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Last active September 22, 2021 07:33
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Amazon PAAPI Typings
declare module "amazon-paapi" {
export type AmazonCommonParameters = {
/** Api access key */
AccessKey: string
/** Api secret key */
SecretKey: string
/** Partner ID (eg: yourtag-20) */
PartnerTag?: string
* Marketplace url.
* Default value is US. Note: Host and Region are predetermined based on the marketplace value.
* There is no need for you to add Host and Region as soon as you specify the correct Marketplace value.
* If your region is not US or .com, please make sure you add the correct Marketplace value.
Marketplace: AmazonMarketplace
} & {
/** Default value is Associates. */
PartnerType: 'Associates'
/** Partner ID (eg: yourtag-20) */
PartnerTag: string
export type AmazonMarketplace =
'' | // US (default)
'' | // Australia
'' | // Brazil
'' | // Canada
'' | // Egypt
'' | // France
'' | // Germany
'' | // India
'' | // Italy
'' | // Japan
'' | // Mexico
'' | // Netherlands
'' | // Poland
'' | // Singapore
'' | // Saudi Arabia
'' | // Spain
'' | // Sweden
'' | // Turkey
'' | // United Arab Emirates
'' // United Kingdom
export type AmazonMerchant = "All" | "Amazon"
export type AmazonItemCondition = "Any" | "New" | "Used" | "Collectible" | "Refurbished"
export type AmazonCurrency = "USD" | "EUR" | "GBP" | "AUD" | "BRL" | "CAD" | "EGP" | "INR" | "JPY" | "MXN" | "PLN" | "SGD" | "SAR" | "SEK" | "TRY" | "AED"
export type AmazonAvailability = "Available" | "IncludeOutOfStock"
export type AmazonDeliveryType = "AmazonGlobal" | "FreeShipping" | "FulfilledByAmazon" | "Prime"
export type AmazonSearchSortBy = "AvgCustomerReviews" | "Featured" | "NewestArrivals" | "Price:HighToLow" | "Price:LowToHigh" | "Relevance"
export type BrowseNodesResourceType = "BrowseNodes.Ancestor" | "BrowseNodes.Children"
export type ItemsResourceType =
"BrowseNodeInfo.BrowseNodes" |
"BrowseNodeInfo.BrowseNodes.Ancestor" |
"BrowseNodeInfo.BrowseNodes.SalesRank" |
"BrowseNodeInfo.WebsiteSalesRank" |
"Images.Primary.Small" |
"Images.Primary.Medium" |
"Images.Primary.Large" |
"Images.Variants.Small" |
"Images.Variants.Medium" |
"Images.Variants.Large" |
"ItemInfo.ByLineInfo" |
"ItemInfo.Classifications" |
"ItemInfo.ContentInfo" |
"ItemInfo.ContentRating" |
"ItemInfo.ExternalIds" |
"ItemInfo.Features" |
"ItemInfo.ManufactureInfo" |
"ItemInfo.ProductInfo" |
"ItemInfo.TechnicalInfo" |
"ItemInfo.Title" |
"ItemInfo.TradeInInfo" |
"Offers.Listings.Availability.MaxOrderQuantity" |
"Offers.Listings.Availability.Message" |
"Offers.Listings.Availability.MinOrderQuantity" |
"Offers.Listings.Availability.Type" |
"Offers.Listings.Condition" |
"Offers.Listings.Condition.ConditionNote" |
"Offers.Listings.Condition.SubCondition" |
"Offers.Listings.DeliveryInfo.IsAmazonFulfilled" |
"Offers.Listings.DeliveryInfo.IsFreeShippingEligible" |
"Offers.Listings.DeliveryInfo.IsPrimeEligible" |
"Offers.Listings.IsBuyBoxWinner" |
"Offers.Listings.LoyaltyPoints.Points" |
"Offers.Listings.MerchantInfo" |
"Offers.Listings.Price" |
"Offers.Listings.ProgramEligibility.IsPrimeExclusive" |
"Offers.Listings.ProgramEligibility.IsPrimePantry" |
"Offers.Listings.Promotions" |
"Offers.Listings.SavingBasis" |
"Offers.Summaries.HighestPrice" |
"Offers.Summaries.LowestPrice" |
"Offers.Summaries.OfferCount" |
export type VariationsResourceType = ItemsResourceType | "VariationSummary.Price.HighestPrice" | "VariationSummary.Price.LowestPrice" | "VariationSummary.VariationDimension"
export type SearchItemsResourceType = ItemsResourceType | "SearchRefinements"
export type AmazonSearchIndex =
"All" |
"Apparel" |
"Appliances" |
"Automotive" |
"Baby" |
"Beauty" |
"Books" |
"Computers" |
"DigitalMusic" |
"Electronics" |
"EverythingElse" |
"Fashion" |
"ForeignBooks" |
"GardenAndOutdoor" |
"GiftCards" |
"GroceryAndGourmetFood" |
"Handmade" |
"HealthPersonalCare" |
"HomeAndKitchen" |
"Industrial" |
"Jewelry" |
"KindleStore" |
"Lighting" |
"Luggage" |
"MobileApps" |
"MoviesAndTV" |
"Music" |
"MusicalInstruments" |
"OfficeProducts" |
"PetSupplies" |
"Shoes" |
"Software" |
"SportsAndOutdoors" |
"ToolsAndHomeImprovement" |
"ToysAndGames" |
"VideoGames" |
export type AmazonResponseError = {
__type: string
Code: string
Message: string
export type AmazonBrowseNodesRequestParameters = {
BrowseNodeIds: string[]
