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Created March 10, 2016 20:08
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  • Save matteyeux/04df80e5368d99a001b7 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save matteyeux/04df80e5368d99a001b7 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Dead simple client.
This allows you to forward ports bound to your Watch's to a random port on your iPhone.
-- qwertyoruiop, 2016
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
/* MobileDevice.h begin */
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#ifndef __GNUC__
#pragma pack
#define __PACK
#define __PACK __attribute__((__packed__))
#if defined(WIN32)
#define __DLLIMPORT [DllImport("iTunesMobileDevice.dll")]
using namespace System::Runtime::InteropServices;
#include <CoreFoundation.h>
typedef unsigned int mach_error_t;
#elif defined(__APPLE__)
#define __DLLIMPORT
#include <CoreFoundation/CoreFoundation.h>
#include <mach/error.h>
typedef void* id;
/* Error codes */
#define MDERR_APPLE_MOBILE (err_system(0x3a))
#define MDERR_IPHONE (err_sub(0))
/* Apple Mobile (AM*) errors */
/* Apple File Connection (AFC*) errors */
/* USBMux errors */
#define MDERR_USBMUX_FAILED 0xffffffff
/* Messages passed to device notification callbacks: passed as part of
* am_device_notification_callback_info. */
#define AMD_IPHONE_PRODUCT_ID 0x1290
//#define AMD_IPHONE_SERIAL ""
/* Services, found in /System/Library/Lockdown/Services.plist */
#define AMSVC_AFC CFSTR("")
#define AMSVC_SYNC CFSTR("")
typedef unsigned int service_conn_t;
typedef unsigned int afc_error_t;
typedef unsigned int usbmux_error_t;
struct am_recovery_device;
struct am_device_notification_callback_info {
struct am_device *dev; /* 0 device */
unsigned int msg; /* 4 one of ADNCI_MSG_* */
struct am_device_notification* subscription;
} __PACK;
/* The type of the device restore notification callback functions.
* TODO: change to correct type. */
typedef void (*am_restore_device_notification_callback)(struct am_recovery_device *);
/* This is a CoreFoundation object of class AMRecoveryModeDevice. */
struct am_recovery_device {
unsigned char unknown0[8]; /* 0 */
am_restore_device_notification_callback callback; /* 8 */
void *user_info; /* 12 */
unsigned char unknown1[12]; /* 16 */
unsigned int readwrite_pipe; /* 28 */
unsigned char read_pipe; /* 32 */
unsigned char write_ctrl_pipe; /* 33 */
unsigned char read_unknown_pipe; /* 34 */
unsigned char write_file_pipe; /* 35 */
unsigned char write_input_pipe; /* 36 */
} __PACK;
/* A CoreFoundation object of class AMRestoreModeDevice. */
struct am_restore_device {
unsigned char unknown[32];
int port;
} __PACK;
/* The type of the device notification callback function. */
typedef void(*am_device_notification_callback)(struct am_device_notification_callback_info *, int cookie);
/* The type of the _AMDDeviceAttached function.
