | 2018-07-15 |
Scenario: Joins on the payroll start date
Given an employee with a benefit effective date of 2018-06-01 with:
| Life assurance |
When the June 2018 payroll report is run
Then the variance for the employee is £0
Scenario: Joins after payroll start date but before payroll cut-off date
Given an employee with a benefit effective date of 2018-06-02 with:
| Life assurance |
When the June payroll report is run
Then the variance for the employee is -£1
Scenario: Joins after payroll cut-off date
Variance of £15 is calulated by:
£1/day x 15 days (from 16th June -> 30th June inclusive)
Given an employee with a benefit effective date of 2018-06-16 with:
| Life assurance |
When the July 2018 payroll report is run
Then the variance for the employee is +£15
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