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Last active July 2, 2024 14:30
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high quality deterministic PRNG in WebGPU & WGSL (xorshift128) - MIT licensed
// each pixel is assigned 4 random u32 values per frame
@group(0) @binding(1)
var<storage, read> rnd_state: array<u32>;
// the current state within this pixel
var<private> local_rnd_state:vec4u;
fn random_u32(state:ptr<private,vec4u>) -> u32 {
var st:vec4u = *state;
/* Algorithm "xor128" from p. 5 of Marsaglia, "Xorshift RNGs" */
// Load the state from the storage buffer
var t: u32 = st.w;
var s: u32 = st.x;
t ^= t << 11;
t ^= t >> 8;
var x:u32 = t ^ s ^ (s >> 19);
*state = vec4u(
x, s, st.y, st.z
return x;
fn random() -> f32 {
return f32(random_u32(&local_rnd_state)) / 0x100000000;
fn my_main () {
var idx:u32 = /* index of this pixel into your rnd_state buffer */;
// each pixel is assigned its own set of 4 random u32 for xorshift
// then this is stored in a local private space, so that each time
// random() is called, state will be shifted forward with xorshift
local_rnd_state = vec4u(
rnd_state[idx * 4 + 0],
rnd_state[idx * 4 + 1],
rnd_state[idx * 4 + 2],
rnd_state[idx * 4 + 3]
// now you are ready to call random() as many times as you like!
out_color = vec4(
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