* TODO: change to correct type. */
typedef void *amd_device_attached_callback;
/* Structure that contains internal data used by AMDevice... functions. Never try
* to access its members directly! Use AMDeviceCopyDeviceIdentifier,
* AMDeviceGetConnectionID, AMDeviceRetain, AMDeviceRelease instead. */
struct am_device {
unsigned char unknown0[16]; /* 0 - zero */
unsigned int device_id; /* 16 */
unsigned int product_id; /* 20 - set to AMD_IPHONE_PRODUCT_ID */
char *serial; /* 24 - set to UDID, Unique Device Identifier */
unsigned int unknown1; /* 28 */
unsigned int unknown2; /* 32 - reference counter, increased by AMDeviceRetain, decreased by AMDeviceRelease*/
unsigned int lockdown_conn; /* 36 */
unsigned char unknown3[8]; /* 40 */
#if (__ITUNES_VER > 740)
unsigned int unknown4; /* 48 - used to store CriticalSection Handle*/
#if (__ITUNES_VER >= 800)
unsigned char unknown5[24]; /* 52 */
} __PACK;
struct am_device_notification {
unsigned int unknown0; /* 0 */
unsigned int unknown1; /* 4 */
unsigned int unknown2; /* 8 */
am_device_notification_callback callback; /* 12 */
unsigned int cookie; /* 16 */
} __PACK;
struct afc_connection {
unsigned int handle; /* 0 */
unsigned int unknown0; /* 4 */
unsigned char unknown1; /* 8 */
unsigned char padding[3]; /* 9 */
unsigned int unknown2; /* 12 */
unsigned int unknown3; /* 16 */
unsigned int unknown4; /* 20 */
unsigned int fs_block_size; /* 24 */
unsigned int sock_block_size; /* 28: always 0x3c */
unsigned int io_timeout; /* 32: from AFCConnectionOpen, usu. 0 */
void *afc_lock; /* 36 */
unsigned int context; /* 40 */
} __PACK;
struct afc_device_info {
unsigned char unknown[12]; /* 0 */
} __PACK;
struct afc_directory {
unsigned char unknown[0]; /* size unknown */
} __PACK;
struct afc_dictionary {
unsigned char unknown[0]; /* size unknown */
} __PACK;
typedef unsigned long long afc_file_ref;
struct usbmux_listener_1 { /* offset value in iTunes */
unsigned int unknown0; /* 0 1 */
unsigned char *unknown1; /* 4 ptr, maybe device? */
amd_device_attached_callback callback; /* 8 _AMDDeviceAttached */
unsigned int unknown3; /* 12 */
unsigned int unknown4; /* 16 */
unsigned int unknown5; /* 20 */
} __PACK;
struct usbmux_listener_2 {
unsigned char unknown0[4144];
} __PACK;
struct am_bootloader_control_packet {
unsigned char opcode; /* 0 */
unsigned char length; /* 1 */
unsigned char magic[2]; /* 2: 0x34, 0x12 */
unsigned char payload[0]; /* 4 */
} __PACK;
struct amd_service_connection {
uint8_t unknown[16];
uint32_t socket; /* 16 */
uint32_t unknown2; /* 20, = 0 */
void *secureIOContext; /* 24 */
uint32_t flags; /* 32, = 0x101 */
uint32_t deviceConnectionID; /* 36 */
const char serviceName[128];
} __PACK; //168 bytes
typedef struct am_device* AMDeviceRef;
typedef struct am_device_notification* AMDeviceNotificationRef;
typedef struct am_recovery_device* AMRecoveryDeviceRef;
typedef struct am_restore_device* AMRestoreDeviceRef;
typedef struct amd_service_connection* AMDServiceConnectionRef; /* TODO: structure amd_service_connection */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Public routines
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Registers a notification with the current run loop. The callback gets
* copied into the notification struct, as well as being registered with the
* current run loop. Cookie gets copied into cookie in the same.
* (Cookie is a user info parameter that gets passed as an arg to
* the callback) unused0 and unused1 are both 0 when iTunes calls this.
* Never try to acces directly or copy contents of dev and subscription fields
* in am_device_notification_callback_info. Treat them as abstract handles.
* When done with connection use AMDeviceRelease to free resources allocated for am_device.
* Returns:
* MDERR_OK if successful
* MDERR_SYSCALL if CFRunLoopAddSource() failed
* MDERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY if we ran out of memory
__DLLIMPORT mach_error_t AMDeviceNotificationSubscribe(am_device_notification_callback callback,
unsigned int unused0, unsigned int unused1,
unsigned int cookie,
struct am_device_notification **subscription);
/* Unregisters notifications. Buggy (iTunes 8.2): if you subscribe, unsubscribe and subscribe again, arriving
notifications will contain cookie and subscription from 1st call to subscribe, not the 2nd one. iTunes
calls this function only once on exit.