LanguagesOfPreference?: string[]
Resources?: BrowseNodesResourceType[]
export type AmazonBrowseNodesResponse = {
BrowseNodesResult: {
BrowseNodes: AmazonBrowseNode[]
export type AmazonBrowseNode = {
Ancestor?: AmazonBrowseNode
Children?: AmazonBrowseNode[]
ContextFreeName: string
DisplayName: string
Id: string
IsRoot?: boolean
export type AmazonItemsRequestParameters = {
ItemIds: string[]
ItemIdType?: "ASIN"
Condition?: AmazonItemCondition
CurrencyOfPreference?: AmazonCurrency
LanguagesOfPreference?: string[]
Merchant?: AmazonMerchant
OfferCount?: number
Resources?: ItemsResourceType[]
export type AmazonItemsResponse = {
Errors?: AmazonResponseError[]
ItemsResult: {
Items: AmazonItem[]
export type AmazonItem = {
ASIN: string
DetailPageURL: string
Images: AmazonItemImages
ItemInfo: AmazonItemInfo
Offers: AmazonItemOffers
ParentASIN?: string
export type AmazonItemInfo = {
Title?: {
DisplayValue: string
Label: string
Locale: string
Features?: {
DisplayValues: string[]
Label: string
Locale: string
export type AmazonItemImages = {
Primary?: AmazonImagesSizes
Variants?: AmazonImagesSizes
export type AmazonImagesSizes = {
Small?: AmazonImageInfo
Medium?: AmazonImageInfo
Large?: AmazonImageInfo
export type AmazonImageInfo = {
Width: number
Height: number
URL: string
export type AmazonItemCondition = {
DisplayValue: string
Label: string
Locale: string
Value: string
SubCondition?: string
ConditionNote?: String
export type AmazonItemAvailability = {
MinOrderQuantity: number
MaxOrderQuantity: number
Message: string
Type: "Now"
export type AmazonItemPrice = {
Amount: number
Currency: AmazonCurrency
DisplayAmount: string
Percentage?: number
PricePerUnit?: number
Savings?: AmazonItemPrice
export type AmazonItemOffers = {
Summaries?: Array<{
Condition?: AmazonItemCondition
HighestPrice?: AmazonItemPrice
LowestPrice?: AmazonItemPrice
OfferCount?: number
Listings?: Array<{
Id: string
Condition?: AmazonItemCondition
IsBuyboxWinner: boolean
Price?: AmazonItemPrice
ViolatesMAP?: boolean
SavingBasis?: AmazonItemPrice
export type AmazonItemProgramEligibility = {
IsPrimeExclusive: boolean
IsPrimePantry: boolean
export type AmazonVariationsRequestParameters = {
ASIN: string
Condition?: AmazonItemCondition
CurrencyOfPreference?: AmazonCurrency
LanguagesOfPreference?: string
Merchant?: AmazonMerchant
OfferCount?: number
VariationCount?: number
VariationPage?: number
export type AmazonVariationsResponse = {
Errors?: AmazonResponseError[]
VariationsResult: {
Items: AmazonVariation[]
export type AmazonVariation = AmazonItem & {
VariationAttributes?: AmazonVariationAttribute[]
VariationSummary?: {
PageCount: number
VariationCount: number
Price?: {
HighestPrice?: AmazonItemPrice
LowestPrice?: AmazonItemPrice
VariationDimensions?: AmazonVariationSummaryDimension[]
export type AmazonVariationAttribute = {
Name: string
Value: string
export type AmazonVariationSummaryDimension = {
DisplayName: string
Name: string
Values: string[]
export type AmazonSearchItemsRequestParameters = {
Actor?: string
Artist?: string
Author?: string
Availability?: AmazonAvailability
Brand?: string
BrowseNodeId?: string
Condition?: AmazonItemCondition
CurrencyOfPreference?: AmazonCurrency
DeliveryFlags?: AmazonDeliveryType
ItemCount?: number
ItemPage?: number
Keywords?: string
LanguagesOfPreference?: string[]
MinPrice?: number
MaxPrice?: number
MinReviewsRating?: number
MinSavingPercent?: number
OfferCount?: number
Properties?: Record<string, string>
Resources?: SearchItemsResourceType
SearchIndex?: AmazonSearchIndex
SortBy?: AmazonSearchSortBy
Title?: string
export type AmazonSearchItemsResponse = {
Errors?: AmazonResponseError[]
VariationsResult: {
Items: AmazonVariation[]
export function GetBrowseNodes(commonParameters: AmazonCommonParameters, requestParameters: AmazonBrowseNodesRequestParameters): Promise<AmazonBrowseNodesResponse>
export function GetItems(commonParameters: AmazonCommonParameters, requestParameters: AmazonItemsRequestParameters): Promise<AmazonItemsResponse>
export function GetVariations(commonParameters: AmazonCommonParameters, requestParameters: AmazonVariationsRequestParameters): Promise<AmazonVariationsResponse>
export function SearchItems(commonParameters: AmazonCommonParameters, requestParameters: AmazonSearchItemsRequestParameters): Promise<AmazonSearchItemsResponse>
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