__DLLIMPORT mach_error_t AMDeviceNotificationUnsubscribe(struct am_device_notification* subscription);
/* Returns device_id field of am_device structure
__DLLIMPORT unsigned int AMDeviceGetConnectionID(struct am_device *device);
/* Returns serial field of am_device structure
__DLLIMPORT CFStringRef AMDeviceCopyDeviceIdentifier(struct am_device *device);
/* Connects to the iPhone. Pass in the am_device structure that the
* notification callback will give to you.
* Returns:
* MDERR_OK if successfully connected
* MDERR_SYSCALL if setsockopt() failed
* MDERR_QUERY_FAILED if the daemon query failed
* MDERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT if USBMuxConnectByPort returned 0xffffffff
__DLLIMPORT mach_error_t AMDeviceConnect(struct am_device *device);
/* Calls PairingRecordPath() on the given device, than tests whether the path
* which that function returns exists. During the initial connect, the path
* returned by that function is '/', and so this returns 1.
* Returns:
* 0 if the path did not exist
* 1 if it did
__DLLIMPORT mach_error_t AMDeviceIsPaired(struct am_device *device);
__DLLIMPORT mach_error_t AMDevicePair(struct am_device *device);
/* iTunes calls this function immediately after testing whether the device is
* paired. It creates a pairing file and establishes a Lockdown connection.
* Returns:
* MDERR_OK if successful
* MDERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT if the supplied device is null
* MDERR_DICT_NOT_LOADED if the load_dict() call failed
__DLLIMPORT mach_error_t AMDeviceValidatePairing(struct am_device *device);
/* Creates a Lockdown session and adjusts the device structure appropriately
* to indicate that the session has been started. iTunes calls this function
* after validating pairing.
* Returns:
* MDERR_OK if successful
* MDERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT if the Lockdown conn has not been established
* MDERR_DICT_NOT_LOADED if the load_dict() call failed
__DLLIMPORT mach_error_t AMDeviceStartSession(struct am_device *device);
/* Reads various device settings. One of domain or cfstring arguments should be NULL.
* ActivationPublicKey
* ActivationState
* ActivationStateAcknowledged
* ActivityURL
* BasebandBootloaderVersion
* BasebandSerialNumber
* BasebandStatus
* BasebandVersion
* BluetoothAddress
* BuildVersion
* CPUArchitecture
* DeviceCertificate
* DeviceClass
* DeviceColor
* DeviceName
* DevicePublicKey
* DieID
* FirmwareVersion
* HardwareModel
* HardwarePlatform
* HostAttached
* IMLockdownEverRegisteredKey
* IntegratedCircuitCardIdentity
* InternationalMobileEquipmentIdentity
* InternationalMobileSubscriberIdentity
* iTunesHasConnected
* MLBSerialNumber
* MobileSubscriberCountryCode
* MobileSubscriberNetworkCode
* ModelNumber
* PartitionType
* PasswordProtected
* PhoneNumber
* ProductionSOC
* ProductType
* ProductVersion
* ProtocolVersion
* ProximitySensorCalibration
* RegionInfo
* SBLockdownEverRegisteredKey
* SerialNumber
* SIMStatus
* SoftwareBehavior
* SoftwareBundleVersion
* SupportedDeviceFamilies
* TelephonyCapability
* TimeIntervalSince1970
* TimeZone
* TimeZoneOffsetFromUTC
* TrustedHostAttached
* UniqueChipID
* UniqueDeviceID
* UseActivityURL
* UseRaptorCerts
* Uses24HourClock
* WeDelivered
* WiFiAddress
* // Updated by DiAifU 14.10.2010 for iOS5 and iTunes 5.0
* Possible values for domain:
__DLLIMPORT id AMDeviceCopyValue(struct am_device *device, CFStringRef domain, CFStringRef cfstring);
/* Starts a service and returns a socket file descriptor that can be used in order to further
* access the service. You should stop the session and disconnect before using
* the service. iTunes calls this function after starting a session. It starts
* the service and the SSL connection. service_name should be one of the AMSVC_*
* constants.
* Returns:
* MDERR_OK if successful
* MDERR_SYSCALL if the setsockopt() call failed
* MDERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT if the Lockdown conn has not been established
__DLLIMPORT mach_error_t AMDeviceStartService(struct am_device *device, CFStringRef
service_name, service_conn_t *socket_fd);
/* Stops a session. You should do this before accessing services.
* Returns:
* MDERR_OK if successful
* MDERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT if the Lockdown conn has not been established
__DLLIMPORT mach_error_t AMDeviceStopSession(struct am_device *device);
/* Decrements reference counter and, if nothing left, releases resources hold
* by connection, invalidates pointer to device
__DLLIMPORT void AMDeviceRelease(struct am_device *device);
/* Increments reference counter
__DLLIMPORT void AMDeviceRetain(struct am_device *device);
/* Opens an Apple File Connection. You must start the appropriate service
* first with AMDeviceStartService(). In iTunes, io_timeout is 0.
* Returns:
* MDERR_OK if successful
* MDERR_AFC_OUT_OF_MEMORY if malloc() failed
__DLLIMPORT afc_error_t AFCConnectionOpen(int socket_fd, unsigned int io_timeout,
struct afc_connection **conn);
* Copy an enviromental variable value from iBoot
__DLLIMPORT CFStringRef AMRecoveryModeCopyEnvironmentVariable(struct am_recovery_device *rdev, CFStringRef var);
* serviceName shall be one of AMSVC_ strings. optionsDictionary can be NULL.
* serviceConnection will contain a pointer to a AMDServiceConnection class instance.
__DLLIMPORT mach_error_t AMDeviceSecureStartService(AMDeviceRef device, CFStringRef serviceName, CFDictionaryRef optionsDictionary, AMDServiceConnectionRef *serviceConnection);
* Sends/Receives a message (plist) to a Lockdown service. Pass in a pointer to
* an CoreFoundation object with CFPropertyList compatible type (CFString, CFArray, etc.).
* Returns number of sent/received bytes.
__DLLIMPORT uint64_t AMDServiceConnectionSendMessage(AMDServiceConnectionRef serviceConnection, CFPropertyListRef message, CFPropertyListFormat format);
__DLLIMPORT uint64_t AMDServiceConnectionReceiveMessage(AMDServiceConnectionRef serviceConnection, CFPropertyListRef message, CFPropertyListFormat *format);
* Same as previous two, but sends/receives raw data.
__DLLIMPORT uint64_t AMDServiceConnectionSend(AMDServiceConnectionRef serviceConnection, const void *message, size_t length);
__DLLIMPORT uint64_t AMDServiceConnectionReceive(AMDServiceConnectionRef serviceConnection, void *buffer, size_t size);
* Invalidates a service connection.
__DLLIMPORT void AMDServiceConnectionInvalidate(AMDServiceConnectionRef serviceConnection);
* AMDServiceConnection class type ID.
CFTypeID AMDServiceConnectionGetTypeID(void);
* Returns a pointer to a CFArray containing a list of currently attached devices.
__DLLIMPORT CFArrayRef AMDCreateDeviceList(void);
/* Pass in a pointer to an afc_dictionary structure. It will be filled. You can
* iterate it using AFCKeyValueRead. When done use AFCKeyValueClose. Possible keys:
* FSFreeBytes - free bytes on system device for afc2, user device for afc
* FSBlockSize - filesystem block size
* FSTotalBytes - size of device
* Model - iPhone1,1 etc.
__DLLIMPORT afc_error_t AFCDeviceInfoOpen(struct afc_connection *conn, struct
afc_dictionary **info);
/* Turns debug mode on if the environment variable AFCDEBUG is set to a numeric
* value, or if the file '/AFCDEBUG' is present and contains a value. */
#if defined(__APPLE__)
void AFCPlatformInitialize();
/* Opens a directory on the iPhone. Pass in a pointer in dir to be filled in.
* Note that this normally only accesses the iTunes sandbox/partition as the
* root, which is /var/root/Media. Pathnames are specified with '/' delimiters
* as in Unix style. Use UTF-8 to specify non-ASCII symbols in path.
* Returns:
* MDERR_OK if successful
__DLLIMPORT afc_error_t AFCDirectoryOpen(struct afc_connection *conn, char *path, struct
afc_directory **dir);
/* Acquires the next entry in a directory previously opened with
* AFCDirectoryOpen(). When dirent is filled with a NULL value, then the end
* of the directory has been reached. '.' and '..' will be returned as the
* first two entries in each directory except the root; you may want to skip
* over them.
* Returns:
* MDERR_OK if successful, even if no entries remain
__DLLIMPORT afc_error_t AFCDirectoryRead(struct afc_connection *conn, struct afc_directory *dir,
char **dirent);
__DLLIMPORT afc_error_t AFCDirectoryClose(struct afc_connection *conn, struct afc_directory *dir);
__DLLIMPORT afc_error_t AFCDirectoryCreate(struct afc_connection *conn, char *dirname);
__DLLIMPORT afc_error_t AFCRemovePath(struct afc_connection *conn, char *dirname);
__DLLIMPORT afc_error_t AFCRenamePath(struct afc_connection *conn, char *oldpath, char *newpath);
#if (__ITUNES_VER >= 800)
/* Creates symbolic or hard link
* linktype - int64: 1 means hard link, 2 - soft (symbolic) link
* target - absolute or relative path to link target
* linkname - absolute path where to create new link
__DLLIMPORT afc_error_t AFCLinkPath(struct afc_connection *conn, long long int linktype, const char *target,
const char *linkname);
/* Opens file for reading or writing without locking it in any way. afc_file_ref should not be shared between threads -
* opening file in one thread and closing it in another will lead to possible crash.
* path - UTF-8 encoded absolute path to file
* mode 2 = read, mode 3 = write; unknown = 0
* ref - receives file handle
__DLLIMPORT afc_error_t AFCFileRefOpen(struct afc_connection *conn, char *path, unsigned
long long int mode, afc_file_ref *ref);
/* Reads specified amount (len) of bytes from file into buf. Puts actual count of read bytes into len on return
__DLLIMPORT afc_error_t AFCFileRefRead(struct afc_connection *conn, afc_file_ref ref,
void *buf, unsigned int *len);
/* Writes specified amount (len) of bytes from buf into file.
__DLLIMPORT afc_error_t AFCFileRefWrite(struct afc_connection *conn, afc_file_ref ref,
void *buf, unsigned int len);
/* Moves the file pointer to a specified location.
* offset - Number of bytes from origin (int64)
* origin - 0 = from beginning, 1 = from current position, 2 = from end
__DLLIMPORT afc_error_t AFCFileRefSeek(struct afc_connection *conn, afc_file_ref ref,
unsigned long long offset, int origin, int unused);
/* Gets the current position of a file pointer into offset argument.
__DLLIMPORT afc_error_t AFCFileRefTell(struct afc_connection *conn, afc_file_ref ref,
unsigned long long* offset);
/* Truncates a file at the specified offset.
__DLLIMPORT afc_error_t AFCFileRefSetFileSize(struct afc_connection *conn, afc_file_ref ref,
unsigned long long offset);
__DLLIMPORT afc_error_t AFCFileRefLock(struct afc_connection *conn, afc_file_ref ref);
__DLLIMPORT afc_error_t AFCFileRefUnlock(struct afc_connection *conn, afc_file_ref ref);
__DLLIMPORT afc_error_t AFCFileRefClose(struct afc_connection *conn, afc_file_ref ref);
/* Opens dictionary describing specified file or directory (iTunes below 8.2 allowed using AFCGetFileInfo
to get the same information)
__DLLIMPORT afc_error_t AFCFileInfoOpen(struct afc_connection *conn, char *path, struct
afc_dictionary **info);
/* Reads next entry from dictionary. When last entry is read, function returns NULL in key argument
Possible keys:
"st_size": val - size in bytes
"st_blocks": val - size in blocks
"st_nlink": val - number of hardlinks
"st_ifmt": val - "S_IFDIR" for folders
"S_IFLNK" for symlinks
"LinkTarget": val - path to symlink target
__DLLIMPORT afc_error_t AFCKeyValueRead(struct afc_dictionary *dict, char **key, char **
/* Closes dictionary
__DLLIMPORT afc_error_t AFCKeyValueClose(struct afc_dictionary *dict);
/* Returns the context field of the given AFC connection. */
__DLLIMPORT unsigned int AFCConnectionGetContext(struct afc_connection *conn);
/* Returns the fs_block_size field of the given AFC connection. */
__DLLIMPORT unsigned int AFCConnectionGetFSBlockSize(struct afc_connection *conn);
/* Returns the io_timeout field of the given AFC connection. In iTunes this is
* 0. */
__DLLIMPORT unsigned int AFCConnectionGetIOTimeout(struct afc_connection *conn);
/* Returns the sock_block_size field of the given AFC connection. */
__DLLIMPORT unsigned int AFCConnectionGetSocketBlockSize(struct afc_connection *conn);
/* Closes the given AFC connection. */
__DLLIMPORT afc_error_t AFCConnectionClose(struct afc_connection *conn);
/* Registers for device notifications related to the restore process. unknown0
* is zero when iTunes calls this. In iTunes,
* the callbacks are located at:
* 1: $3ac68e-$3ac6b1, calls $3ac542(unknown1, arg, 0)
* 2: $3ac66a-$3ac68d, calls $3ac542(unknown1, 0, arg)
* 3: $3ac762-$3ac785, calls $3ac6b2(unknown1, arg, 0)
* 4: $3ac73e-$3ac761, calls $3ac6b2(unknown1, 0, arg)
__DLLIMPORT unsigned int AMRestoreRegisterForDeviceNotifications(
am_restore_device_notification_callback dfu_connect_callback,
am_restore_device_notification_callback recovery_connect_callback,
am_restore_device_notification_callback dfu_disconnect_callback,
am_restore_device_notification_callback recovery_disconnect_callback,
unsigned int unknown0,
void *user_info);
/* Causes the restore functions to spit out (unhelpful) progress messages to
* the file specified by the given path. iTunes always calls this right before
* restoring with a path of
* "$HOME/Library/Logs/iPhone Updater Logs/iPhoneUpdater X.log", where X is an
* unused number.
__DLLIMPORT unsigned int AMRestoreEnableFileLogging(char *path);
/* Initializes a new option dictionary to default values. Pass the constant
* kCFAllocatorDefault as the allocator. The option dictionary looks as
* follows:
* {
* NORImageType => 'production',
* AutoBootDelay => 0,
* KernelCacheType => 'Release',
* UpdateBaseband => true,
* DFUFileType => 'RELEASE',
* SystemImageType => 'User',
* CreateFilesystemPartitions => true,
* FlashNOR => true,
* RestoreBootArgs => 'rd=md0 nand-enable-reformat=1 -progress'
* BootImageType => 'User'
* }
* Returns:
* the option dictionary if successful
* NULL if out of memory
__DLLIMPORT CFMutableDictionaryRef AMRestoreCreateDefaultOptions(CFAllocatorRef allocator);
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Less-documented public routines
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
__DLLIMPORT unsigned int AMRestorePerformRecoveryModeRestore(struct am_recovery_device *
rdev, CFDictionaryRef opts, void *callback, void *user_info);
__DLLIMPORT unsigned int AMRestorePerformRestoreModeRestore(struct am_restore_device *
rdev, CFDictionaryRef opts, void *callback, void *user_info);
__DLLIMPORT struct am_restore_device *AMRestoreModeDeviceCreate(unsigned int unknown0,
unsigned int connection_id, unsigned int unknown1);
__DLLIMPORT unsigned int AMRestoreCreatePathsForBundle(CFStringRef restore_bundle_path,
CFStringRef kernel_cache_type, CFStringRef boot_image_type, unsigned int
unknown0, CFStringRef *firmware_dir_path, CFStringRef *
kernelcache_restore_path, unsigned int unknown1, CFStringRef *
__DLLIMPORT unsigned int AMRestoreModeDeviceReboot(struct am_restore_device *rdev); // Added by JB 30.07.2008
__DLLIMPORT mach_error_t AMDeviceEnterRecovery(struct am_device *device);
__DLLIMPORT mach_error_t AMDeviceDisconnect(struct am_device *device);
/* to use this, start the service "", handle will be the socket to use */
typedef void (*notify_callback)(CFStringRef notification, void* data);
__DLLIMPORT mach_error_t AMDPostNotification(service_conn_t socket, CFStringRef notification, CFStringRef userinfo);
__DLLIMPORT mach_error_t AMDObserveNotification(service_conn_t socket, CFStringRef notification);
__DLLIMPORT mach_error_t AMDListenForNotifications(service_conn_t socket, notify_callback cb, void* data);
__DLLIMPORT mach_error_t AMDShutdownNotificationProxy(service_conn_t socket);
/*edits by geohot*/
__DLLIMPORT mach_error_t AMDeviceDeactivate(struct am_device *device);
__DLLIMPORT mach_error_t AMDeviceActivate(struct am_device *device, CFDictionaryRef dict);
__DLLIMPORT mach_error_t AMDeviceRemoveValue(struct am_device *device, unsigned int, CFStringRef cfstring);
/* additional functions by imkira
* it looks like unknown0 is actually a AMServiceConnection, but it can be NULL */
int AMDeviceSecureTransferPath(int unknown0, struct am_device *device, CFURLRef url,
CFDictionaryRef options, void *callback, int callback_arg);
int AMDeviceSecureInstallApplication(int unknown0, struct am_device *device, CFURLRef url,
CFDictionaryRef options, void *callback, int callback_arg);
int AMDeviceSecureUninstallApplication(int unknown0, struct am_device *device, CFStringRef bundle_id,
int unknown1, void *callback, int callback_arg);
int AMDeviceLookupApplications(struct am_device *device, int unknown0, CFDictionaryRef* apps);
/* obtained from */
int USBMuxConnectByPort(int connectionID, int iPhone_port_network_byte_order, int* outHandle);
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Semi-private routines
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Pass in a usbmux_listener_1 structure and a usbmux_listener_2 structure
* pointer, which will be filled with the resulting usbmux_listener_2.
* Returns:
* MDERR_OK if completed successfully
* MDERR_USBMUX_ARG_NULL if one of the arguments was NULL
* MDERR_USBMUX_FAILED if the listener was not created successfully
__DLLIMPORT usbmux_error_t USBMuxListenerCreate(struct usbmux_listener_1 *esi_fp8, struct
usbmux_listener_2 **eax_fp12);
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Less-documented semi-private routines
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
__DLLIMPORT usbmux_error_t USBMuxListenerHandleData(void *);
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Private routines - here be dragons
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* AMRestorePerformRestoreModeRestore() calls this function with a dictionary
* in order to perform certain special restore operations
* (RESTORED_OPERATION_*). It is thought that this function might enable
* significant access to the phone. */
typedef unsigned int (*t_performOperation)(struct am_restore_device *rdev,
CFDictionaryRef op) __attribute__ ((regparm(2)));
t_performOperation _performOperation = (t_performOperation)0x3c39fa4b;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Less-documented private routines
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
typedef int (*t_socketForPort)(struct am_restore_device *rdev, unsigned int port)
__attribute__ ((regparm(2)));
t_socketForPort _socketForPort = (t_socketForPort)(void *)0x3c39f36c;
typedef void (*t_restored_send_message)(int port, CFDictionaryRef msg);
t_restored_send_message _restored_send_message = (t_restored_send_message)0x3c3a4e40;
typedef CFDictionaryRef (*t_restored_receive_message)(int port);
t_restored_receive_message _restored_receive_message = (t_restored_receive_message)0x3c3a4d40;
typedef unsigned int (*t_sendControlPacket)(struct am_recovery_device *rdev, unsigned
int msg1, unsigned int msg2, unsigned int unknown0, unsigned int *unknown1,
unsigned char *unknown2) __attribute__ ((regparm(3)));
t_sendControlPacket _sendControlPacket = (t_sendControlPacket)0x3c3a3da3;;
typedef unsigned int (*t_sendCommandToDevice)(struct am_recovery_device *rdev,
CFStringRef cmd) __attribute__ ((regparm(2)));
t_sendCommandToDevice _sendCommandToDevice = (t_sendCommandToDevice)0x3c3a3e3b;
typedef unsigned int (*t_AMRUSBInterfaceReadPipe)(unsigned int readwrite_pipe, unsigned
int read_pipe, unsigned char *data, unsigned int *len);
t_AMRUSBInterfaceReadPipe _AMRUSBInterfaceReadPipe = (t_AMRUSBInterfaceReadPipe)0x3c3a27e8;
typedef unsigned int (*t_AMRUSBInterfaceWritePipe)(unsigned int readwrite_pipe, unsigned
int write_pipe, void *data, unsigned int len);
t_AMRUSBInterfaceWritePipe _AMRUSBInterfaceWritePipe = (t_AMRUSBInterfaceWritePipe)0x3c3a27cb;
int performOperation(struct am_restore_device *rdev, CFMutableDictionaryRef message);
int socketForPort(struct am_restore_device *rdev, unsigned int portnum);
int sendCommandToDevice(struct am_recovery_device *rdev, CFStringRef cfs, int block);
int sendFileToDevice(struct am_recovery_device *rdev, CFStringRef filename);
#ifdef __cplusplus
/* -*- mode:c; indent-tabs-mode:nil; c-basic-offset:2; tab-width:2; */
/* MobileDevice.h end*/
AMDeviceNotificationRef notification;
AMDeviceRef device;
static unsigned short pt = 0;
void device_notification_callback(struct am_device_notification_callback_info *info, int cookie) {
switch (info->msg) {
if (!device) {
if (AMDeviceConnect(info->dev) == MDERR_OK) {
device = info->dev;
CFShow(CFStringCreateWithFormat(CFAllocatorGetDefault(), NULL, CFSTR("\e[1A[+] Device connected: %@, iOS %@."), AMDeviceCopyValue(device, NULL, CFSTR("ProductType")), AMDeviceCopyValue(device, NULL, CFSTR("ProductVersion"))));
mach_error_t ret = 0;
AMDServiceConnectionRef serviceConnection = NULL;
ret = AMDeviceSecureStartService(device, AMSVC_CPROXY, NULL, &serviceConnection);
if (ret != MDERR_OK || !serviceConnection) {
puts("[!] cannot connect");
else {
uint32_t commandConfirmationBuffer = 0;
NSDictionary* comm = @{
@"Command" :@"StartForwardingServicePort",
@"ForwardedServiceName" :@"",
@"GizmoRemotePortNumber" :[NSNumber numberWithUnsignedShort: pt],
@"IsServiceLowPriority" :@0,
AMDServiceConnectionSendMessage(serviceConnection, comm, kCFPropertyListXMLFormat_v1_0);
CFDictionaryRef response;
int format;
AMDServiceConnectionReceiveMessage(serviceConnection, &response, (CFPropertyListFormat*)&format);
NSLog(@"Relaying port %d (watch) -> %@ (iPhone); you may further use iproxy here to tunnel it from your phone to your computer via USB", pt, ((NSDictionary*)response)[@"CompanionProxyServicePort"]);
} else
puts("[!] Connection error. Please reconnect your device.");
if (info->dev == device) {
puts("[*] Device disconnected.");
puts("[-] Unsubscribed from device connection notifications.\n Please restart the program.");
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
if (argc != 2) {
printf("\ncompanion_proxy client\nqwertyoruiop 2016\nusage: %s [watch port]\n", argv[0]);
return -1;
pt = atoi(argv[1]);
mach_error_t ret = MDERR_OK;
ret = AMDeviceNotificationSubscribe(&device_notification_callback, 0, 0, 0, &notification);
if (ret == MDERR_OK) {
puts("[*] Waiting for device.");
} else
puts("[-] Failed to subscribe for device connection notifications.");
return 0;
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